Adonis Skandalis

Associate Professor, Biological Sciences

Office: Mackenzie Chown F 231
905 688 5550 x3399

  • Mutagenic processes of genetic information that contribute to aging and disease.
  • Protein structure and function studies of enzymes involved in nucleic acid replication, processing, or repair.

The major focus of my research has been the elucidation of mutagenic pathways that corrupt genetic information as it is being transmitted either by DNA replication or by transcription and protein synthesis. Research projects currently underway in my lab include:

1. Investigations of the spontaneous fidelity of mRNA splicing in humans and how it varies with age or disease.

2. Investigations of cell defense pathways against aberrant transcripts.

3. Survey of aberrant splicing using DNA microarray technology.

4. Directed evolution investigation to elucidate the structure-function relationships of enzymes involved in the metabolism of DNA and RNA, such as replication, repair, and splicing.


  1. A. Skandalis, P.J.Ninniss, D. McCormac, and L. Newton. 2002. Spontaneous frequency of exon skipping in the human HPRT gene. Mutation Research. In Press
  2. Skandalis A and LA Loeb. 2001. Enzymatic properties of rat DNA polymerase beta mutants obtained by randomized mutagenesis. Nucleic Acids Research 29:2418-2426.
  3. Nadon, R., P Shi, A Skandalis, E Woody, H Hubschle, E Susko, N Rghei, and P Ramm. 2001. Statistical inference methods for gene expression arrays. Proceedings of BIOS 2001 International Biomedical Optics Symposium. San Jose, CA. 4266:46-55