Christopher Alcantara — A Quiet Evolution: Exploring the Emergence of Indigenous-Local Intergovernmental Partnerships in Canada

Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Paza 600F

One of the most pressing and important issues in Canadian politics today is the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the Crown. While most commentators and academics have tended to focus on the federal and provincial levels, Indigenous and local governments have been quietly establishing a variety of productive and mutually beneficial relationships. Many of these relationships have in turn generated formal and informal partnerships that address communication protocols and safe spaces for intergovernmental dialogue, co-management bodies to administer green spaces and recreation facilities, and other mechanisms for coordination and collaboration. In this presentation, Christoper Alcantara provides an overview of some of the findings from a forthcoming book co-authored with Dr. Jen Nelles and which is to be published by University of Toronto Press in Fall 2016.

Christopher Alcantara is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Western University in London, Ontario. Much of Dr. Alcantara’s research examines the roots of collective action and intergovernmental cooperation in Canada, especially between Indigenous communities and the other three levels government (e.g. federal, provincial/territorial and municipal). He is the author of “Negotiating the Deal: Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements in Canada” (Published by University of Toronto Press, 2013) and co-author of “Beyond the Indian Act: Restoring Aboriginal Property Rights” (Published by McGill-Queen’s University Press in 2010). His research has also appeared in a variety of scholarly journals, including the Canadian Journal of Political Science, Publius, Canadian Public Administration, Regional and Federal Studies, and Canadian Public Policy.

For further information, please contact Zachary Spicer.

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