Each year, Political Science students elect individuals to represent them. Representatives attend departmental meetings and serve on committees dealing with issues like curriculum and hiring. It’s a great way to help the department and your fellow students. You will learn a lot and it will look impressive on your resume!
Contact [email protected] for more information.
2021/22 representatives
Year 1
Nabiha Ghafoor
My name is Nabiha Ghafoor and I am a first-year Political Science student, minoring in Economics, and part of the level 1 Law Plus cohort. I am incredibly grateful to be given the opportunity to represent the first year Political Science students for this school year. I believe it is an honour to be able to advocate on behalf of students’ concerns, and gain insight on department matters. I am optimistic about collaborating with students, representatives and the department in efforts to increase the academic success of all Political Science students!
Email: [email protected]

Year 2
My name is Makenzie Tavares and I am a second-year political science major, minoring in Indigenous studies. I am honoured to be representing the second year political science students at Brock for the 2021-2022 year! I believe it is important, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic for students to have their voices heard and represented. I am excited to work alongside the department and other representatives to provide political science students the best possible experience!
Email: [email protected]
Year 3
Robyn Cumiskey
My name is Robyn Cumiskey and I am a third-year political science student with a concentration in Public Law and a minor in Sociology. I’m very appreciative of the chance to be this year’s third year representative, as it’s a great opportunity for learning and to gain insight into how the department functions. I look forward to being an advocate for the students’ perspectives on department matters, and the opportunities this position presents!
Email: [email protected]

Year 4
Victoria Goertz-Unger
My name is Victoria Goertz-Unger and I am a fourth-year Political Science major, Indigenous Studies minor, undergraduate student. I believe that representation is an important mechanism of fairness and growth. Because of this, I am excited to be the fourth-year representative this year and I would love to hear my fellow students’ concerns and ideas. Brock is going through many changes due the current pandemic’s effect on academia, and of course this means that there are many new challenges we’re facing. I would be honoured to help fellow students navigate any academic concerns they have. Your student representatives are advocates for you – in the past your representatives have aided fellow students in situations such as unfair grading and professionalism of staff members.
Email: [email protected]
To my fellow fourth year students, thank you for this opportunity! Please do contact me to talk about how we can work together.
Jessica Beaupre
My name is Jessica Beaupre and I am the graduate representative for political science. I did my undergraduate degree here at Brock and I had such a positive experience I came back for my Masters. I was involved in student government in my undergrad and so I wanted to take the opportunity to represent my classmates in a new way. I am thrilled to be representing my fellow graduate students this year.
Email: [email protected]