New edited book honours Prof. Tom Farrell’s decades of work on Teacher Reflection

Teacher Reflection: Policies, Practices and Impacts
Edited by: Zia Tajeddin, Atsuko Watanabe
ISBN: 9781788921022; Published:26th Aug 2022; Publisher: Multilingual Matters

This edited book has been compiled in honor of Thomas S.C. Farrell, one of the most distinguished scholars in theorizing and researching language teacher reflection. It examines teacher reflection in three main areas: policies, practices and the impact of teacher reflection on teachers’ practices and professional development. The data-driven chapters shed light on concerns and challenges experienced by teachers in diverse international contexts and institutions,and discuss the practical implications of their findings across a variety of policy settings. The book addresses aspects of reflective practice including macro and micro policies and constraints, as well as opportunities in the engagement of reflective practice. In addition, it explores teachers’ identity, cognition, emotion and motivation, areas which are relevant but often not discussed in the literature on reflective practice.

Tajeddin and Watanabe’s excellent volume recognises the contribution over several decades of Thomas S.C. Farrell’s work. It points the study of reflective practice and associated approaches on teacher reflection in important new directions, encompassing not only theoretical and practical concepts, but also new empirical research. It creates a timely and significant resource not only for researchers but also for policymakers, teacher educators and teachers.

Anne Burns, Curtin University and University of New South Wales, Australia