Donna Akrey and Yvette Poorter are a collaborative duo that have been making/continue to make work together when they can since the 1990s (or since they jumped off a cliff into Muskoka water at age 17). Their work is multi-media and often involves easily found and/or scavenged materials. They are interested in getting lost while realizing the rarity of such a thing. So they make work to get lost in. Poorter and Akrey have been collecting stories and images from people who have a dead dad. They use these snippets of other people’s memories, as fuel to create a morphing landscape installation. Yes, the exhibition is about dads—dead dads at that—but it is also a rumination on memory and the size and viscosity of memory. A vague longing.
Visa Instructor exhibition: DEAD DAD Donna Akrey & Yvette Poorter.