
Chemical and gene Biotechnology are the two main areas of research in the Centre for Biotechnology. The research interests of the participating faculty members are listed below with links to their websites with more information

  • J. Atkinson
    Organic Chemistry; Vitamin E Biochemistry; Lipid bioconjugates and reactive probes, Lipid transfer proteins, Protein-membrane interactions
  • T. Dudding
    Experimental, computational, and physical organic chemistry. Application of catalytic methodologies to the synthesis of natural products and/or biologically active compounds.      Dr. Travis Dudding’s Lab
  • D. Duncan
    Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Antimicrobial Resistance, Virulence Factors, Bioconjugation, Quorum Sensing, Macrocyclic Peptides, Pharmacokinetics
  • V. Mangal
    Contaminant transport, high-resolution mass spectrometry, Dissolved Organic Matter, Microbial Metabolomics, Bioremediation, Disturbance and Biogeochemical Cycling, Environmental Chemistry.
  • D. Matta
    Study of electron and proton reactions;  natural photosynthesis; computational biophysics; theoretical chemistry; quantum and classical based methodologies.
  • C. Metallinos
    Synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry.
  • A. Mofidi
    Bio-based construction materials, use of giant bamboo in Construction, advanced composites for construction, engineered timber and bamboo.
  • T. Yan
    Natural and modified nucleic acids (light-responsive nucleic acids, glycosylated nucleic acids, sequence specific modification of nucleic acids); mucosal vaccine adjuvant development; colorimetric and fluorescent labeling of nucleic acids; DNA damage in bacterial spores.
  • P. Zelisko
    Silicon chemistry; silicone/protein interactions; biomaterials; silicon-mediated reactions; bioorganosilicon chemistry; immobilized catalysts; chemical education.
  • M. Bidochka
    Molecular biology, genetics, and biochemistry of insect pathogenic fungi
  • V. De Luca
    Plant Biochemistry, natural products, metabolic engineering
  • C. Després
    Plant Proteomics and Molecular Pathology
  • F. F. Hunter
    Behavioural ecology of macrophages insects; molecular systematics; cytogenetics
  • D. Inglis
    Redox balance in wine yeast under hyperosmotic stress, yeast gene expression, yeast metabolism, icewine fermentation
  • Y. Li
    Fundamental study and biomedical applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning (biomedical data modelling and knowledge discovery, omics data analytics, biomedical images, human health therapeutics, drug design, etc.)
  • P. Liang
    Understanding the mechanism of genetic diversity and their contribution to phenotype via bioinformatics and genomics approaches
  • A. Necakov
    The central theme of our research program is the Notch singling pathway
  • I. Patterson
    Manipulating the mosquito virome to prevent transmission of arthropod-borne pathogens
  • A.Zavafer
    Photobioreactor design; Waste-water treatment using Biophotonic Engineering; Development of biosensing methods.