Brock University End of Winter Term Notice April 2024

We hope you have enjoyed your stay in residence this year. Please note the following information about leaving residence at the end of the term. View the notifications that students have received (will receive) about the end of term.

Moving out of residence

When do I have to leave?

The Residence Agreement stipulates that students must vacate their rooms and leave residence by noon on the day following their last exam in April or by noon on April 24, 2024, whichever comes first. This policy exists to ensure that residence remains an environment conducive to academic success during the examination period. Please note if a student has not moved out by their designated date and time, it will be considered a violation of the Residence Agreement. The student will receive a $100-charge and will be required to leave residence immediately.

Extended stay policy

Any student wishing to be considered for an exception to the conditions outlined in the Residence Agreement must submit a Request for an Extended Stay form online explaining their circumstances by 11:59 p.m. Friday, March 31, 2024. Students who do not submit a form by March 31 may still do so up to 48 hours prior to their scheduled departure date but they will be subject to a $50 administrative fee and the request may not be granted.

Simply go to your residence application on to complete the request for an extended stay. Ensure that you select the current academic year (2023-24).  Documentation is required to support requests for extended stays beyond noon the day after a student’s last exam and a per diem charge for each night beyond the original departure date may be assessed. Please read the policy and attach any required documentation to the online request form.

Who is allowed to stay?

A student may be granted permission for an extended stay beyond noon the day after their last exam only under extraordinary circumstances. Some examples of requests that may be considered are below. Please note that conditions may apply.  Please note that a student’s prior behaviour in residence will also be considered when evaluating extended stay requests.

  • Academic requirements that are not listed in the exam timetable, such as take-home exams/assignments. Requests must have supporting documentation uploaded from your professor confirming that you have an academic commitment that requires you to stay beyond your scheduled time in residence.
  • International/Interprovincial travel with an accompanying ticket. Proof of travel must be uploaded (ticket confirmation) with request. Please note that extensions may not be given for multiple days regardless of flight schedules, so make your travel plans accordingly.
  • Varsity Sports Requirement [Fall Term only]. Requests must have supporting documentation from a coach confirming athletic commitments that require you to stay beyond your scheduled time in residence. When submitting online request, please select “Unscheduled/Take home exam.” Please note that extensions may not be given for practices or during End of Term in April.
  • Transitioning to summer residence – students here for the summer may be granted extended stay requests if they are transitioning to Spring/Summer accommodation. This only applies for students applying to ON CAMPUS RESIDENCE, students MUST apply to Spring/Summer housing with paid deposit to be considered for an extended stay. A per diem charge for each night beyond the original departure date will be applied to student account.

Students who have registered and paid to live in Brock’s Spring/Summer Residence Accommodation can apply for an extension to remain in residence until their official transition to their summer stay through the extended stay request form on the portal. These additional nights are charged on a per diem basis.


Who would not be allowed to stay?

Here are some examples of requests we are unable to accommodate:

  • The person I am getting a ride with isn’t finished their exams until after my scheduled move-out date.
  • The person picking me up can’t get that day off work.
  • I’m scheduled to work at my job (on-campus and/or in the local area) after my scheduled move-out date.
  • My off campus lease doesn’t start until May 1.

Visit our extended stay in residence page for more details including step by step instructions on submitting your request.

Check-out procedure

  1. Students will receive an email in early March, to their Brock email account informing them of the date we have on record as their last exam.
  2. Students must move out no later than 12 noon on the day after their last exam.  Please note – student cards will no longer provide access as of this time unless an extended stay has been approved.
  3. You must check out at your Service Desk.You are not considered to be moved out until you formally sign your move out paperwork at your designated Service Desk and return any keys you were issued at move in [If you were not issued residence keys, you must still visit your Service Desk to complete the move out process and avoid late fees]
    • Failing to check out/hand in keys (if applicable) by your scheduled move-out date/time will result in access/keys being disabled. Where physical keys are involved, a lock change will be initiated immediately at your expense. Do not leave keys in your room.
  1. Students have the option to move out in one of two ways, see below for details and choose which best applies. You can contact your Service Desk in advance to discuss options.
      • North Service Desk – DeCew, Vallee – x3706
      • East Service Desk – Earp, Residence 8, Quarry View – x3220
      • South Service Desk  – Lowenberger and Village – x4311

OPTION A: Express Check-out

This is an expedited check out option for an efficient and quick check out (most common)

  • Students will lock their room/unit and check-out at the appropriate Service Desk, complete an express check out form, hand in any keys that were issued and sign out of residence
  • Unit / rooms will be inspected by Housing Facilities staff prior to anyone else entering the residence. For departures prior to April 16th, Housing Facilities staff will complete inspections within 72 hours.
  • You are held accountable for damage/cleanliness charges assessed to your own individual room as well as any shared space, common areas regardless of whether you are the first or last person to move out.
    • In townhouses, this means any area that is shared and accessible to all unit mates.
    • In traditional/semi-suite, this means a shared washroom and/or a double room.

OPTION B: Inspection Check-out

For students wishing to have their room/common area inspected prior to departing, please reach out to your Service Desk for more details if this option is recommended for your situation.

  • After receiving your email confirmation from residence confirming your move out date and time, contact your Service Desk.
  • Appointments must be made at least 72 hours in advance of your scheduled departure date/time. If you miss the 72 hour window you must complete an express check out.
  • All personal belongings/garbage must be removed from the room/unit prior to the check-out appointment. If belongings remain in your residence, your check-out appointment will be cancelled and you must complete an express check-out.
  • After the inspection is completed, all doors will be secured and the you will no longer have access to the space and will complete your check out at your Service desk.

Room/Unit inspections and damage assessment

Once all residents have departed, Housing Services Facilities staff will conduct an inspection in every room/unit to assess the state of cleanliness and inspect for damages. No one other than Housing Facilities staff will enter the room/unit until after the inspection has been done. Conditions will be compared against your move-in inventory and condition report, and damages assessed accordingly. Students are individually responsible for their own room and jointly responsible for unit and/or common area damage, loss of furnishings, and cleaning charges if no specific individual(s) are determined responsible. This is regardless of whether you are the first or last to move out. Damages will be billed to your student account and you will receive an email to your Brock account notifying you of charges before the end of June 2024.

What do I need to do in my room/unit before I move out?

Avoid charges by leaving your unit/room in a clean and acceptable state:

  • Remove posters and adornments, including tape, sticky tac, any adhesives and residue from all surfaces (i.e. walls, ceilings, windows, furniture, doors).  Note – if damage has been done to the wall or additional cleaning is required to remove adhesive/adornments, additional charges will apply.
  • Remove garbage/recycling and non-Brock items.
  • Place furniture back in its original location. See back of move-in room inventory and condition report for diagram and/or check the Residence website under Buildings & Amenities for each building.
  • Put beds back to their original state:
    • In Quarry View the adjustable beds must be set back to within the black lines in the centre position of the foot/headboard.
    • In Village double rooms beds must be re-bunked at a height between two black lines (in courts 7-12) and set back to bed over desk at the line (in courts 1-6).
    • In Vallee the bed platform must be put back to the lowest level.
    • In Earp and Lowenberger there are two black lines on the foot board. Place the bed spring between these lines in the centre position of the foot/headboard.
    • In DeCew and Residence 8, the platform should be placed at a rung high enough to allow the dressers to fit underneath without touching the platform.
  • Clear cupboards, drawers, cabinets and countertops, and wipe all surfaces clean.
  • Vacuum carpeted surfaces and wash hard floor surfaces.
  • In washrooms:
    • Scrub the sink, toilet, and tub/shower clean of soap residue, hair and buildup.
    • Clear cupboards, vanities, and counter tops, and wipe all surfaces clean, including the mirror.
  • In kitchens:
    • Remove items and clean the fridge both inside and out.
    • Clean stove top, including the element rings and burner plates, and inside oven using oven cleaner, including the racks and oven bottom.
    • Clear cupboards, drawers, and countertops, and wipe all surfaces clean.

Replacement of any original inventory item with non-Brock property is not allowed. Charges will apply to replace with Brock item.

Attempts to paint or repair drywall anywhere in your room/unit is not allowed. Charges will apply to properly repair any attempts made.

Cleanliness Charges

Below is a list of cleaning costs that you will incur if required in your room/unit/common areas. Work required by custodial staff is charged at a minimum of 15 minutes ($7.19) at an hourly rate of $28.76.

  • Removal of garbage and/or recycling
  • Washing  of blue/grey recycle bins, kitchen/washroom garbage cans, bedroom blue recycle bins and bedroom garbage cans
  • Removal of posters, adornments, residue from all surfaces (walls, ceilings, windows, doors, furniture, etc.)
  • Removal of graffiti on surfaces (doors, walls, windows, appliances, etc.)
  • Removal of non-Brock items/furnishings left behind
  • Placing furniture back to its original location
  • Cleaning oven and/or stove top [minimum charge 1 hour]
  • Cleaning fridge/freezer
  • Cleaning bathtub/shower [minimum charge 1 hour]
  • Washing shower curtain that is excessively dirty
  • Cleaning toilet/sink
  • Cleaning dirty cupboards, drawers, counters and/or furniture tops
  • Cleaning wall spills, splatter
  • Cleaning/mopping/vacuuming floor
  • Washing bedroom closet curtain that is excessively dirty

Common Damage Charges/Replacement Costs

  • Replace missing sink or bathtub drain plugs: $8
  • Replace missing/damaged shower curtain: $20
  • Replace missing bathroom plunger: $15
  • Replace missing/damaged entrance floor mat: $65
  • Replace missing/damaged entry door viewer: $75
  • Replace missing/damaged shovel: $20
  • Replace missing/damaged central vac attachments/hose (Village only): $15-$50
  • Replace missing/damaged kitchen appliance (Fridge/Stove): minimum $850
  • Replace missing/damaged kettle: $20
  • Replace missing/damaged microwave: minimum $150
  • Replace missing/damaged TV: minimum $300
  • Replace missing/damaged kitchen waste can: $110
  • Replace missing bedroom/bathroom waste can: $30
  • Replace common area blue and/or grey recycling bins: $15
  • Replace missing bedroom recycling blue bin: $10
  • Replace missing zippered mattress protector: $30
  • Replace missing/damaged wireless access point: $700
  • Replace lost or damaged residence phone: $100
  • Replace missing/damaged window screen: $50 – $150
  • Replace glass in broken window: $150 and up
  • Replace bedroom dresser: $450
  • Replace bedroom shelf unit: $310
  • Replace broken bedroom mirror: $105
  • Replace missing or damaged mattress: $130
  • Placing bed(s) back to proper level or re-bunking: $25-$50
  • Replace bedroom chair: $185
  • Replace bedroom closet curtain: $45
  • Replace kitchen chair: $175
  • Replace common area end table: $200,  coffee table; $250
  • Replace living room chair: $550
  • Replace living room sofa: $600 – $1100
  • Replace missing ceiling light fixture covers: $15 – $30
  • Steam cleaning a bedroom carpet: $50
  • Steam cleaning an entire townhouse unit: $150
  • Deodorizing and neutralizing odours in bedrooms (i.e. cigarette/cannabis/vape smoke): minimum of $100-$300
  • Deodorizing and neutralizing odours in an entire townhouse unit (i.e. cigarette/cannabis/vape smoke): minimum of $450-$2,500
  • Tampering with safety equipment (fire extinguisher, automatic door closer, exit signs, fire hoses, smoke detectors, heat detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, etc.): $75 tampering fire, plus the cost of repair/replacement/clean-up
  • Repair holes in wall /damaged drywall/painting: $150 and up
  • Discharge/missing fire extinguisher: $150 (includes service fee and tampering fine)
  • Replace/repair damaged interior doors: minimum of $290
  • Do not attempt to paint or repair drywall anywhere in your unit. As per the RCS, if you do, it will be redone by professionals and you will be billed accordingly.

Residence Key/Lock Change Charges

  • Lost townhouse/Suite front door key – lock change required: Village: $250; Quarry View two-bedroom: $185; Quarry View/Gateway three-bedroom: $205; Quarry View/Gateway four-bedroom: $230.
  • Lost townhouse/Suite bedroom key: $35
  • Lost traditional/semi-suite residence bedroom key (including override keys) – lock change required: Single room: $150; Double Room: $185.
  • Lost residence temporary access card: $35
  • Lost laundry card: $5
  • Lost mailbox/drawer keys: $10
  • Failure to move out by designated move-out date and time: $100 (per day).

There are also some uncommon repairs and/or replacements that may occur. These would be billed at time and material costs so no estimated pricing can be provided.

The only individuals who decide whether a charge will be assessed for damage, missing inventory items or cleanliness charges are Housing Services Facilities staff who inspect and assess rooms once vacated. A residence don, service desk staff member, trades staff, custodian, etc.,  does not have access to view the conditions nor do they have the authority to make assessments. Therefore, stating you spoke to one of these individuals about whether a charge has been assessed to you will not be accepted as a valid appeal.  

Before checking out, please ensure that:

  • You’ve cleaned and tidied so that you don’t receive any charges as indicated above.
  • Your thermostat is turned to COOL and 16°C/60°F [if can’t reduce to this, set to the lowest setting] with A/C left on
  • All windows in your room/unit are closed and locked.
  • Your window shade/blinds are closed.
  • You’ve removed all personal belongings/garbage/recycling.
  • All lights are turned off.
  • All doors are closed and locked.

Students are not allowed to leave belongings in their room. Property left behind will be considered abandoned and removal costs will be charged as indicated above.  Housing Services is not responsible for abandoned items.

Non-perishable food items, clothing donations and electronic recycling

Should you wish to donate any unopened, non-perishable food items that you have left over, clothes that you don’t want to take home, or printers/small appliances you no longer need, please watch your emails for more details.  There may be donation bins available in April.  Household items cannot be donated so please remove and donate at a local thrift store.

Exam quiet hours

Quiet hours are:

Sunday to Thursday, 11 pm to 8 am
Friday and Saturday 1 am to 8 am
Extended quiet hours are implemented during the December and April exam period. Starting on the last day of classes (Monday, April 8, 2024) and continuing through until the end of exams, quiet hours are extended to 22 hours daily with only two hours for less quiet activities – Sunday through Friday 7 – 9 pm and Saturday 9 – 11 pm. During these two hours, noise should not be excessive. Restrictions and reminders are posted in each residence.

Please note: “Respect Hours” are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Guest policy during the exam period

To ensure an environment conducive to exam preparation, a special guest policy applies once exam quiet hours have started.  Only Brock students are permitted as guests and only for the purposes of studying up until 11 p.m.  During exams, non-Brock guests are prohibited to ensure a quiet environment conducive to study while still permitting residence students to study with one or two off-campus classmates up to 11 p.m.

Residence Community Standards [RCS]

Any violations of the residence community standards can impact a student’s status for returning to residence the next year. For students not returning to residence, end-of-year violations are referred to the University Disciplinary Board, whose sanctions can impact a student’s overall status at Brock.

Residence Dining Hall hours

See the hours of operations for Dining Services during exams.

Residence Dining Halls will remain open until TBD..

Mail service/Packages

Notify any regular senders of mail (e.g. friends, subscriptions, etc.) of your change of address for the summer. Do not have packages shipped to your residence address after April 15th.

Once you move out of residence, any mail received by Housing Services will be returned to sender.

Returning to residence

If you wish to return to residence for the 2024-25 academic year, you can apply now. Immediately after submitting your application, you should receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours, contact Housing Services at or call 905-688-5550 x 3370. Non-receipt of the confirmation email indicates that your application was not successfully submitted. Residence rooms are available for upper year/returning students.

Options for parking during residence move-out:

All packed and ready to load belongings (15-20 minutes max)

  • You can load your vehicle near residence buildings, but you must be parked in a marked loading/unloading space with your four‐way lights on. If possible, have someone remain with the vehicle while loading your belongings.
  • You may park in an accessible parking space if you display your MTO accessible placard. Accessible parking spaces are strictly monitored and enforced under municipal bylaw. Ensure your four-way flashers are on while loading your vehicle.
  • Do not park in fire routes. Fire routes are strictly monitored and enforced under municipal bylaw. Tickets issued for fire route violations are not eligible for appeal.
  • Vehicles parked in fire routes will be at risk of being towed off campus at your expense.
  • Do not park in marked and/or reserved spaces.
  • If you follow the tips above and are out within 20 minutes, there is no charge.

Short-term parking

  • For short‐term parking during the day only, use one of the visitor parking lots. Paid Parking – Parking Services (
  • Do not use the loading/unloading spots near the residences unless you are all packed and ready to go. These spaces are available for use by those who are ready to leave.


  • Overnight parking is permitted with a residence permit or for single night purchase[by current residence students] using the HONK app. This must be purchased and used only by the residence student, no guests are allowed in residence during exams.  This is only useful if a residence student is moving themselves home.

Village residents

  • If you live in Village Residence, DO NOT park in a fire route of your court driveway or in front of dumpsters.  These areas are clearly marked. Vehicles parked in fire routes will be subject to towing at the owner’s expense and ticketing by the City of St. Catharines.
  • You can use the unloading/loading spots just off the roadway at each court as long as you will be less than 20 minutes.
  • Always have four-way lights on when in unloading spots and/or have someone stay with the vehicle.