Graduation in Absentia

Not attending Convocation in-person?

Please tell us how you would like to receive your diploma(s) by updating your intent to graduate.

Have questions? Please e-mail

Diploma Pick-up or Mail out

If your graduation has not yet passed, and you are not planning to attend your graduation ceremony, please check off the “Not attending” check box on your “Intent to Graduate” application within the portal. Select to have your diploma mailed, otherwise it will be available to pick up at Brock Central 1 week following Convocation.

If your graduation date has already passed, please email Brock Central at to request to have your diploma mailed out or stop by Brock Central to pick up your diploma in-person.

Walk-on Graduate
If you were unable to attend your in-person convocation ceremony and would like to attend the next convocation ceremony as a “walk-on” graduate, please apply using the form found here. Please note: only those from the most recent convocation are eligible (Example: if you graduated in Spring 2024 you are eligible to apply for Fall 2024 only). Approvals are limited.