RBC Training Ground

In March, over 100 athletes from across the Niagara Region gathered at Brock University to attend the RBC Training Ground. This was the 2nd time Brock hosted the Canada’s benchmark for athlete talent identification. RBC Training Ground provides athletes a chance to showcase their physical abilities through a complete testing battery where successful competitors can earn the opportunity to move on to a Regional Qualifier. From there athletes have a chance to receive funding to assist with training costs in the hopes of becoming a future Olympian. Interns and Lead Coaches from the Brock Sports Performance Centre assisted in conducting the performance testing which included vertical jump (power), isometric mid-thigh pull (strength), 40m sprint (speed), and a multistage shuttle run (endurance).

RBC Training Ground will continue to play a pivotal role in the development of next generation athletes across Canada. Brock Sports Performance is proud to partner with RBC Training Ground and looks forward to continue hosting the high performance event in the future.

Thank you to all who participated, both athletes and staff!

For Future RBC Training Ground event dates and information:

Click Here


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