Research labs

The Faculty of Applied Health Sciences aims to provide students and researchers with state-of-the-art facilities and student spaces.

We are progressive, modern and innovative.

We believe the research being conducted in our labs is relevant to you, the Niagara community and the world.

We want to have a positive impact on people’s lives which is why our researchers are dedicated to improving health across the lifespan.

Whether looking at tropical diseases, risk factors of children and youth, improving senior’s fitness or understanding how physical activity and recreation can improve our well-being, our research is innovative and cutting-edge.

Our dedicated research labs, include:

  • four behavioural/observation labs
  • seven ‘dry’ biophysical labs
  • five ‘wet’ biophysical labs, and
  • two ergonomics labs.

The research we conduct in areas like cancer, infectious diseases, bone and muscle health, environmental ergonomics, human sexuality, and more, is world-renowned.

360° Lab Tours: Department of Health Sciences

The Roy and Lois Cairns Health and Bioscience Research Complex is advancing Canada’s science and technology infrastructure. It houses world-class work by researchers in areas like cancer, infectious diseases, and bone and muscle health. It is a hub for innovative research and knowledge transfer

Freezer Farm CRN 123
Animal Care FacilityCRN 149-178
Human Anatomy LabCRN 310
Bone & Muscle Health Centre CRN 428-447
Infectious Diseases Lab CRN 552
Epidemiology Research LabPLZ 501E
Neuro-mechanics and Ergonomics LabTH 141
On Ice Performance LaboratoryWC 100
Outdoor Education LabWC 171B
Injury Prevention, Clinical Intervention and Implementation Science LabWC 251A-C
Hydration Exercise and Temperature (HEaT) LabWH 09
Exercise Intervention LabWH 16
Environmental Ergonomics LabWH 17
Biomechanics & Motor Control LabWH 18
Electromyography LabWH 21
Activity, Sport Performance, Injury Prevention (ASPIRE) LabWH 22
Spine Biomechanics & Neuromuscular Control LabWH 23
Data and Sample Storage LabWH 25
Motor Skill Acquisition LabWH 137
Sport and Recreation Policy LabWH 138
Canadian Sport HubWH 139
Human Hemodynamics LabWH 140
Health & Exercise Psychology LabWH 141
Youth & Wellness LabWH 142
Sympathetic Neurocirculatory Regulation LaboratoryWH 143
Applied Physiology LabWH 144
Centre for Sport CapacityWH 145
Centre for Healthy Youth Development through SportWH 146
REFraming Rehabilitation Adherence, Motivation and Exercise (REFRAME) LabWH 148
Sport, Allyship, and Inclusion Lab (SAIL)WH 149

CRN=Cairns Health & Biosciences Research Complex; PLZ=Plaza; TH=Thistle; WC=Walker Complex; WH = Welch Hall

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