David Hayes

Professor, Applied Linguistics

David Hayes

PhD (University of Birmingham)

Office: MC D350H
905-688-5550 x5359

Dr. Hayes came to Brock in 2006 after working as a teacher, teacher educator and educational project manager in Malaysia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sri Lanka and Thailand; as well as teaching at the Universities of Leeds and York in the United Kingdom. He has also undertaken consultancies in Cyprus, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mauritius, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam and Zimbabwe for organizations such as the Asian Development Bank, British Council, RAND Corporation and the World Bank. He recently led the evaluation of a major in-service teacher development programme for English teachers in Thailand; and also worked with a team from the National Institute of Educational Sciences in Vietnam on the development of a new national curriculum for English for both Lower and Upper Secondary Schools. Dr Hayes’ extensive international experience informs his teaching and provides the foundation for his research which is focused on issues of equity and social justice in second/foreign language education.

Dr. Hayes is interested in the socio-politics of teaching English as a second/foreign language, primarily in South and South-East Asia, with a particular focus on equitable provision for the rural and urban poor and pre-conditions for systemic educational change. He has also published extensively on the lives and careers of ‘non-native’ speaking teachers of English in their own state educational systems. As part of his research in South Asia, Dr Hayes has investigated the impact of second national language education in primary schools on the development of respect among ethnic communities in Sri Lanka and the extent to which it contributes to the foundations for post-war social harmony in the country. He also has a long-standing collaboration with the Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE), investigating various aspects of the teaching of English and the preparation of English teachers.


Refereed Articles

  • Hayes, D. (2020). Language education policy and practice in state education systems: Promoting effective practice in foreign language education for young learners. Language Teaching for Young Learners, 2(2), 240-261.
  • Hayes, D. (2017). Fallacies affecting policy and practice in the teaching of English as a foreign language in state primary schools in Asia. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, 37(2), 179-192.
  • Hayes, D. and Chang, K. (2017). South Korean novice English language teachers’ experience of induction into teaching. English Teaching, 72(1), 49-71.
  • Hayes, D. (2016). The value of learning English in Thailand and its impact on Thai: Perspectives from university students. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, 36(1), 73-91.
  • Hayes, D., Kim, Y. and Chang, K. (2013). Theoretical perspectives on novice teachers’ induction in English teacher education. Studies in English Education, 18(2), pp. 1-27.
  • Hayes, D. and Chang, K. (2012). Theoretical perspectives on and international practice in continuing professional development for English teachers. English Teaching, 67, 107-129.
  • Chang, K., Kim, S., Ko, H., Han, E., Kim, Y. and Hayes, D. (2012). A study on primary English teachers’ continuing professional development after IETPP. Foreign Languages Education, 19, 345-370.
  • Hayes, D., Chang, K. and Imm, C. (2011). Research and practice in language teacher evaluation. English Teaching, 66, 179-199.
  • Chang, K., Hayes, D., Kim, M. and Lee, B. (2011). Curriculum and materials development for teaching English to young learners revisited. Journal of the Korea English Education Society, 10(3), pp. 21-49.
  • Hayes, D. (2010). “Education is all about opportunities, isn’t it?” A biographical perspective on learning and teaching English in Sri Lanka. Harvard Educational Review, 80, 517-540.
  • Hayes, D. (2010). Language learning, teaching and educational reform in rural Thailand: An English teacher’s perspective. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, 30, 305-319.
  • Hayes, D. (2010). Duty and service: The life and career of a Tamil teacher of English in Sri Lanka. TESOL Quarterly, 44, 58-83.
  • Chang, K., Jung, K., Hayes, D., Yeon, J., Kim, W. and Lee, B. (2010). In-service English teacher training program evaluation. English Teaching, 65, 127-163.
  • Hayes, D. (2009). Learning language, learning teaching: Episodes from the life of a teacher of English in Thailand. RELC Journal, 40, 83-101.
  • Hayes, D. (2009). Non-native English-speaking teachers, context and English language teaching. System, 37, 1-11.
  • Hayes, D. (2008). Becoming a teacher of English in Thailand. Language Teaching Research, 12, 471-494.
  • Hayes, D. (2005). Exploring the lives of non-native speaking English educators in Sri Lanka. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, 11, 169-194.
  • Hayes, D. (2000). Cascade training and teachers’ professional development. ELT Journal, 54, 135-145.
  • Hayes, D. (1997). Helping teachers to cope with large classes. ELT Journal, 51, 106-116.
  • Hayes, D. (1996). Prioritising “voice” over “vision”: reaffirming the centrality of the teacher in ESOL research. System, 34, 173-186.
  • Hayes, D. (1995). In-service teacher development: some basic principles. ELT Journal, 49, 252-261.

Book chapters

  • Hayes, D. (forthcoming, 2022). Local English teacher identities in a globalized world. In Sadeghi, K. and Ghaderi, F. (Eds.) Theory and practice in second language teacher identity. New York: Springer.
  • Hayes, D. (2019). Continuing professional development/continuous professional learning for English language teachers. In S. Walsh and S. Mann (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of English Language Teacher Education (pp. 155-168). London: Routledge.
  • Hayes, D. (2018). Key issues in English language teaching and learning in Nepal. In D. Hayes (Ed.), English language teaching in Nepal: Research, reflection and practice (pp. 1-10). Kathmandu: British Council.
  • Hayes, D. (2017). Narratives of identity: Reflections on English language teachers, teaching and educational opportunity. In G. Barkhuizen (Ed.), Reflections on language teacher identity (pp. 54-60). New York: Routledge.
  • Hayes, D. (2014). Innovations in continuing professional development: sector-wide, institutional and personal perspectives. In Hayes, D. (Ed), Innovations in the continuing professional development of English language teachers (pp. 5-15). London: British Council.
  • Hayes, D. and Chang, K. (2014). The politics of comparison: The global and the local in English language teaching and teacher education. In S. ben Said and L.J. Zhang (Eds.), Language teachers and teaching: Global perspectives, local initiatives (pp. 11-25). London: Routledge.
  • Hayes, D. (2013). Narratives of experience: Teaching English in Sri Lanka and Thailand. In G. Barkhuizen (Ed.), Narrative research in applied linguistics (pp. 62-82). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hayes, D. (2012). Planning for success: Culture, engagement and power in English language education innovation. In C. Tribble (Ed.), Managing change in English language teaching: Lessons from experience (pp. 47-60). London: British Council.
  • Hayes, D. (2012). Mismatched perspectives: In-service teacher education policy and practice in Korea. In C. Tribble (Ed.), Managing change in English language teaching: Lessons from experience (pp. 99-104). London: British Council.
  • Hayes, D. (2011). La enseñanza del inglés en la Educación Primaria: ¿otro obstáculo para el logro educativo de los más desfavorecidos?/Primary English language teaching: Another obstacle to achievement for the world’s poor? In P. Powell-Davies (Ed.), Word for word: The social, economic and political impact of Spanish and English/Palabra por palabra: El impactico social, económico y político del español y del inglés (pp. 329-344). Madrid, Spain: British Council, Instituto Cervantes & Santillana.
  • Hayes, D. (2010). What makes a good primary English teacher? Strategies for success in teaching and training. In M. Kobayashi (Ed.), A study of English language teacher education for young learners in Japan: Developing new strategies (pp. 221-234). Kumamoto, Japan: Kumamoto University Press.
  • Hayes, D. (2008). Occupational socialization in the first year of teaching: Perspectives from Thailand. In T.S.C. Farrell (Ed.), Novice language teachers: Insights and perspectives for the first year (pp. 57-72). London: Equinox Publishing.
  • Hayes, D. and Sharkey, J. (2008). Revitalizing a curriculum for school-age learners: A multidirectional, re/generative dynamic. In D. Hayes and J. Sharkey (Eds.), Revitalizing an established curriculum for school age learners (pp. 1-9). Alexandria, VA: TESOL Publications.
  • Hayes, D. (2008). In-service teacher development in Korea: Insights from theory and practice. In M.E. Vethamani and M.K. Kabilan (Eds.), Practices and issues in English language teacher development (pp. 138-163). Petaling Jaya, Malaysia: Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd..
  • Hayes, D. (2006). Developing teachers in the developing world of Sri Lanka. In M. McCloskey, J. Orr and M. Dolitsky (Eds.), Teaching English as a foreign language in primary school (pp. 141-155). Alexandria, VA: TESOL Publications.
  • Hayes, D. (2004). Trainer development: principles and practice – an introduction. In D. Hayes (Ed.), Trainer development: Principles and practice from language teacher training (pp. 1-20). Melbourne: Language Australia Publications.
  • Hayes, D. (2004). Inside INSET: trainer’s perceptions. In D. Hayes (Ed.), Trainer development: Principles and practice from language teacher training. (pp. 63-79). Melbourne: Language Australia Publications.
  • Hayes, D. (2002). Language, textbooks and perspectives on social harmony in Sri Lanka. In J. Lo Bianco (Ed.), Development and language: Global influences and local effects (pp. 181-204). Melbourne: Language Australia Publications.
  • Hayes, D. (2002). Managing national textbook development in difficult circumstances. In D. Hayes (Ed.), Making a Difference: The experience of the Primary English Language Project, Sri Lanka (pp. 35-51). Colombo, Sri Lanka: The British Council.
  • Hayes, D. and Edirisinghe, C. (2002). Assessing the impact of a trainer development programme. In D. Hayes (Ed.), Making a difference: The experience of the Primary English Language Project, Sri Lanka (pp. 111-125). Colombo, Sri Lanka: The British Council.
  • Hayes, D. (1997). INSET, innovation and change: An introduction. In D. Hayes (Ed.), In-service teacher development: International perspectives (pp. 1-7). Hemel Hempstead, UK: Prentice Hall.
  • Hayes, D. (1997). Articulating the context: INSET and teachers’ lives. In D. Hayes (Ed.), In-service teacher development: International perspectives (pp. 74-85). Hemel Hempstead, UK: Prentice Hall.
  • Hayes, D. (1992). Teachers as trainers. In E. Sadtono (Ed.), Language teacher education in a fast-changing world. Anthology Series 29, SEAMEO Regional Language Centre: Singapore.
  • Hayes, D. (1991). Teacher training in the Sabah Primary English Programme. In C. Kennedy & J. Jarvis (Eds.), Ideas and issues in primary ELT. London: Nelson.

Published research reports

Dr Hayes usually teaches three undergraduate courses and one graduate course.

  • LING 3P91: Materials and Curriculum Design
  • LING/PSYC 3Q91: Second Language Acquisition and Learning
  • LING 4P10: Social and Cultural Issues in Second Language Acquisition and Learning
  • LING 5P04: Reading in Teaching English as a Second Language: Theory, Research and Practice

Dr. Hayes served as Graduate Program Director in the department from 2007-11 and 2014-15. He has also served as BFUA Observer and Faculty of Social Sciences representative on the Senate Academic Review Committee. He is a member of the review board for the Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics and the editorial advisory board of the Journal of AsiaTEFL. He regularly acts as an article peer-reviewer for key professional journals in the field (e.g. Language Teaching Research, System, TESOL Quarterly) and book reviewer for major publishers such as Oxford University Press.