We are proud to recognize the successes of our students in the Faculty of Social Sciences. We invite you to explore this list of research grants, scholarships, and disciplinary honours received by students. Some of these awards come from external sources, including federal and provincial government agencies. Others are sponsored by units within the University. Still others represent the generosity of donors to the University.
Previously, achievements of students, staff and faculty were commemorated at the annual Celebration of Excellence. Programs for past events are available here.
Click here to learn more about internal grants and scholarships available to Brock University students, including how to apply and how to donate.
Edmond Adabanka | Adabanka | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2024 | Brock University | |
Zoe Adams | Adams | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Zoe Adams | Adams | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Fortune Addae | Addae | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | COVID Graduate Student Fellowship | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Fortune Addae | Addae | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | Dr. Jack Lightstone and Dr. Dorothy Markiewicz Entrance Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sara Adloo | Adloo | Applied Linguistics | MA in Applied Linguistics | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2023 | Brock University | |
Lindsay Adoranti | Adoranti | Labour Studies | Labour Studies | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Asma Afrooz | Afrooz | Sociology | Sociology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Tabeer Afzal | Afzal | Psychology | MA in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Religious Identity and Altruistic Behaviour: The Effects of Expanding the Boundaries of Religious Identity | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Helia Ahmadi | Ahmadi | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | FOSS Student Research Award | Moving toward a reduction in transportation poverty from theory to practice: constructing baseline indicators and governmental roadmap | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Tasnim Ahmed | Ahmed | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Carroll Scholarship in Political Science | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Tasnim Ahmed | Ahmed | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Fidelis Kambilige Memorial Scholarship in Political Science | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Tasnim Ahmed | Ahmed | Political Science | MA in Political Science | FOSS Student Research Award | Policy Diffusion and Climate Change Policy, A Case Study of Ghana's Climate Change Policy | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Edward Akuako | Akuako | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | FOSS Student Research Award | The “Sakawa Boys”: A critique of the policing of cybercrime in Ghana. | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Elizabeth Al-Jbouri | Al-Jbouri | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Joe Robertson Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Elizabeth Al-Jbouri | Al-Jbouri | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Research Training Award | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Elizabeth Al-Jbouri | Al-Jbouri | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Elizabeth Al-Jbouri | Al-Jbouri | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2019 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Elizabeth Al-Jbouri | Al-Jbouri | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral (CGS D) | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Arezu Alami | Alami | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Child Passenger Safety Restraints Installation: A Review | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Arezu Alami | Alami | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Provincial Award | |
Arezu Alami | Alami | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Erika Alegria | Alegria | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Erika Alegria | Alegria | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Exploring the experiences of homeless children and their engagements with nature | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Xavier Alexy | Alexy | Political Science | Political Science | Outstanding Delegation honour at the National Model United Nations conference | 2022 | Other external award | |
Nour Alnajjar | Alnajjar | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Susan Sydor Award in Social Justice & Equity Studies | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Francesco Amodio | Amodio | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Cannabis Consumption: Effects on Autonomic Arousal and Post-Concussion Symptoms | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Francesco Amodio | Amodio | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | Rest-Break Intervention and Traumatic Brain Injury | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Francesco Amodio | Amodio | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Francesco Amodio | Amodio | Psychology | MA in Psychology | President’s Surgite Award | 2022 | Brock University | |
Daniel Anane | Anane | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | COVID Graduate Student Fellowship | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Brianna Anderson | Anderson | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Brianna Anderson | Anderson | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Brianna Anderson | Anderson | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Rebecca Anderson | Anderson | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Promoting Inclusive Behaviours Through the Implementation of Gender Inclusive Workplace Policies | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Brianna Anderson | Anderson | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Jack Lightstone Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Brianna Anderson | Anderson | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Jack M. Miller Excellence in Research Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Brianna Anderson | Anderson | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Jack M. Miller Excellence in Research Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Rebecca Anderson | Anderson | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Brianna Anderson | Anderson | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | Worry warriors: A play-based psychosocial package to target worry-causing compulsions in kindergarteners with autism spectrum disorder | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Rebecca Anderson | Anderson | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | Understanding the effect of institutional signals of inclusion on decision-making behaviour in STEM | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Rebecca Anderson | Anderson | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Marianna Andrade | Andrade | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Provincial Award | |
Sandra Appiah | Appiah | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Zelma Reive Graduate Bursary | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Lauren Araujo | Araujo | Political Science | Political Science | Campus-Wide Co-Curriculum Certificate of Engagement | 2024 | Brock Student Life and Success | |
Duncan Archer | Archer | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Joan P. Nicks Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Andrew Armstrong | Armstrong | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Carolina Artacho | Artacho | Economics | Master of Business Economics | Mohamed Dore Graduate Research Scholarship in Economics | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Fatma Asdemir | Asdemir | Women's and Gender Studies | Women's and Gender Studies | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Luke Atack | Atack | Psychology | Psychology | Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence - Honours Thesis | 2023 | Other external award | |
Serena Atallah | Atallah | Psychology | Psychology | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Belinda Osaebea Attah | Attah | Economics | Master of Business Economics | FOSS Student Research Award | An econometric test of Wagner's law for Ghana based on cointegration and causality tests | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Belinda Osaebea Attah | Attah | Economics | Master of Business Economics | Mohamed Dore Graduate Research Scholarship in Economics | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Gurprince Attlas | Attlas | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | Effects of cross-fostering and parental care on Degus offspring | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Gurprince Attlas | Attlas | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Abneet Atwal | Atwal | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Moving through the system: The ruling relations of migration, mobility, and childhood disability | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Asude Ayvaci | Ayvaci | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Asude Ayvaci | Ayvaci | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Preventing Restraint Application in Children and Adolescents with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Retrospective Analysis to Uncover Restraint Determinants | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Asude Ayvaci | Ayvaci | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2022 | Brock University | |
Asude Ayvaci | Ayvaci | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2023 | Brock University | |
Belinda Baffowaah | Baffowaah | Applied Linguistics | MA in Applied Linguistics | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2024 | Brock University | |
Emily Bagshaw | Bagshaw | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Aboriginal Achievement Award | 2022 | Brock University | |
Emily Bagshaw | Bagshaw | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Jack M. Miller Excellence in Research Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Emily Bagshaw | Bagshaw | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Marilyn Rose Graduate Leadership Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Emily Bagshaw | Bagshaw | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Tefari Bailey (BA '19) | Bailey | Economics | Business Economics | Distinguished Faculty Graduate Award | BA '19 Business Economics | 2023 | Brock University Alumni Association |
Amanda Bailey | Bailey | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Exploring Factors Influencing Compatibility of Roommates on the Autism Spectrum: A Scoping Review | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Nicole | Bajcar | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Assessing a Modified TAGteach procedure to Increase Accurate and Fluent Gymnastics Skills in Children via Videoconferencing | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Nicole Bajcar | Bajcar | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Teaching with acoustical guidance (TAG); a review | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Nicole Bajcar | Bajcar | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Provincial Award | |
Kristen Baker | Baker | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence - Doctoral Thesis | 2023 | Other external award | |
Kristen Baker | Baker | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Kristen Baker | Baker | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Kristen Baker | Baker | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Wendy Murphy Memorial Award | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Jared Balla | Balla | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | FOSS Student Research Award | “Don’t Immanentize The Eschaton”: The Decline of Postmillennial Eschatology and Its Influence on the Twentieth-Century North American City | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Benn Barrantes | Barrantes | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Mirna Batinic | Batinic | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Mirna Batinic | Batinic | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Provincial Award | |
Mirna Batinic | Batinic | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Melissa Beaucage | Beaucage | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Yana Berardini | Berardini | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Sarah Bernier | Bernier | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Sarah Bernier | Bernier | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sarah Bernier | Bernier | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sarah Ludmilla | Bernier | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Evaluating virtual training for increasing clinicians’ fidelity of implementation of the Facing Your Fears curriculum | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Sarah Bernier | Bernier | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Jack M. Miller Excellence in Research Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Sarah Bernier | Bernier | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Jack M. Miller Excellence in Research Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Sarah Bernier | Bernier | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Areeba Bhajikhara | Bhajikhara | Psychology | Psychology | International Student Ambassador Award | 2023 | Brock International | |
Areeba Bhajikhara | Bhajikhara | Psychology | Psychology | International Student Ambassador Award | 2024 | Brock International | |
Trianda Birmingham | Birmingham | Psychology | Psychology | Ontario Remembrance Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Courtney Bishop | Bishop | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Melissa Blackburn | Blackburn | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Melissa Blackburn | Blackburn | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Dr. Raymond and Mrs. Sachi Moriyama Graduate Fellowship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Melissa | Blackburn | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Educational Implications for Dancers as Athletes Within Community and University Contexts: Examining Dancer Identity, Training Experiences, and Covid Impacts | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Melissa Blackburn | Blackburn | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Jack M. Miller Excellence in Research Award | 2024 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Melissa Blackburn | Blackburn | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral (CGS-D) | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Melissa Blackburn | Blackburn | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Melissa Blackburn | Blackburn | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | Examining the Protective Role of Self-Compassion in the Relationship Between Adolescent Perfectionism, Stress, and Mental Health | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Melissa Blackburn | Blackburn | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Plagued by Perfectionism: Competitive Dancers, Psychopathology and the Role of Self-Compassion | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Melissa Blackie | Blackie | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Social Justice & Equity Graduate Bursary | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Joshua Boadi | Boadi | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | COVID Graduate Student Fellowship | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Susana Boateng | Boateng | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | COVID Graduate Student Fellowship | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Susana Boateng | Boateng | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Social Justice & Equity Graduate Bursary | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Susana Boateng | Boateng | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Susan Sydor Award in Social Justice & Equity Studies | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Appiah Bonsu | Bonsu | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | FOSS Student Research Award | Exploring How Policies in North American Countries Limits Access of Trans People to Health Services | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Jillian Booth | Booth | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | FOSS Student Research Award | A Holistic Approach to Mapping Priority Sites for Low-Impact Development | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Meghan Borg | Borg | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Leading the Way Graduate Student Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Meghan Borg | Borg | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Meghan Borg | Borg | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | Affinity for Solitude and Motivations for Spending Time Alone in Adolescence | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Kristopher | Brazil | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Adolescent Psychopathy Influences Acquiring Adaptive Resources in Adverse Environments | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Alyssa Brew | Brew | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | FOSS Student Research Award | After Effects: Online Response to the Young Adult Series "After" and the Romanticization of Toxic Love in Young Adult Literature | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Alyssa Brew | Brew | Sociology | Critical Sociology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | After Effects: Online Response to the Young Adult Series “After” and the Romanticization of Abusive Relationships in Young Adult Literature | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Karen Brown (BA ’91) | Brown | Child and Youth Studies | Child and Youth Studies | Distinguished Faculty Graduate Award | BA '91 Child Studies | 2022 | Brock University Alumni Association |
Zihang Bu | Bu | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Dr. Raymond and Mrs. Sachi Moriyama Graduate Fellowship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Zihang Bu | Bu | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Zihang Bu | Bu | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | International TA (Teaching Assistant) Award | 2023 | Centre for Pedagogical Innovation | |
Mishrka Bucha | Bucha | Geography and Tourism Studies | Tourism Studies | International Student Ambassador Award | 2021 | Brock International | |
Carlin Buller | Buller | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Emily Bulten | Bulten | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Training in Trauma-informed Positive Behavioural Supports for Direct Support Professionals of Adults with Developmental Disabilities | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Francine Burke | Burke | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | Steroidogenesis in Adolescence: Effects on HPA Stress Responding and Ongoing Development | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Kassie Burns | Burns | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Rotary Club of St. Catharines Environmental Sustainability Graduate Scholarship | 2024 | Other external award | |
Chae Lynn Bush | Bush | Psychology | Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | Real-world objects in visual working memory: The role of meaning and complexity | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Kelly Bute | Bute | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | COVID Graduate Student Fellowship | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Cassandra Campanella | Campanella | Psychology | Psychology | Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock Medal | 2022 | Brock University | |
Cassandra Campanella | Campanella | Psychology | Psychology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Elena Campbell | Campbell | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Natasha Campbell | Campbell | Psychology | Psychology | President’s Surgite Award | 2021 | Brock University | |
Joseph (José) Cardoso | Cardoso | Sociology | Sociology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Kaitlyn Carr | Carr | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | DGS Excellence Award | 2023 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Kaitlyn Carr | Carr | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Jack M. Miller Excellence in Research Award | 2023 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Kaitlyn Carr | Carr | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Jack M. Miller Excellence in Research Award | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Kaitlyn Carr | Carr | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | PenFinancial Credit Union Graduate Award | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Kaitlyn Carr | Carr | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Kaitlyn Carr | Carr | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | The Role of Knowledge Mobilization in the Adoption of Integrated Pest Management for Virus Vectors in Viticulture | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Kaitlyn Carr | Carr | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Rebekah Casey | Casey | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | FOSS Student Research Award | There's No Place Like (Rural) Home: Why People Choose Rural Despite Decline | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Alia Cave | Cave | Sociology | Sociology | EDI Changemaker of the Month (Office of Human Rights and Equity) | 2024 | Brock University | |
Carleigh Charlton | Charlton | Political Science | Political Science | Open Education (OE) Global Student Award | 2024 | Other external award | |
Sorayyah Chityal | Chityal | Political Science | MA in Political Science | David C. Murray Scholarship In Political Science | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sorayyah Chityal | Chityal | Political Science | MA in Political Science | FOSS Student Writing Award - Best Graduate Major Research Paper | Did Former Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin Leave A Feminist Legacy Behind | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Sorayyah Chityal | Chityal | Political Science | MA in Political Science | FOSS Student Writing Award - Best Graduate Major Research Paper | Did Former Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin Leave A Feminist Legacy Behind | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Rabia Choudhary | Choudhary | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2023 | Brock University | |
Grace Chretien | Chretien | Child and Youth Studies | Child and Youth Studies | Campus-Wide Co-Curriculum Certificate of Engagement | 2024 | Brock Student Life and Success | |
Rachel Christopher | Christopher | Psychology | MA in Psychology | D’ont Poke the Bear Wine & Craft Cider Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Rachel Christopher | Christopher | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Sarah Ciotti | Ciotti | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Professor Zopito Marini Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sarah Ciotti | Ciotti | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Robert G. Rawle Graduate Bursary | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Hope Ciszek | Ciszek | Sociology | Sociology | Campus-Wide Co-Curriculum Certificate of Engagement | 2024 | Brock Student Life and Success | |
Allison Clark | Clark | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | FOSS Student Research Award | Tracking Holocene and recent treeline change using sedaDNA and remote sensing techniques, Northwest Territories, Canada | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Allison Clark | Clark | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Gunther Abrahamson Research and Management Award from the Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies (ACUNS) | 2021 | Other external award | |
Allison Clark | Clark | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Moe Constantine | Constantine | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Maria Cristina Conversano | Conversano | Psychology | Psychology | Undergraduate Student Research Award | The impacts of reminders on young children’s prospective memory | 2023 | Brock University |
Kayla Cormier | Cormier | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Kayla Cormier | Cormier | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Kayla Cormier | Cormier | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | William I. Gardner Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Alexandra Cotrufo | Cotrufo | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Community Achievement Award | 2023 | Brock Student Life and Success | |
Alexandra Cotrufo | Cotrufo | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Community Achievement Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Anthony Crocco-Montagano | Crocco-Montagano | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | Dr. Raymond and Mrs. Sachi Moriyama Graduate Fellowship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Amy Csordas | Csordas | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Dr. Raymond and Mrs. Sachi Moriyama Graduate Fellowship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Amy Csordas | Csordas | Psychology | MA in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Psychopathic Traits, Fear Enjoyment and Invincibility | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Keith Cunningham | Cunningham | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2024 | Brock University | |
Rebecca Currie | Currie | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Exploring Parental Involvement in the Youth Justice System: A Qualitative Study from the Perspective of Young Adults | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Troy Czajkowski | Czajkowski | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Bluma Appel Graduate Entrance Scholarship for Excellence in Social Sciences | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Thuy Linh Dang | Dang | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Analysing workplace factors and strategies impacting sustainable employment of people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Olivia Davies | Davies | Geography and Tourism Studies | Geography (BA) | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Sarah Davis | Davis | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sarah Davis | Davis | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Emily Davis | Davis | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Sarah Davis | Davis | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Evaluation of a Virtual Training for Dance Instructors to Implement a Behavioral Coaching Package | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Sarah Davis | Davis | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Dance with a BEAT: A Child-informed Dance Program for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Emily Davis | Davis | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral (CGS-D) | The neural mechanisms underlying hyper-binding in aging | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Emily Davis | Davis | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral (CGS-D) | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Emily Davis | Davis | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral (CGS-D) | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Emily Davis | Davis | Psychology | Post-doc in Psychology | NSERC Canada Post-Doctoral Fellowship | Attention-memory interactions in children and young adults | 2024 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Emily Davis | Davis | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Emily Davis | Davis | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Sarah Davis | Davis | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Emily Davis | Davis | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Wendy Murphy Memorial Award | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sarah Davis | Davis | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | William I. Gardner Scholarship | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Mario De Divitiis (BA ’06, MA ’08) | De Divitiis | Political Science | Political Science (Public Administration) | Community Engagement Award | BA '06 Political Science, MA '10 Political Science (Public Administration) | 2021 | Brock University Alumni Association |
Himajyothi De Silva | De Silva | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | Doris White Memorial Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Meredith DeCock | DeCock | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Using Visualization Techniques as a Tool for Knowledge Translation | 2019 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Brock DeGagne | DeGagne | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | Is my life now better or worse than my past or future life? The impact of temporal comparisons on individuals’ beliefs about how their life satisfaction is unfolding over time, affect, and motivation. | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Brock DeGagne | DeGagne | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Brock DeGagne | DeGagne | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Brock DeGagne | DeGagne | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Belinda Dentu | Dentu | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2023 | Brock University | |
Olivia Detlor | Detlor | Psychology | Psychology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Nishika Devgun | Devgun | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Connor Dick | Dick | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | MA in Popular Culture | David & Ann (Rothery) Skene-Melvin Graduate Scholarship in Popular Culture | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Pilar Dietrich | Dietrich | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Environmental Sustainability | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Andreas Dimopoulos | Dimopoulos | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Andreas Dimopoulos | Dimopoulos | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Anton Dinh | Dinh | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FMS Graduate Research (GRaD) Conference (poster presentation award - second place) | Comparing The Effects of Parental Experience on Cognition and Anxiety-Like Behaviour in Female and Male Degus | 2024 | Brock University Faculty of Mathematics and Science |
Laurel Donison | Donison | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Doris White Memorial Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Laurel Donison | Donison | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Dr. Joy Calkin Award (Landon Pearson Centre for the Study of Childhood and Children’s Rights) | 2022 | Other external award | |
Laurel Donison | Donison | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Laurel Donison | Donison | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Young children’s preferences of the elements available to them in their outdoor play space | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Laurel Donison | Donison | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Laurel Donison | Donison | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Laurel Donison | Donison | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Professor Zopito Marini Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Laurel Donison | Donison | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Professor Zopito Marini Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Laurel Donison | Donison | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Research Training Award | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Zabrina Downton | Downton | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | David & Ann (Rothery) Skene-Melvin Graduate Scholarship in Popular Culture | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Zabrina Downton | Downton | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Zabrina Downton | Downton | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Zabrina Downton | Downton | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Rethinking Medicalised Understandings of Recovery: From Discourse to Dilemma | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Liam Doyle | Doyle | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Bold New Brock Graduate Student OTSS Award | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Liam Doyle | Doyle | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | Psychopathy and Exploitation: Theory-Testing Using Game Theory Models | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Liam Doyle | Doyle | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Harrison-Thompson Bursary Trust | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Liam Doyle | Doyle | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Liam Doyle | Doyle | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Rudi Kroeker Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Kwasi Duah | Duah | Psychology | Psychology | Undergraduate Student Research Award | The effect of delay length and pacing on children’s prospective memory | 2023 | Brock University |
Jesina Duran | Duran | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Jesina Duran | Duran | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Rexella Dwomoh (BSc ’17, MADS ’24) | Dwomoh | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock Medal | 2024 | Brock University | |
Philip Dwomoh | Dwomoh | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | International TA (Teaching Assistant) Award | 2020 | Centre for Pedagogical Innovation | |
Rexella Dwomoh | Dwomoh | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | President’s Surgite Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Victoria Dykstra | Dykstra | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence - Doctoral Thesis | 2023 | Other external award | |
Victoria Dykstra | Dykstra | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FGS Excellence in Research Award | 2023 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Victoria (Tori) Dykstra | Dykstra | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Victoria Dykstra | Dykstra | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Presentation: Longitudinal Associations Between Lying to Friends, Friendship Quality, and Depressive Symptoms During Adolescence ". Poster: " Does lying to parents influence adolescent development? A longitudinal study of dishonesty, relationship quality, and depression" | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Victoria Dykstra | Dykstra | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Student Writing Award - Best PhD Thesis | Lie-telling during adolescence: A multi-method approach | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Victoria Dykstra | Dykstra | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Jack M. Miller Excellence in Research Award | 2023 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Victoria Dykstra | Dykstra | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship | The influence of friends and peers on lie-telling during adolescence | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Victoria Dykstra | Dykstra | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Victoria Dykstra | Dykstra | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Becky Earhart | Earhart | Psychology | Post-doc in Psychology | SSHRC Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship | The Development of Destination Memory: Exploring Social and Cognitive Influences using Applied Paradigms | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Megan Christina Earle | Earle | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Megan Christina | Earle | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Scotiabank Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Lamis El-Sabaa | El-Sabaa | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2023 | Brock University | |
Lamis El-Sabaa | El-Sabaa | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Akif Eltahir | Eltahir | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Provincial Award | |
Sarah Ens | Ens | Child and Youth Studies | Child and Youth Studies | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Norievill España | España | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | PhD in Sustainability Science | Rotary Club International Global Grant Scholarship | 2023 | Other external award | |
Jessica Falk | Falk | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | The Dismissal of Don Cherry: The Intersection of Masculinity, Nationalism, and Xenophobia | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Jessica Falk | Falk | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | The Intersection of Xenophobia, White Supremacy, and Colonialism in the 2019 Dismissal of Don Cherry: A Critical Discourse Analysis | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Megan Fazekas | Fazekas | Psychology | Psychology | Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence - Honours Thesis | 2022 | Other external award | |
Veronika Fendler | Fendler | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Veronika Fendler | Fendler | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | Do you see what I see? Comparing adolescents' and adults' perceptions of complex visual scenes. | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Shannon Fernandes | Fernandes | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | PhD in Sustainability Science | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2023 | Brock University | |
Shannon Fernandes | Fernandes | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | PhD in Sustainability Science | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | A roadmap to effective municipal climate change adaptation: bridging the implementation gap | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Tia Flinders | Flinders | Child and Youth Studies | Child and Youth Studies | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Hannah Floyd | Floyd | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Exploring Child and Parent Outcomes Following Parent Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) Training | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Hannah Floyd | Floyd | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2024 | Provincial Award | |
Ariana Forand | Forand | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Rovinelli Family Bursary in Environmental Sustainability | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Onika Forde | Forde | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Matilde Forti | Forti | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | Film Studies | Dean's Medal | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Avianna Foster | Foster | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Avianna Foster | Foster | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Research Training Award | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Paige Fournier | Fournier | Geography and Tourism Studies | Geography | Canadian Association of Geographers Undergraduate Award | 2022 | Disciplinary Honours | |
Paige Fournier | Fournier | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | Tecumseh Centre Graduate Bursary | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Geraldy Francois | Francois | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Susan Sydor Award in Social Justice & Equity Studies | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Prarthana Franklin-Luther | Franklin-Luther | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Harrison-Thompson Bursary Trust | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Prarthana Franklin-Luther | Franklin-Luther | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Taissa Fuke | Fuke | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence - Masters Thesis | 2022 | Other external award | |
Taissa Fuke | Fuke | Psychology | MA in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Naomi Fukumoto | Fukumoto | Applied Linguistics | Applied Linguistics | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Nicholas Gadea | Gadea | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Harrison-Thompson Bursary Trust | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Nicholas Gadea | Gadea | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Joceline Gaffan | Gaffan | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Joceline Gaffan | Gaffan | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | INVESTIGATING PARENTAL COGNITIONS ON PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PATTERNS OF CHILDREN WITH AND WITHOUT DEVELOPMENTAL COORDINATION DISORDER | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Joceline Gaffan | Gaffan | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Caitlyn Gallant | Gallant | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Barb Daly Excellence & Student Leadership Award | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Caitlyn Gallant | Gallant | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock Medal | 2022 | Brock University | |
Caitlyn Gallant | Gallant | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence - Doctoral Thesis | 2022 | Other external award | |
Caitlyn Gallant | Gallant | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | GRADflix video research competition | Understanding the Complex Mental Health Needs of Children or read more about the competition | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies |
Caitlyn Gallant | Gallant | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST) | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Caitlyn Gallant | Gallant | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Rudi Kroeker Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Nadia Ganesh | Ganesh | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Barb Daly Excellence & Student Leadership Award | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Nadia Ganesh | Ganesh | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Nadia Ganesh | Ganesh | Psychology | MA in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | The Role of Activation of Black Female Stereotypes in Explaining Why Black (vs. White) Female Rape Victims Receive More Negative Consequences for their Rape | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Nadia Ganesh | Ganesh | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship | Sex Differences in Discrimination Against Black Women and Black Men | 2022 | SSHRC |
Pulkit Garg | Garg | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | FOSS Student Research Award | Examining the Opportunities for the Agricultural Sector to Adapt to Climate Change: Case Study of the Town of Lincoln, ON | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Alyssa Gauthier | Gauthier | Applied Linguistics | Applied Linguistics | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Hana Ghani | Ghani | Social Sciences | Social Sciences | Campus-Wide Co-Curriculum Rising Star Award | 2023 | Brock Student Life and Success | |
Hana Ghani | Ghani | Social Sciences | Social Sciences | Campus-Wide Co-Curriculum Rising Star Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Hana Ghani | Ghani | Social Sciences | Social Sciences | Leadership, Innovation & Community Award | 2023 | Brock Student Life and Success | |
Hana Ghani | Ghani | Social Sciences | Social Sciences | Leadership, Innovation & Community Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Marcus Giancola | Giancola | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | Business Communication | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Ashley Giroux | Giroux | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | DEVELOPING BEST PRACTICES FOR ADAPTIVE MOVEMENT PROGRAMS FOR OLDER ADULTS LIVING WITH DEMENTIA. | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Daniel Glah | Glah | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Carroll Scholarship in Political Science | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Daniel Glah | Glah | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Ellen Speck Memorial Bursary | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Daniel Glah | Glah | Political Science | MA in Political Science | FOSS Student Research Award | The impact of Regional Multilateralism on State Security. The Case of the African Union’s Counter-Terrorism measures in Africa | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Daniel Glah | Glah | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Zelma Reive Graduate Bursary | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Emese Graham | Graham | Sociology/Women’s and Gender Studies/SJES | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Emese Graham | Graham | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Kristin Grant | Grant | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Determining the Effect of 1:1 Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/Training Coaching Sessions on Community Residential Agency Senior Staff’s Engagement in Values-Directed Behaviours | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Tia Greto | Greto | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Tia Greto | Greto | Psychology | MA in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Ignored Intersections: The Case of Substance Use-Related Anti-Stigma Campaigns | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Tia Greto | Greto | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Tecumseh Centre Graduate Bursary | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Tristan Griffiths | Griffiths | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Ellen Speck Memorial Bursary | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Tiago Guardia de Souza e Silva | Guardia de Souza e Silva | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Trillium Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Valentina Guerra Pinilla | Guerra Pinilla | Political Science | Political Science | Export Development Canada (EDC) Community Leadership Scholarship | 2024 | Other external award | |
Brodie Hague (BA ’14, BEd ’14, MS ‘16) | Hague | Geography and Tourism Studies | Geography | David S. Betzner Award | BA ’14, BEd ’14, MS ‘16 | 2024 | Brock University Alumni Association |
Brodie Hague (BA ’14, BEd ’14, MS ‘16) | Hague | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | David S. Betzner Award | BA ’14, BEd ’14, MS ‘16 | 2024 | Brock University Alumni Association |
Alyssa Hall | Hall | Women’s and Gender Studies | Women’s and Gender Studies | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Julia Hamill | Hamill | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | Dr. Raymond and Mrs. Sachi Moriyama Graduate Fellowships | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Julia Hamill | Hamill | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | FOSS Student Writing Award - Best Graduate MA Thesis | Molida, That’s Shimshali Food: Modernization, Mobility, Food Talk, and the Constitution of Identity in Shimshal, Pakistan | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Julia Hamill | Hamill | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Molida, that’s Shimshali food: Multilocality, food talk and the constitution of place-based identity in Shimshal, Pakistan | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Michael Hannett | Hannett | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Annual Fund Graduate Award | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Michael Hannett | Hannett | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Edgar and Irmgard Penner Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Michael Hannett | Hannett | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Edgar and Irmgard Penner Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Michael Hannett | Hannett | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Leading the Way Graduate Student Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Michael Hannett | Hannett | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Robert G. Rawle Graduate Bursary | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Brandon Hao | Hao | Economics | Master of Business Economics | Mohamed Dore Graduate Research Scholarship in Economics | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Evan Harding | Harding | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Provincial Award | |
Monte Hardy | Hardy | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Deaf Accessibility in a Three-Day Instructional Skills Workshop: An Explorative Study | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Carolynn Hare | Hare | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2019 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Stephen Harris | Harris | Economics | Economics | Male Athlete of the Year | 2022 | Brock University | |
Sheereen Harris | Harris | Child and Youth Studies | Post-doc in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship | Investigating real-time motivation and effort-based decision-making among Canadian youth | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Matthew Hayes | Hayes | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Matthew Hayes | Hayes | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Shannon Heaney | Heaney | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | DGS Excellence Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Shannon Heaney | Heaney | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Shannon Heaney | Heaney | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Joan P. Nicks Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Shannon Heaney | Heaney | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Shannon Heaney | Heaney | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Ontario Paper Thorold Foundation Graduate Award | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Taylor Heffer | Heffer | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Barb Daly Excellence & Student Leadership Award | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Taylor Victoria Heffer | Heffer | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Taylor Heffer | Heffer | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Dr. Liette Vasseur Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Taylor Heffer | Heffer | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Taylor Heffer | Heffer | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Taylor Heffer | Heffer | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | President’s Surgite Award | 2020 | Brock University | |
Taylor Heffer | Heffer | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ralph D. Morris Graduate Student Award | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Taylor Heffer | Heffer | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Scotiabank Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Taylor Heffer | Heffer | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Susan Sydor Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sarah Henderson | Henderson | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Sarah Henderson | Henderson | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral (CGS-D) | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Sarah Henderson | Henderson | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral (CGS-D) | Neural Underpinnings of Age-Related Differences in Event Segmentation: Event Tagging as a Tool to Improve Associative Memory in Older Adults | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Sarah Henderson | Henderson | Psychology | MA in Psychology | NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2019 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Sarah Henderson | Henderson | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Racheal Herlehy | Herlehy | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Hayley Hicks | Hicks | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Amy Holliday | Holliday | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Provincial Award | |
Amy Holliday | Holliday | Psychology | MA in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Lauren Hough | Hough | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Doug Shaver Memorial Award | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Lauren Hough | Hough | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | An Online Training Program to Educate Frontline Workers to Implement Differential Reinforcement to Reduce Resistance, Refusal, and Aggression in Persons with Acquired Brain Injury | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Edyta Houshang Tehrani | Houshang Tehrani | Psychology | Psychology (MA) | FOSS Student Research Award | Emotion Simulation and Procrastination in Children | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Estera Houshang Tehrani | Houshang Tehrani | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Joshua Hutten | Hutten | Geography and Tourism Studies | Geography and Tourism Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Steven Iamarino | Iamarino | Economics | Master of Business Economics | FOSS Student Writing Award - Best Paper in a Graduate Course | Causes for Property vs. Violent crime in Canada | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Marwa Mohammed Iqbal | Iqbal | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Erin Isaac | Isaac | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Esri GIS Scholarship | Detecting Land Cover Change at Port Weller East | 2023 | Other external award |
Erin Isaac | Isaac | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2022 | Brock University | |
Erin Isaac | Isaac | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2023 | Brock University | |
Erin Isaac | Isaac | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Rovinelli Family Bursary in Environmental Sustainability | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Jordan Isnor | Isnor | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Bethesda Volunteer of the Year | 2023 | Other external award | |
Jordan Isnor | Isnor | Political Science | MA in Political Science | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Kailene Jackson | Jackson | Political Science | Political Science | President’s Surgite Award | 2020 | Brock University | |
Kailene Jackson | Jackson | Political Science | Political Science | Women in Business Young Professional Award | 2021 | Other external award | |
Stacia Jacob | Jacob | Psychology | Psychology | International Student Ambassador Award | 2022 | Brock International | |
Brennor Jacobs (BA ’19) | Jacobs | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | Business Communication | Outstanding Young Alumni Award | BA '19 Business Communication | 2021 | Brock University Alumni Association |
Michelle Janzen | Janzen | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
PJ | JAVIER | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Belong, but don't be-long:Narratives of youths sponsored through the Live-in Caregiver Program | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Ben Johnson | Johnson | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Accessibility and Inclusion Recognition Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Ben Johnson | Johnson | Psychology | Psychology | Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock Medal | 2022 | Brock University | |
Benjamin Johnson | Johnson | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2022 | Brock University | |
Ben Johnson | Johnson | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2023 | Brock University | |
Benjamin Johnson | Johnson | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Ben Johnson | Johnson | Psychology | Psychology | President’s Surgite Award | 2022 | Brock University | |
Benjamin Johnson | Johnson | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | How do executive functions impact treatment response in children’s reading remediation programs? | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Rita Jokhaji | Jokhaji | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | Business Communication | Lou Cahill Scholarship in Communication | 2021 | Other external award | |
Ammaar Ruxshan Juhardeen | Juhardeen | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | International Student Ambassador Award | 2020 | Brock International | |
Cedric Junor | Junor | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | Film Studies | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Dana | Kalil | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Children with Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Challenges: A Descriptive Case Study Examining the Integration of Dance and Behavior Therapy Within Day Treatment | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Dana Kalil | Kalil | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Provincial Award | |
Sujane Kandasamy | Kandasamy | Child and Youth Studies | post-doc in Child and Youth Studies | CIHR Research Excellence, Diversity and Independence (REDI) Early Career Transition Award | 2024 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Brooke Kapeller | Kapeller | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Nolan Kelly | Kelly | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Joan P. Nicks Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Nolan Kelly | Kelly | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Rovinelli Family Bursary in Environmental Sustainability | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Jonah Kember | Kember | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Jonah Kember | Kember | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Dynamic EEG Brain Network Configuration: Exploring a New Method for Differentiating Between ADHD Subtypes | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Paul Kenney | Kenney | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Zelma Reive Graduate Bursary | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Muhammad Khan | Khan | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | FOSS Student Research Award | The Shifting Constitution of Gender and Mobility in a Context of Religious and Infrastructural Change: A Case Study of the Swat Valley, Pakistan. | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Muhammad Khan | Khan | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2022 | Brock University | |
Muhammad Idris Khan | Khan | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2023 | Brock University | |
Nazurah Khokhar | Khokhar | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Temporal Stability of Discounting Rates | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Nazurah Khokhar | Khokhar | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Nazurah Khokhar | Khokhar | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Anne Kiarie | Kiarie | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | Business Communication | International Student Ambassador Award | 2022 | Brock International | |
Janna Klostermann | Klostermann | Sociology | Post-doc in Sociology | SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Vincent Konadu | Konadu | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | COVID Graduate Student Fellowship | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Autumn Kozluk | Kozluk | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Kathy Tweedy Memorial Award | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Felicia Krtek | Krtek | Child and Youth Studies | Child and Youth Studies | Hospitality and Inclusion Award | 2023 | Brock Student Life and Success | |
Felicia Krtek | Krtek | Child and Youth Studies | Child and Youth Studies | Hospitality and Inclusion Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Rachel Kuhn | Kuhn | Sociology | Sociology | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Janine Lagundzin | Lagundzin | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Lulu Larcenciel | Larcenciel | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Lulu Larcenciel | Larcenciel | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Lulu Larcenciel | Larcenciel | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Adolescent Development and Relational Social Skills Processes in Autism | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Lulu Larcenciel | Larcenciel | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Lydia Lavis | Lavis | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Vincent FitzGibbon – Brain Injury Community Re-entry (Niagara) Inc. Bursary | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Andrew Lawrence | Lawrence | Political Science | Political Science | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Madison Lepp | Lepp | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Community Achievement Award | 2023 | Brock Student Life and Success | |
Madison Lepp | Lepp | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Community Achievement Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Madison Lepp | Lepp | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | FOSS Student Research Award | Building Climate Resilience and Equity in Canadian Municipalities | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Hi Leung | Leung | Psychology | Psychology | Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence - Honours Thesis | 2023 | Other external award | |
Jamie Lewis | Lewis | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Radical Art: Creating Teenage Community and Challenging Far-Right Narratives Through Arts-Based Participatory Action Research | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Yini Li | Li | Economics | Business Economics | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Jiayi | Li | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Sociodemographic homophily within friendships and sequential peer victimization: A longitudinal dyadic perspective | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Jiayi Li | Li | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Social goal orientations and social outcomes in early adolescence: The moderating role of friends’ characteristics | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Jackie Sin Yeong Lloyd | Lloyd | Applied Linguistics | MA in Applied Linguistics | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Jackie Lloyd | Lloyd | Applied Linguistics | MA in Applied Linguistics | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | The effects of various combinations of instructional techniques on the acquisition of English articles | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Holly Ann Lockhart | Lockhart | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST) | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Elvia Lopez Nava | Lopez Nava | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Rachel Luczon | Luczon | Psychology; Neuroscience | MA in Psychology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Rachel Luczon | Luczon | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | Investigating the Effect of Cannabis on the relationship between Emotion Regulation and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Rachel Luczon | Luczon | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Vincent FitzGibbon – Brain Injury Community Re-entry (Niagara) Inc. Bursary | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Hannah Luebker | Luebker | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | PhD in Sustainability Science | FOSS Student Research Award | Fostering Empathy in a Time of Disconnect | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Sarah Lukaszczyk | Lukaszczyk | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | FOSS Student Research Award | Social Policy for Affordable Housing: A Niagara Region Case Study | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Sarah Lukaszczyk | Lukaszczyk | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Kari Anne Lustig | Lustig | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Kari Anne Lustig | Lustig | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Wendy Murphy Memorial Award | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Quinn MacDonald | MacDonald | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | Dr. Raymond and Mrs. Sachi Moriyama Graduate Fellowships | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Elliott MacDonell | MacDonell | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Elliott MacDonell | MacDonell | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Wendy Murphy Memorial Award | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Carly Magnacca | Magnacca | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock Medal | 2020 | Brock University | |
Carly Magnacca | Magnacca | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Carly Magnacca | Magnacca | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Jeffery Hamelin Memorial Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Carly Magnacca | Magnacca | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2019 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Madi Maguire | Maguire | Psychology | Psychology | Dean's Medal (honours) | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Madi Maguire | Maguire | Psychology | Psychology | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Madi Maguire | Maguire | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | The relation between procrastination and attentional difficulties in young children | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Madi Maguire | Maguire | Psychology | MA in Psychology | President’s Surgite Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Madeline Maguire | Maguire | Psychology | MA in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Examining the Relation Between Attentional Difficulties and Procrastination in Young Children | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Mehakpreet Mahey | Mahey | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Susan Tough Award | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Jake Maiuri | Maiuri | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Jake Maiuri | Maiuri | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Jake Maiuri | Maiuri | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Jack Lightstone Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Jake Maiuri | Maiuri | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Taylor Manuge | Manuge | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dr. Jack Lightstone and Dr. Dorothy Markiewicz Entrance Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Taylor Manuge | Manuge | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Taylor Manuge | Manuge | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Scotiabank Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Taylor Manuge | Manuge | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Evaluating the Impact of Acceptance and Commitment Training through Coding Verbal Behaviour of Caregivers of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Ornella Marina Marinic (BA '08) | Marinic | Sociology | Sociology | Distinguished Faculty Graduate Award | BA '08, Sociology | 2024 | Brock University Alumni Association |
Ornella Marina Marinic (BA '08) | Marinic | Sociology | Sociology | Governor General's Award - Meritorious Service Cross | 2024 | Other external award | |
Russ Martin | Martin | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | MA in Popular Culture | David & Ann (Rothery) Skene-Melvin Graduate Scholarship in Popular Culture | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Emily Massicotte-Finch | Massicotte-Finch | Psychology | Psychology | Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence - Honours Thesis | 2023 | Other external award | |
Claire Marie Matthews | Matthews | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Claire Matthews | Matthews | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Dr. Liette Vasseur Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Luiza Mattos Jobim da Costa | Mattos Jobim da Costa | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Luiza Mattos Jobim da Costa | Mattos Jobim da Costa | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | FOSS Student Research Award | Hate against children: an analysis of Brazilian social media | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Perla Matusof | Matusof | Psychology | MA in Psychology | D’ont Poke the Bear Wine & Craft Cider Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Kelly McCowell | McCowell | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Kelly McCowell | McCowell | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Confronting our precarious existence: Disrupting linear temporality through encounters with alternative temporal logics | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Kelly McCowell | McCowell | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Jack Lightstone Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Kelly McCowell | McCowell | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Amanda McDonald | McDonald | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Hannah McDowell | McDowell | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Provincial Award | |
Hannah McDowell | McDowell | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Research Training Award | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Hannah McDowell | McDowell | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Tecumseh Centre Graduate Bursary | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Bridget McGlynn | McGlynn | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Bluma Appel Graduate Entrance Scholarship for Excellence in Social Sciences | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Bridget McGlynn | McGlynn | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | FOSS Student Research Award | Feedbacks and Fit in the St. John River Basin: An Analysis of Collaborative Governance of Complex Systems | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Bridget McGlynn | McGlynn | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Provincial Award | |
Bridget McGlynn | McGlynn | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Research Training Award | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Sydney McIntyre | McIntyre | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Rotary Club of St. Catharines Environmental Sustainability Graduate Scholarship | 2024 | Other external award | |
Taylor McNeely | McNeely | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | Doug Shaver Memorial Award | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Taylor McNeely | McNeely | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | Graduate Professional Development Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Taylor McNeely | McNeely | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Randi-Lynn Medeiros | Medeiros | Applied Linguistics | MA in Applied Linguistics | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Randi-Lynn Medeiros | Medeiros | Applied Linguistics | MA in Applied Linguistics | Graduate Professional Development Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Parisa Mehran | Mehran | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Susan Sydor Award in Social Justice & Equity Studies | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Abigail Mensah | Mensah | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | COVID Graduate Student Fellowship | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Kaitlyn Michener | Michener | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | The Perceived Psychosocial Impact of Volunteering: A Qualitative Study of Intergenerational Volunteerism in the Snow Buddies Program | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Felisia Milana | Milana | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock Medal | 2021 | Brock University | |
Felisia Milana | Milana | Political Science | MA in Political Science | David C. Murray Scholarship in Political Science | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Felisia Milana | Milana | Political Science | MA in Political Science | FOSS Student Research Award | Injustice Behind Bars: Critical Analysis of Government Initiatives in Addressing Indigenous Incarceration Overrepresentation (Working Title) | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Felisia Milana | Milana | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Graduate Students’ Association (GSA) Community Engagement Award | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Felisia Milana | Milana | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Novice TA (Teaching Assistant) Award | 2021 | Centre for Pedagogical Innovation | |
Alicia Miller | Miller | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Alicia Miller | Miller | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Alicia Miller | Miller | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Robert G. Rawle Graduate Bursary | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Emily J. Mills | Mills | Geography and Tourism Studies | Geography and Tourism Studies | Dean's Undergraduate Award for Excellent Writing | What are We? The impact of Encroaching Sedentarism on British and Irish “Gypsy” Women | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Emily Mills | Mills | Geography and Tourism Studies | Geography | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Julianne Mills | Mills | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Emily Mills | Mills | Geography and Tourism Studies | Geography and Tourism Studies | FOSS Dean's Undergraduate Award for Excellent Writing | What are We? The Impact of Encroaching Sedentarism on British and Irish "Gypsy" Women | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Shona Mills | Mills | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Kathy Tweedy Memorial Award | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Shona Mills | Mills | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Melody Minhorst | Minhorst | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2023 | Brock University | |
Gabrielle Mitchell | Mitchell | Applied Linguistics | MA in Applied Linguistics | Dr. Raymond and Mrs. Sachi Moriyama Graduate Fellowships | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Gabrielle Mitchell | Mitchell | Applied Linguistics | MA in Applied Linguistics | MA Applied Linguistics (TESL) Scholarship | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Kay Mitchell | Mitchell | Geography and Tourism Studies | Post-doc in Geography | SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Samantha Moeller | Moeller | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Provincial Award | |
Sali Moieldin | Moieldin | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Zaara Momin | Momin | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Annual Fund Graduate Award | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Zaara Momin | Momin | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Alec Moore | Moore | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Alec Moore | Moore | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Tracing the Colonial Nature of Disability within Canada through Historization and Examination of Contemporary Case Studies | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Alec Moore | Moore | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Marie Chanel Morgan | Morgan | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Examining research trends in the treatment of adults with problem behavior and intellectual and developmental disabilities: A brief review. | 2019 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Marie-Chanel Morgan | Morgan | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Exploring the Reliability of an Objective Severity Tool to Classify Severe Problem Behaviour | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Marie-Chanel Morgan | Morgan | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Susan Tough Award | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sarah Morningstar | Morningstar | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Compassion fatigue and burnout in poverty-reduction work | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Carole Moss | Moss | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Gender is Over": A Critical Literature Review of Trans and Gender Expansive Kids and their Families | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Madison Motyka | Motyka | Political Science | Political Science | Student Conduct Council Award | 2023 | Brock Student Life and Success | |
Madison Motyka | Motyka | Political Science | Political Science | Student Conduct Council Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Emily Murphy | Murphy | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Doris White Memorial Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Emily Murphy | Murphy | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Harrison-Thompson Bursary Trust | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Emily Murphy | Murphy | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Emily Murphy | Murphy | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Research Training Award | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Scott Murray (BA '08) | Murray | Economics | Economics | Community Engagement Award | BA '08 Economics | 2024 | Brock University Alumni Association |
Shealin Murray | Murray | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | The Development of Social Reward Motivation and Consequences of Stress Across Adolescence in Female and Male Long-Evans Rats | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Shealin Murray | Murray | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Haley Myatt | Myatt | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Barb Daly Excellence & Student Leadership Award | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Haley Myatt | Myatt | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock Medal | 2023 | Brock University | |
Haley Myatt | Myatt | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | President’s Surgite Award | 2022 | Brock University | |
Haley Myatt | Myatt | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Taking the Lead: Evaluating Student Leadership in Atlantic Canadian Secondary Schools | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Haley Myatt | Myatt | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Suzanne Curtin-Christopher Yendt Graduate Collaboration Award | 2023 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Haley Myatt | Myatt | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Suzanne Curtin-Christopher Yendt Graduate Collaboration Award | 2023 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Faezeh Yazdani Najafabadi, | Najafabadi | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2024 | Brock University | |
Aaron Nartey | Nartey | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | RETURN MIGRATION OF GHANAIAN IMMIGRANTS | 2019 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Fatima Nasser | Nasser | Sociology | Sociology | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Pratik Nath | Nath | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | COVID Graduate Student Fellowship | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Caitlyn Neufeld | Neufeld | Child and Youth Studies | Child and Youth Studies | Dean's Medal (Pass) | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Do Anh Nhu Nguyen | Nguyen | Business Economics | Business Economics | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Truong Hoang Anh | Nguyen | Psychology | Psychology | Undergraduate Student Research Award | The influence of contextual variability on children’s face learning | 2023 | Brock University |
Kaho Nishibu | Nishibu | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Provincial Award | |
Kaho Nishibu | Nishibu | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Rebekah Norman | Norman | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Joan P. Nicks Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Rebekah Norman | Norman | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Leading the Way Graduate Student Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Rebekah Norman | Norman | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Rebekah Norman | Norman | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | Exploring Relationships Between Young Carers and Parent(s) with Mental Illness: A Critical Participatory Action Research Project | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Favour Nwogu | Nwogu | Economics | Master of Business Economics | Dr. Raymond and Mrs. Sachi Moriyama Graduate Fellowship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Alison O'Connor | O'Connor | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence - Doctoral Thesis | 2022 | Other external award | |
Alison O'Connor | O'Connor | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Alison O'Connor | O'Connor | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Scotiabank Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Paige O'Neill | O'Neill | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Doug Shaver Memorial Award | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Oluseyi Obasi | Obasi | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | International Student Ambassador Award | 2019 | Brock International | |
Nneka Onyeachonam | Onyeachonam | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Bright Opare | Opare | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | COVID Graduate Student Fellowship | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Yvonne Opoku | Opoku | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Fidelis Kambilige Memorial Scholarship in Political Science | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Karen Orlandi | Orlandi | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Susan Sydor Award in Social Justice & Equity Studies | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Penny Ormerod | Ormerod | Labour Studies | Labour Studies | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Zomrawi Osman | Osman | Economics | Economics | Dean's Medal | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Dorcas Oteng Acheampong | Oteng Acheampong | Applied Linguistics | MA in Applied Linguistics | MA Applied Linguistics (TESL) Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Gifty Owusu | Owusu | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Adwoa Owusu | Owusu | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2023 | Brock University | |
Adwoa Yeboah Owusu | Owusu | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2023 | Brock University | |
Gifty Owusu | Owusu | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
James Paetkau | Paetkau | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | COVID Graduate Student Fellowship | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
James Paetkau | Paetkau | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | David & Ann (Rothery) Skene-Melvin Graduate Scholarship in Popular Culture | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Oya Pakkal | Pakkal | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Campus-Wide-Co-curriculum Certificate of Engagement | 2023 | Brock University | |
Oya Pakkal | Pakkal | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Oya Pakkal | Pakkal | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | Emotion Regulation: More taxing for adolescents than for adults? | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Oya Pakkal | Pakkal | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Oya Pakkal | Pakkal | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2023 | Brock University | |
Oya Pakkal | Pakkal | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ralph D. Morris Graduate Student Award | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Oya Pakkal | Pakkal | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Accessibility and Inclusion Recognition Award (Office of Human Rights and Equity) | 2024 | Brock University | |
Oya Pakkal | Pakkal | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | Navigating Marginalization: An Ecological Framework Study on the Impact of Social Identity Threat on Adolescents’ Learning | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Oya Pakkal | Pakkal | Psychology | MA in Psychology | TA (Teaching Assistant) Award | 2023 | Centre for Pedagogical Innovation | |
Veronica Panchyshyn | Panchyshyn | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Intolerance of Uncertainty, Negative Affect, Sex/Gender Differences Predicting Anxiety in Emerging Adulthood | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Zeal Pandya | Pandya | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Annual Fund Graduate Award | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Angelica Pangilinan | Pangilinan | Sociology | Sociology | President’s Surgite Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Ximena Paredes | Paredes | Psychology | Psychology | International Student Ambassador Award | 2021 | Brock International | |
Ximena Paredes | Paredes | Psychology | Psychology | International Student Ambassador Award | 2022 | Brock International | |
Smit Patel | Patel | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | Perceived Memory, Memory Performance, and Cannabis Use in Mild Head Injury Subjects | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Smit Patel | Patel | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Abby Payne | Payne | Psychology | Psychology | Campus-Wide Co-Curriculum Certificate of Engagement | 2024 | Brock Student Life and Success | |
Michelle Pearce | Pearce | Geography and Tourism Studies | Geography | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Utilizing RPAS to monitor permafrost retrogressive thaw slump geomorphological change and associated downstream biogeochemical impacts | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Emma Peddigrew | Peddigrew | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Brock University Alumni Association Graduate Entrance Award | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Emma Peddigrew | Peddigrew | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Emma Peddigrew | Peddigrew | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Emma Peddigrew | Peddigrew | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Emma Peddigrew | Peddigrew | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Emma Peddigrew | Peddigrew | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Susan Sydor Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Breanna Perrin | Perrin | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | Vern & Donna Sutherland Bursary | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Matthew Peter | Peter | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | Business Communication | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Taryn Petrovsky | Petrovsky | Geography and Tourism Studies | Geography (BSc) | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Jean Phan | Phan | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Jean Phan | Phan | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Ready 2 Work: Development of a User-Informed Employment Website for Job Seekers with Autism | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Katelyn Pierce | Pierce | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | FOSS Student Writing Award - Best Graduate MA Thesis | Detached from Our Bodies: Representing Women‘s Mental Health and Well-being with Graphic Memoirs | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Stephanie Piovesan | Piovesan | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Stephanie Piovesan | Piovesan | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | FOSS Student Writing Award - Best Graduate Major Research Paper | Animal Activism in Response to the Haudenosaunee Deer Harvest at Short Hills: Colonial Oppression, Responsibilities, and Indigenous-Settler and Human-Animal Relationships | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Brent Pitchford | Pitchford | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral (CGS-D) | 2019 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Brent Pitchford | Pitchford | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral (CGS-D) | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Brent Pitchford | Pitchford | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral (CGS-D) | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Madeline Pontone | Pontone | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock Medal | 2021 | Brock University | |
Kristie Poole | Poole | Psychology | Post-doc in Psychology | SSHRC Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship | Developmental Pathways of Shyness and Sensitivity to Peers Across Adolescence | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Ralph Pot | Pot | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Writing Award - Best Paper in a Graduate Course | Children, Disability, Education, and the Covid-19 Pandemic | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Nivetha Prabaharan | Prabaharan | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Alexander Preiss | Preiss | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Ellen Speck Memorial Bursary | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Alexander Preiss | Preiss | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Zelma Reive Graduate Bursary | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Nicholas Printup | Printup | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | Media and Communication Studies | National Share Your Roots Virtual Reality Competition | 2021 | Other external award | |
Nicholas Printup | Printup | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | Media and Communication Studies | President’s Surgite Award | 2021 | Brock University | |
Samuel Prong | Prong | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | Media and Communication Studies | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Elvira Prusaczyk | Prusaczyk | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Dr. Liette Vasseur Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Elvira Prusaczyk | Prusaczyk | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Elvira Prusaczyk | Prusaczyk | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Women's Health Award - Renewal | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Elvira Prusaczyk | Prusaczyk | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Elvira Prusaczyk | Prusaczyk | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Elvira Prusaczyk | Prusaczyk | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Wendy Murphy Memorial Award | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Hanna Puffer | Puffer | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Amilcare Ramella Graduate Scholarship In Canadian-American Studies | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Hanna Puffer | Puffer | Psychology | Psychology | Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence - Honours Thesis | 2022 | Other external award | |
Hanna Puffer | Puffer | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | The Mediating Role of Humanization in the Secondary Transfer Effect | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Hanna Puffer | Puffer | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Jack M. Miller Excellence in Research Award | 2024 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Hanna Puffer | Puffer | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Annilea Purser | Purser | Political Science | Political Science | Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock Medal | 2023 | Brock University | |
Annilea Purser | Purser | Political Science | Political Science | Ontario Remembrance Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Sunny Qureshi | Qureshi | Psychology | Psychology | Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence - Honours Thesis | 2022 | Other external award | |
Sunny Qureshi (BSc ‘22, MA ‘24) | Qureshi | Psychology | PhD in Psychology (Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience) | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2024 | Brock University | |
Max Roberts Ramos | Ramos | Political Science | Political Science | FOSS Dean's Undergraduate Award for Excellent Writing | Comparing the Electoral Success of Far-Right Political Parties in Portugal and Spain | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Aman-Preet Randhawa | Randhawa | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Aman-Preet Randhawa | Randhawa | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Aman-Preet Randhawa | Randhawa | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Evaluation of a Telehealth Parent Training Program | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Aman-Preet Randhawa | Randhawa | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Evaluation of Behaviour Analytic Assessment and Intervention to Address Sleep Problems in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Aman-Preet Randhawa | Randhawa | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Susan Tough Award | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Makisha Rasalinka | Rasalinka | Economics | Business Economics | Campus-Wide Co-Curriculum Certificate of Engagement | 2024 | Brock Student Life and Success | |
Azreen Rasna | Rasna | Psychology | Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | My Media Isn't Your Political Playground for Culture Wars: Need for closure and ideological orientation as predictors of Aversion to Diversity in media casting | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Niruba Rasuratnam | Rasuratnam | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Behavioral Interventions for Selective Mutism: A Review | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Niruba Rasuratnam | Rasuratnam | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Association for Behaviour Analysis, Inc. (ONTABA) Poster Award | 2021 | Disciplinary Honours | |
Niruba Rasuratnam | Rasuratnam | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Association for Behaviour Analysis, Inc. (ONTABA) Student Award | 2020 | Disciplinary Honours | |
Niruba Rasuratnam | Rasuratnam | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Niruba Rasuratnam | Rasuratram | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Evaluation of Video Modeling to Teach the Installation of Child Passenger Safety Restraints to Prospective Caregivers | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Anne Readhead | Readhead | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Madison Redding | Redding | Applied Linguistics | Applied Linguistics | Global Skills Opportunity | 2022 | Government of Canada | |
Olivia Reynolds | Reynolds | Political Science | MA in Political Science | David C. Murray Scholarship In Political Science | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sebastian Roa Goyes | Roa Goyes | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Annual Fund Graduate Award | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sebastian Roa Goyes | Roa Goyes | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | FOSS Student Research Award | Argentinian and Canadian youth, cultural values and social norms toward carbon labeling | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Sebastian Roa Goyes | Roa Goyes | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | International Student Ambassador Award | 2022 | Brock International | |
Mackenzie Rockbrune (BA ‘22) | Rockbrune | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2024 | Brock University | |
Renata Roma | Roma | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Research Training Award | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Julie Rorison (BA ’10) | Rorison | Political Science | Political Science (Public Administration) | Outstanding Young Alumni Award | BA '10 Political Science (Public Administration) | 2021 | Brock University Alumni Association |
Vikki Rossiter | Rossiter | Geography and Tourism Studies | Geography | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Jennifer Roters | Roters | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | The song remains the same? Responses to Adversity in Childhood | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Jennifer Roters | Roters | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | SSHRC Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Jennifer Roters | Roters | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | SSHRC | |
Jennifer Roters | Roters | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Wendy Murphy Memorial Award | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Valerie Rothwell | Rothwell | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Valerie Rothwell | Rothwell | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Valerie Rothwell | Rothwell | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Research Training Award | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Taylor Rowe | Rowe | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Shannon Ruzgys | Ruzgys | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Dean of Graduate Studies (DGS) Spring Research Fellowship | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Shannon Ruzgys | Ruzgys | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Ontario Paper Thorold Foundation Graduate Award | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Shannon Ruzgys | Ruzgys | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Rovinelli Family Bursary in Environmental Sustainability | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Ashley Dawn Ryan | Ryan | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Stereotype-threat and memory in older adults: A negative association between cortisol and explicit memory | 2019 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Ashley Dawn Ryan | Ryan | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | Investigating neural synchrony during emotion regulation across the lifespan | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Ashley Dawn Ryan | Ryan | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Research Training Award | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Ashley Dawn Ryan | Ryan | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Wendy Murphy Memorial Award | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sulemana Saaka | Saaka | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Carroll Scholarship in Political Science | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sulemana Saaka | Saaka | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Fidelis Kambilige Memorial Scholarship in Political Science | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sulemana Saaka | Saaka | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Fidelis Kambilige Memorial Scholarship in Political Science | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sulemana Saaka | Saaka | Political Science | MA in Political Science | Zelma Reive Graduate Bursary | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Christine Salabub | Salabub | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Student Writing Award - Best PhD Thesis | Electrophysiological measures of flexible attentional control and visual working memory maintenance | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Christine Salahub | Salahub | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST) | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Zohreh Salaribaghsangani | Salaribaghsangani | Applied Linguistics | MA in Applied Linguistics | FOSS Student Research Award | Bilingual Children’s Codeswitching During Storytelling in English and Persian | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Zohreh Salaribaghsangani | Salaribaghsangani | Applied Linguistics | MA in Applied Linguistics | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Laadi Salifu | Salifu | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Susan Sydor Award in Social Justice & Equity Studies | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Angela Salvatore (BA '02) | Salvatore | Sociology | Sociology | Distinguished Faculty Graduate Award | BA '02 Sociology | 2021 | Brock University Alumni Association |
Phoebe Samuelson | Samuelson | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Susan Sydor Award in Social Justice & Equity Studies | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Carlos Santos da Silva | Santos da Silva | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | A Translational Evaluation of the Separate and Combined Effects of Context Fading and an Extinction Cue on Mitigating ABA Renewal | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Tannaz Sattar | Sattar | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | FOSS Student Research Award | Urban green space typology and the main indicators for maximizing their performance: Case studies of Isfahan, Milan, and Toronto | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Erika Savage | Savage | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Cognitive Engagement Transference Across Academic and Extracurricular Activity in Highschool Youth | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Victoria Scott | Scott | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Victoria Scott | Scott | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | On the Longevity of Behavioral Interventions for Challenging Behavior: A Brief Review | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Victoria Scott | Scott | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Kathy Tweedy Memorial Award | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Patrick Segawa | Segawa | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Niveditha Sethumadhavan | Sethumadhavan | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | Business Communication | President’s Surgite Award | 2020 | Brock University | |
Sana Shah | Shah | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Hamnah Shahid | Shahid | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Hamnah Shahid | Shahid | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Hamnah Shahid | Shahid | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Provincial Award | |
Hamnah Shahid | Shahid | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Hamnah Shahid | Shahid | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Hamnah Shahid | Shahid | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Hamnah Shahid | Shahid | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | Lay Perspectives on Drug (De)Criminalization as a (De)Stigmatizing Process | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Tayler Shannon | Shannon | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Social Justice & Equity Graduate Bursary | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Manyata Sharma | Sharma | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dr. Jack Lightstone and Dr. Dorothy Markiewicz Entrance Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Manyata Sharma | Sharma | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dr. Jack Lightstone and Dr. Dorothy Markiewicz Entrance Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Manyata Sharma | Sharma | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Manyata Sharma | Sharma | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Jeffery Hamelin Memorial Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Andrew Sheehan | Sheehan | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FMS Graduate Research (GRaD) Conference (oral presentation award - third place) | Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Alters Social Motivation in Early Adolescent Male and Female Sprague Dawley Rats | 2024 | Brock University Faculty of Mathematics and Science |
Lindsay Sheppard | Sheppard | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Claire Shingleton-Smith | Shingleton-Smith | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Tara Shivafard | Shivafard | Political Science | Political Science | Co-op Career and Experiential Education | Law Plus Student of the Year Award | 2023 | Brock University |
Mandeep Singh | Singh | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Nicole Sinha | Sinha | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Nicole Sinha | Sinha | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Nicole Sinha | Sinha | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Learning challenges or lack of focus? The role of attention in acquiring reading skill | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Brontë Slote | Slote | Political Science | Political Science | FOSS Dean's Undergraduate Award for Excellent Writing | Loss of Dogs, Loss of Life: The Destruction of Inuit Identity and Culture through Colonial Sled Dog Policies | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Teshawn Smikle | Smikle | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Kelsey Smith | Smith | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Aishah Sonekan | Sonekan | Psychology | Psychology | International Student Ambassador Award | 2022 | Brock International | |
Aishah Sonekan | Sonekan | Psychology | Psychology | Ontario Remembrance Scholarship | 2024 | Provincial Award | |
Aishah Sonekan | Sonekan | Psychology | Psychology | President’s Surgite Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Katelyn Soucie-Vukmanich | Soucie-Vukmanich | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Katelyn Soucie-Vukmanich | Soucie-Vukmanich | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Research Training Award | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Natalie Spadafora | Spadafora | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Talking during class, packing up books and name calling: Is it really that big a deal? An exploration of classroom incivility | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Natalie Spadafora | Spadafora | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Research Training Award | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Natalie Spadafora | Spadafora | Child and Youth Studies | Post-doc in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship | Why should we care about uncivil behavior in class? An examination of classroom incivility in adolescents | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Kayla Sparks Gomez | Sparks Gomez | Political Science | Political Science | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Katherine Spiegel | Spiegel | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Rachel Springle | Springle | Applied Linguistics | MA in Applied Linguistics | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Rachel Springle | Springle | Applied Linguistics | MA in Applied Linguistics | MA Applied Linguistics (TESL) Scholarship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Quinlan Stamp | Stamp | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Quinlan Stamp | Stamp | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | William I. Gardner Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Lauren Stepien | Stepien | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Lauren Stepien | Stepien | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Lauren Stepien | Stepien | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Predicting poor attentional control in highly sensitive children with high executive function as a potential protective factor | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Jacob Stirpe | Stirpe | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Savannah Stuart | Stuart | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Dean of Graduate Studies (DGS) Spring Research Fellowship | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Savannah Stuart | Stuart | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | FOSS Student Research Award | Understanding the influence of the complex social-ecological system change of COVID-19 on people-place relationships through place attachment and subjective wellbeing | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Sneha Sudha | Sudha | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | International Student Ambassador Award | 2023 | Brock International | |
Sneha Sudha | Sudha | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | International Student Ambassador Award | 2024 | Brock International | |
Brittney Sureshkumar | Sureshkumar | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Brittany Sureshkumar | Sureshkumar | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Review of Strategies to Teach Safety Skills to Children | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Brittney Sureshkumar | Sureshkumar | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | A Comparison of Written Instructions and Video Modeling to Teach First Aid Skills to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Natalie Tacuri | Tacuri | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Dance and Higher Education: The Student Athlete Context | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Natalie Tacuri | Tacuri | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | From Artists to Athletes: Examining Perceptions of Dance as a Sport in Ontario Universities | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Laura Tardi | Tardi | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Research Training Award | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Laura Tardi | Tardi | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2019 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Fiona Teague | Teague | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Transitioning to First-Year During COVID-19: Implementing and Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Student Mental Health Literacy Program | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Fiona Teague | Teague | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Alyssa Thibeault | Thibeault | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Alyssa Thibeault | Thibeault | Psychology | MA in Psychology | FOSS Student Writing Award - Best Graduate MA Thesis | Investigating the effects of perceptual complexity versus conceptual meaning on the neural correlates of visual working memory | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Alyssa Thibeault | Thibeault | Psychology | MA in Psychology | John Suk Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Alyssa Thibeault | Thibeault | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Alyssa Thibeault | Thibeault | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Alyssa Thibeault | Thibeault | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Alyssa Thibeault | Thibeault | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Susan Sydor Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Sophia | Thierry | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Presentation: The influence of first impressions on children’s interpretations of peers’ behaviour in ambiguous situations. / Poster: Was it a lie? Investigating the influence of facial impressions of trustworthiness on adults’ perceptions of children’s lie-telling. | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Sophia Thierry | Thierry | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Sophia Thierry | Thierry | Psychology | MA in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Children’s sensitivity to facial cues of trustworthiness when forming first impressions of child faces | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Thurka Thillainathan | Thillainathan | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Thurka Thillainathan | Thillainathan | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Thurka Thillainathan | Thillainathan | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Program Evaluation of a Specialized Treatment Home for Adults with Severe Challenging Behaviour | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Thurka Thillainathan | Thillainathan | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Jack Lightstone Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Thurka Thillainathan | Thillainathan | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Jeffery Hamelin Memorial Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Hannah Thomas | Thomas | Psychology | Psychology | Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence - Honours Thesis | 2023 | Other external award | |
Hannah Thomas | Thomas | Psychology | MA in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | The effects of distraction on narrative comprehension and memory in younger and older | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Hannah Thomas | Thomas | Psychology | Psychology | Undergraduate Student Research Award | The effects of stereotype threat on older adults’ memory performance | 2023 | Brock University |
Helena Tizaa | Tizaa | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | FOSS Student Research Award | Crimes of Globalization: Structural Adjustment Program and Maternal Health in Ghana | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Helena Tizaa | Tizaa | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Elizabeth Todd | Todd | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | Governor General’s Gold Medal Award | 2021 | Other external award | |
Rosa Torres | Torres | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence - Masters Thesis | 2023 | Other external award | |
Rosa Torres Hernandez | Torres Hernandez | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | Age Differences in Attentional Distraction Suppression | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Rosa Torres Hernandez | Torres Hernandez | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship – Doctoral (PGS-D) | Neural Underpinnings of Age-Related Differences in Visual Working Memory Distractor Filtering | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Micaela Totino | Totino | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Micaela Totino | Totino | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Jeffery Hamelin Memorial Scholarship | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Micaela Totino | Totino | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Designing and Implementing a Public Transportation Navigation-Skills Training Program for Offenders with Intellectual and Developmental Disability | 2022 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Sara Tough | Tough | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Hope Tuff-Berg | Tuff-Berg | Political Science | Political Science | Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock Medal | 2021 | Brock University | |
Hope Tuff-Berg | Tuff-Berg | Political Science | Political Science | President’s Surgite Award | 2020 | Brock University | |
Vanessa Turchio | Turchio | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Vanessa Turchio | Turchio | Psychology | MA in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Alyssa Turner | Turner | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | Joe Robertson Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Anita Twele | Twele | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Anita | Twele | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Scholarly Conference Student Travel Award | Stern and Confident: Dimensions Underlying First Impressions of Older Adult Faces | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Anita Twele | Twele | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Provincial Award | |
Anita Twele | Twele | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Anita Twele | Twele | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Anita Twele | Twele | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Anita Twele | Twele | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | First Impressions of Older Adult Faces and Their Influence on Behaviour | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Tayler Vadja | Vadja | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | 2021 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Tayler Vajda | Vajda | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Tayler Vajda | Vajda | Sociology | MA in Critical Sociology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Pearl Valdez | Valdez | Geography and Tourism Studies | Tourism and Environment | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Rebecca Van Massenhoven | Van Massenhoven | Political Science | MA in Political Science | FOSS Student Writing Award - Best Graduate Major Research Paper | MULTI-LEVEL GOVERNANCE IN THE NIAGARA REGION: A Case Study of Lyons Creek East, Welland Ontario | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Rebecca Van Massenhoven | Van Massenhoven | Political Science | MA in Political Science | National Student and Thought Leadership Award in Public Administration | awarded by the Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration and the Institute of Public Administration in Canada | 2023 | Other external award |
Philip Van Riesen | Van Riesen | Economics | Economics | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Hanna Vance | Vance | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Bluma Appel Graduate Entrance Scholarship for Excellence in Social Sciences | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Hanna Vance | Vance | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Bluma Appel Graduate Entrance Scholarship for Excellence in Social Sciences | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Hanna Vance | Vance | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Refining the Performance Diagnostic Checklist for Human Services Using Cut-off Scores and Decision-Making Models | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Julia Vance | Vance | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Social Justice & Equity Graduate Bursary | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Mansi Vishwajitsinh Vansia | Vansia | Economics | Business Economics | Campus-Wide Co-Curriculum Certificate of Engagement | 2024 | Brock Student Life and Success | |
Derek Veenhof | Veenhof | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | Media and Communication Studies | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Chantal Veilleux | Veilleux | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Comparison of Mindfulness and Acceptance on Body Image Dissatisfaction in Women | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Pablo Velez Villegas | Velez Villegas | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Susan Sydor Award in Social Justice & Equity Studies | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Victoria Vella | Vella | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Victoria Vella | Vella | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Zain Karim | Virani | Economics | Master of Business Economics | TA (Teaching Assistant) Award | 2021 | Centre for Pedagogical Innovation | |
Kevin Thanh Vo | Vo | Psychology | Psychology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Kevin Thanh Vo | Vo | Psychology | Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | Shame- and guilt-proneness in alexithymia: an exploration using HEXACO personality factors | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Nwakerendu (Kay) Waboso | Waboso | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Accessibility and Inclusion Recognition Award | 2022 | Brock University | |
Nwakerendu (Kay) Waboso | Waboso | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Graduate TA Award | 2023 | Centre for Pedagogical Innovation | |
Nwakerendu (Kay) Waboso | Waboso | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Nwakerendu (Kay) Waboso | Waboso | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Nwakerendu (Kay) Waboso | Waboso | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Nwakerendu (Kay) Waboso | Waboso | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Professor Zopito Marini Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Nwakerendu (Kay) Waboso | Waboso | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Robert G. Rawle Graduate Bursary | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Abigail Wade | Wade | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | Business Communication | President’s Surgite Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Grayson Wadsworth-Hayes | Wadsworth-Hayes | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Beyond the Headlines: Exploring Media Portrayal of Youth Climate Change Activists | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Grayson Wadsworth-Hayes | Wadsworth-Hayes | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | President’s Surgite Award | 2021 | Brock University | |
Claire Wallace | Wallace | Geography and Tourism Studies | Tourism and Environment | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Samantha Wallbank | Wallbank | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Kathy Tweedy Memorial Award | 2022 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Samantha Wallbank | Wallbank | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Assessing Barriers and Facilitators in Evidence-Based Parent Training | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Qi Wan | Wan | Applied Disability Studies | Master of Applied Disability Studies | Graduate Professional Development Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Yadi Wang | Wang | Economics | Master of Business Economics | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Emily Wannamaker | Wannamaker | Child and Youth Studies | Child and Youth Studies (UG) | FOSS Student Research Award | Exploring male youth culture and gender expectations | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Victoria Wattam | Wattam | Psychology | MA in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2020 | Provincial Award | |
Kendra White | White | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | A Comparison of Two Dependent Group Contingencies: Hero Identified and Hero Unidentified | 2024 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Kendra White | White | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | A Comparison of Two Dependent Group Contingencies: Hero Identified and Hero Unidentified | 2023 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Lisa Whittingham | Whittingham | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | Dual Diagnosis Scholarship | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Lisa Whittingham | Whittingham | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship | Examining factors involved in police decision-making regarding persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Annelise Wiens | Wiens | Psychology | Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | Investigating threat sensitivity: A longitudinal approach investigating parent-child test score discrepancy | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Stacyann Williams | Williams | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Absent Students: How Accessibility Services are Delivered Through the Eyes of Students with Disabilities that Affect Learning. | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Stacyann Williams | Williams | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Social Justice & Equity Graduate Bursary | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Stacyann Williams | Williams | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Social Justice & Equity Graduate Bursary | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Hannah Willms | Willms | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Hannah Willms | Willms | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | FOSS Student Research Award | Is Airbnb Affordable? A Critical Examination of the Relationship Between Airbnb and Affordable Rental Housing in Niagara Falls, Ontario. | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Hannah Willms | Willms | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | London Community Foundation | London-Middlesex Community Housing (LMCH) Housing Policy Research Award | 2020 | Other external award |
Samantha Witowski | Witowski | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Provincial Award | |
Kingston Wong | Wong | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FMS Graduate Research (GRaD) Conference (poster presentation award - honourable mention) | Sex-Dependent Alterations to the Gut Microbiota and Anxiety-Like Behavior in Rats Prenatally Exposed to Alcohol | 2024 | Brock University Faculty of Mathematics and Science |
Kingston Wong | Wong | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Kingston Wong | Wong | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Student Research Award | Vulnerability vs. resilience: The role of inflammation and gut structure/function and microbiota composition on the prenatal alcohol-induced mental health problems | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Kingston Wong | Wong | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Breanne Wylie | Wylie | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence - Doctoral Thesis | 2022 | Other external award | |
Breanne Wylie | Wylie | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Ralph D. Morris Graduate Student Award | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Breanne Wylie | Wylie | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D) | 2019 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) | |
Xiaoyang Xia | Xia | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Xiaoyang Xia | Xia | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Horizon Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Brock University | |
Xiaoyang Xia | Xia | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Research Training Award | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Xiaoyang Xia | Xia | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Robert G. Rawle Graduate Bursary | 2019 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Xiaoyang Xia | Xia | Psychology | PhD in Psychology | Wendy Murphy Memorial Award | 2023 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Haoren Xu | Xu | Economics | Business Economics | Distinguished Graduating Student Award | 2024 | Brock University | |
Harriet Yeboah | Yeboah | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | Catherine and Gary Comerford Graduate Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Harriet Yeboah | Yeboah | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | FOSS Student Research Award | International Development and the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study of Ghana’s Tourism Industry. | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Harriet Yeboah | Yeboah | Geography and Tourism Studies | MA in Geography | Leading the Way Graduate Student Scholarship | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Elshaday Yeshitila Yilma | Yilma | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Elshaday Yeshitila Yilma | Yilma | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Imagining Ethiopia: Ethnicity, criminalization, the state and the construction of national identity | 2021 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Kaitlyn Young | Young | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Examining the Strengths, Experiences, and Needs of Canadian Post-Secondary Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Kirsten Young | Young | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Integrating Evidence-Based Training Strategies (Behavioural Skills Training & Video-Modeling) within an E-Learning Modality to Train Volunteers Working with Neurodiverse Populations | 2020 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Kristen Young | Young | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS-M) | Integrating a Behavioural Skills Training Framework into a Mobile Application to Provide Training to Volunteers Working with a Neurodiverse Population | 2020 | Tri-Council (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) |
Han Xiang Yu | Yu | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Brock University GSA Award | 2023 | Brock University | |
Kevin Han Xiang Yu | Yu | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | FOSS Research Assistantship | 2022 | Faculty of Social Sciences | |
Han Xiang Yu | Yu | Applied Disability Studies | MA in Applied Disability Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2022 | Provincial Award | |
Liu Yushan | Yushan | Economics | Master of Business Economics | Distinguished Graduate Student Award | 2022 | Faculty of Graduate Studies | |
Vanessa Zarb | Zarb | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | Teachers Voice: An Examination of Teachers Lives Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Vanessa Zarb | Zarb | Child and Youth Studies | MA in Child and Youth Studies | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2023 | Provincial Award | |
Faryal Zehra | Zehra | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | Media and Communication Studies | International Student Ambassador Award | 2020 | Brock International | |
Cecily Zeppetella (BA '24) | Zeppetella | Communication, Popular Culture and Film | Business Communication | Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock Medal | 2024 | Brock University | |
Bu Zihang | Zihang | Child and Youth Studies | PhD in Child and Youth Studies | FOSS Student Research Award | The Relationship among Anxiety, Sensory Sensitivity and Impulsivity in Children and Youth at Niagara Region | 2023 | Faculty of Social Sciences |
Raadhiyah Zowmi | Zowmi | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Board of Trustees Spirit of Brock Medal | 2023 | Brock University | |
Raadhiyah Zowmi | Zowmi | Sociology | MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies | Susan Sydor Award in Social Justice & Equity Studies | 2021 | Internal Scholarships and Awards | |
Jessica Zugic | Zugic | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Ontario Graduate Scholarship | 2019 | Provincial Award | |
Jessica Zugic | Zugic | Environmental Sustainability Research Centre | Master of Sustainability | Ontario Paper Thorold Foundation Graduate Award | 2020 | Internal Scholarships and Awards |
Acronyms for the Tri-Council:
SSHRC – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
NSERC – Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
CIHR – Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Questions about this list? Contact us.