Articles by author: ctalaue

  • Internship/Experiential Learning Courses available for Year 4 students

    For further details about the course options and requirements, please contact Penni Lafleur, Academic Administrator, at

    Categories: News

  • Congratulations to the finalists of the annual Dobson Case Competition

    O’Malley lecturer gives insights into changing world of marketing

    It’s Brock University students like Ashley Howard and Mitchell Cowan who will lead the evolution of the marketing and advertising industry.

    The two students took first place and won $2,000 in the 16th annual Grant Dobson Case Competition Tuesday afternoon.Terry O’Malley chats with Ashley Howard and Mitchell Cowan, winners of this year’s Grant Dobson Case Competition.

    Hosted by the Department of Communication, Popular Culture and Film, the Grant Dobson Case Competition provides students the opportunity to showcase their superior creativity and presentation skills to a panel of industry experts.

    Full story on The Brock News.

    Categories: News