Brock Student Freelance Directory

Looking for a student freelancer to help you with a small project? Check out the Brock Student Freelance Directory to find a student with the skills you need for your next small project.

How it works

  1. Brock University students can sign up to be listed as a Brock Student Freelancer by filling out the form below and listing their skills as freelancers. 
  2. They will be listed on the Brock Student Freelance Directory and individuals can connect with them to discuss a small project where their skills are needed.
  3. To sign up to be a Brock Student Freelancer, you must be a current Brock University student.

People looking to connect with Brock Student Freelancers can check out the Brock Student Freelance Directory to find students based on their skills and connect with them to see if their freelancing services are a fit for their small project.  

Register for How to Become a Freelancer

Wednesday October 23, 2024
1pm – 2:30pm

Become a Brock Student Freelancer

Looking for a Student Freelancer

Looking for more than a freelancer? If you are looking for a part-time, full-time employee or Co-op student connect with our Co-op, Career and Experiential Learning team.

Please note that Brock LINC does not vet or screen freelancers. This page is simply to provide connections and opportunities for Brock Student Freelancers.