Maintained Status

Brock University DLI # 019394569014

If your status document (study permit, work permit, or visitor status) expires while you are waiting for a decision on an application for an extension or status change, you will have what is called “maintained status” until a decision is made on your application.

Under maintained status, you can continue to stay in Canada. You may also be eligible to study and/or work under the conditions of your current status document as long as you remain in Canada.

The deadline for an application to be received by IRCC is midnight UTC for you to have maintained status. If your application is submitted later, you lose your status and must immediately stop studying and working. See restoration for more information.

Maintained Status FAQ

We do not recommend you travel while you have an application pending.

  • If possible, you should wait until you have both a valid travel document and status document again.
  • If you must leave, you need a valid visa/eTA (unless exempt) to return to Canada. You should also carry with you a copy of your confirmation of submission and all the documents from your pending application in case you are asked questions at the border.

Note: If you leave Canada while on maintained status, you lose the authorization to study (and work) until you receive a positive decision on your application (exception if you are eligible to work while waiting for a PGWP decision).

If you are switching from a study permit to a post-graduation work permit, you may be eligible to work while you wait for a decision on your PGWP. You may also be able to travel without impacting your authorization to work. See post-graduation work permit for more information.

Still have questions about maintained status?

Get in touch with our international student advisors at [email protected]


The information on this page is intended as general information for Brock University students. It has been reviewed by Brock International’s international student advising team who are Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCICs) and Regulated International Student Immigration Advisors (RISIAs). Please note that this website is not a legal document.

Immigration information can change quickly and without notice, so always refer to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada for the most current information.