Student resources

Liz Hay

Academic advising

Liz Hay

Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Academic Advisor
Office: MC A311
Extension: 5101

To book an appointment, please click here then follow the instructions provided.

Students may also wish to follow Liz Hay on Twitter (though not for booking appointments). Her twitter handle is FOHAdviserLiz.

Frequently asked questions

As a Canadian Studies student, you will acquire a good understanding of Canada as a nation and as a concept and will gain a sound working knowledge of Canadian communities and institutions. You will take core courses in Canadian Studies and may choose from a list of approved courses offered by other departments that contribute to this co-major program, offering Canadian-centered courses in history, geography, economics, politics, English, sociology, media studies and visual arts. Emphasis is placed on the unique nature of the Canadian experience and understanding Canadian social and cultural history.

Canadian Studies graduates look forward to a wide variety of possible career paths based upon a sound knowledge of Canadian realities and the specific disciplinary skills aquired in your combined degree.  By combining your Canadian Studies degree with another discipline, you will gain a comprehensive education and the opportunity to study what interests you most. The program will help you develop valuable knowledge-based pre-employment skills, including: knowledge about Canadian society and culture, research skills, analytical, writing, and speaking skills. Canadian Studies also provides excellent preparation for post-graduate study or professional training. Visit Career Services at Brock for more information on options for Canadian Studies graduates.

English 4U is the only subject recommended for Canadian Studies, however, you should confirm subjects that may be required for the other program in your combined major.

Research, writing and speaking are emphasized in each course, with careful attention paid to your conceptual development and ability to articulate ideas. Canadian Studies is an interdisciplinary program, which means that you will take courses in many different areas, and have a stronger understanding of Canadian concepts from multiple perspectives. You can gain valuable experience by participating in Canadian Studies annual conferences and events, and in some cases, even present your own work. The annual “Two Days of Canada”  and international Crossing Borders Conference provide great opportunities for you to network with experts and leading researchers.

You can complete a combined major in Canadian Studies as an Honours program or a three year BA degree, or you can opt to complete the requirements for a minor in Canadian Studies.

For specific questions about the Centre for Canadian Studies and the Canadian Studies program at Brock contact the Director, Professor Marian Bredin