Trauma, Violence and Self-Care

Understanding trauma and violence and choosing the most suitable self-care practices are intimately linked.

Recognizing the underlying reasons and mechanisms of trauma and violence is crucial for initiating the healing process. By gaining insight into our experiences with these challenges, we can effectively embark on a journey of recovery and growth.

3 students laying on grass top view

Empowering ourselves with this knowledge allows us to make informed decisions about which self-care strategies will best support our healing, well-being, and resilience.

See below for more information:

Trauma is a complex experience, encompassing events, circumstances, or a series of incidents that inflict physical or emotional harm, pose life-threatening situations, and leave lasting adverse effects on individuals or communities. The various classifications of trauma are not mutually exclusive; often, multiple types of traumas overlap within a single or across multiple incidents.

Understanding Violence within the context of Trauma illuminates the interconnectedness of Trauma & Violence and their impact on marginalized communities. This approach seeks to empower individuals who have experienced violence and/or have a history of exposure to violence, rather than solely focusing on their trauma experiences. By recognizing these intersections, we aim to bolster individuals’ sense of control and resilience as they seek services and support to heal from their experiences of violence and its traumatic aftermath.

Responses to trauma encompass a wide spectrum of physical and mental reactions that can profoundly impact individuals’ overall health and well-being. It is crucial to recognize that our bodies’ responses to trauma are not within our conscious control. How we react to trauma is closely tied to our stress responses, which are predominantly biological, subconscious, and challenging to regulate.

Traumatic experiences can trigger a range of responses, with some common examples including insomnia, emotional numbness, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, respiratory issues, and anger management problems. However, it is essential to acknowledge that the way individuals respond to trauma is unique and influenced by a multitude of social factors, including age, race, culture, religion, ability, and more.

As trauma affects each person differently, the healing journey must be tailored to individual needs and circumstances. Providing support that considers these diverse factors can help individuals navigate the effects of trauma more effectively and foster resilience in the face of adversity. Understanding the complexities of trauma responses empowers us to approach trauma survivors with empathy, compassion, and a willingness to create a safe environment for healing and growth.

For more information about your body’s response to trauma, check out this reading: Common-Responses-to-Trauma.pdf

  • Acute Trauma
  • Complex Trauma
  • Intergenerational Trauma
  • Racialized Trauma
  • Developmental Trauma Disorder

In the aftermath of experiencing trauma, dedicating time to check in with yourself and practice self-care becomes crucial. Self-care can play a pivotal role in regulating the body, reducing stress levels, and temporarily restoring a sense of normalcy to aid in your daily functioning.

Just as trauma affects individuals uniquely, self-care takes on various forms for different people. For some, it might involve attending to practical tasks such as managing bills, getting enough sleep, or simply navigating through each day. Others may find solace in creative pursuits like coloring, watching a movie, or spending quality time with loved ones. Emphasizing that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to self-care, what truly matters is finding what works best for you and your well-being.

Below, we offer a range of resources to inspire and support you on your self-care and healing journey. Remember, the path to self-care is a personal one, and by listening to your needs and honoring what brings you comfort and restoration, you can take positive steps towards healing and resilience.

[Resources Coming Soon]