Brock’s Student Mental Health Policies and Services

Our commitment to mental health and wellbeing

Brock is committed to providing a supportive and inclusive student experience that promotes  wellness and provides a holistic range of approaches to support students’ mental health and well-being.

Brock’s Strategic Plan includes as one of its key strategic directions and priorities, “Realize you matter”, and states, “Brock feels different, because we are different. We believe in supporting people to develop on their own terms and in their own ways. We work towards fostering an equitable, inclusive and accessible environment in which everyone works hard and feels supported in doing so.”

Brock delivers on this commitment through a range of programs, policies, services, and supports.

Our programs, policies, services, and supports

Brock provides many different services and programs to meet the mental health needs of our students, including:

These programs, supports, and services are backed by a range of institutional policies which enshrine a commitment to supporting student mental health and wellness, including:

The accommodations policy provisions approved by Brock’s Senate (Faculty Handbook 3:C:13.2) include a commitment to accommodating students who may be unable to complete academic work due to health concerns, including mental health and provide a clear process for students who wish to seek accommodation from their instructor.

The Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Policy ensures that students with mental-health related conditions are appropriately accommodated in accordance with the University’s obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code.

The Student Code of Conduct sets out community standards to promote and maintain respect for all members of the Brock community and recognizes that all students have the right to reasonable accommodations that respect the dignity of individuals with a disability, meet individual needs, maintain confidentiality whenever possible, and promote integration and full participation.

The Campus Assessment, Response, and Education Protocol supports vulnerable students who may be at risk to themselves or the Brock community. The Protocol provides for a cross-functional team of representatives from key units across campus to take a wholistic approach to addressing at-risk behaviour.

The Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy commits to providing an inclusive and respectful learning environment for all students and prohibits any form of harassment or discrimination, including on the basis of disability. The associated procedures provide a range of mechanisms to addressing concerns regarding discrimination, including informal resolution and formal complaints.

In addition to providing students with programs, services, and supports at the University, Brock also facilitates referrals to external resources where appropriate and provides students with information and resources for a range of supports outside of Brock. For more information, see the Mental Health Resources section of Student Wellness and Accessibility’s website.

Guarding student privacy and confidentiality

Brock recognizes that for many students, disclosing information about their mental health can be intimidating. Brock is committed to protecting student privacy and maintaining the confidentiality of all personal information shared. Personal information about a student’s mental health that is disclosed to the University is handled in strict accordance with the University’s obligations under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, The Personal Health Information Protection Act, and the University’s Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Policy. Student information is only used or disclosed for the purpose for which it was collected, or as otherwise provided under the Acts, and will only be shared within the University with those employees who have a need to know the information to support the student. Further information about Brock’s privacy protections and practices can be found on the University Privacy Office’s webpage.