Explore career services

The Career Education team is here to help students with:  

  • Career exploration  
  • Job search help  
  • Resume and cover letter feedback  
  • Interview preparation  
  • LinkedIn profile review  
  • Career networking  
  • Translating your academic skills to industry  

In a competitive job market, you will need a combination of relevant experience, applicable skills, an understanding of employer expectations, and a network of advocates. We can help you. 

Where do you start?  

  • Meet with a Talent Development Specialist — explore options, career paths and opportunities  
  • Attend workshops and events  
  • Get involved and track experiences on your Experience Plus transcript  
  • Access the CareerZone job board and online resource centre.  
  • Visit the CareerZone Resource Centre in the Market!  

Did you know that 80% of jobs are not advertised?  

Ask us how to find out about them!  

Email us

Goodman students may reach out to goodmancareer@brocku.ca.