We specialize in building connections between students and employers; campus and industry; education and work. The Career Education team helps students navigate career opportunities and develop career goals while supporting employers with their campus hiring strategies and building a pipeline of talent for their organizations.
employers on campus annually
full time jobs posted for graduating students each year
discipline-specific volunteer hours completed in 2015/16 by Med Plus students
About us
Our diverse team has expertise in career coaching/development, job search strategies, interviewing, recruitment/talent acquisition, personal branding and labour market needs/expectations. Our innovative and customized programming prepares students and graduates for success in a competitive job market while supporting employers with their campus hiring needs.
Career Education is proud to be part of a university-wide commitment to provide facilities, programs and services that respect the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities.
Bridge to Success helps students with disabilities realize their career prospects and goals with support from the career team to assist them with the transition from school to work. Support persons and service animals are permitted to attend any event, workshop or service provided by Career Education.
Please call us at 905-688-5550 x3242 should you require assistance accessing any of our programs and services.