While creativity comes naturally to some people, it’s also a skill that can be developed and practised.
Starting this month, the Brock LINC — Brock University’s centre for creativity, innovation, research and entrepreneurship — is offering several events and workshops centred around developing a creative mindset.
“Creativity can be a big, polarizing term. People are very quick to say, ‘I’m not creative,’ or think creativity is a trait only artistic people have,” says Farzana Crocco, Executive Director of the Brock LINC. “But creativity is really about how we generate new ideas, and this is something that everyone can develop.”
The new events and workshops, which fall under three categories, are designed to help people explore new skills and technologies, new ways of thinking, and to hone their problem-solving abilities. The categories include:
Creativity and problem-solving
Two new workshop series will focus on creativity and problem-solving skill development. The Everyday Creative Mind explores how creativity concepts and skills can be incorporated into everyday life, while Introduction to Design Thinking examines the five stages of the design thinking process and how it can be used by everyone.
Creativity and technology
Creativity through making, design and technology is the focus of workshops delivered through the Brock University Library Makerspace, including introductions to 3D modelling, podcasting, laser cutting, Cricut, and more. Workshops through the Brock Library’s Digital Scholarship Lab help to demystify digital tools for data management and visualization, including workshops on PowerBI, Github, Python and Tableau, among others.
Creativity and taking breaks
Some of the upcoming events at the Brock LINC, such as bullet journaling, coffee cupping and creative writing sessions, are focused on simply having fun and allowing people to have space for self-reflection or a break in their everyday routines.
“We are so wired to be on the go and working constantly that we often forget to take breaks,” Crocco says. “But you can’t be creative if you’re always stressed or exhausted. You’ll notice that your best ideas might come in the shower, on a walk or after playing a game. These breaks from mental tasks are important to build into our routines.”
These events and workshops are open for all Brock University students, staff, faculty and members of the community. They are all currently delivered online and are free of charge.
To learn more and for a full list of upcoming Brock LINC Creativity workshops and events, visit brocku.ca/linc/creativity