CFP [Due – May 1]: Global Garveyism

Global Garveyism: Diasporic Aspirations and Utopian Dreams

Edited by Ronald J. Stephens and Adam Ewing

Call for Manuscripts

Established by Marcus Garvey with the assistance of Amy Ashwood in Jamaica in 1914, the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL, hereafter UNIA) emerged as the largest and most influential Black Nationalist organization of the twentieth century. During a period of global instability and political reorganization, the UNIA’s injunction to challenge European colonial rule, racial discrimination, and global white supremacy resonated with millions of black men and women around the world. Promoting racial unity, cultural pride, and economic cooperation and development, the organization eventually spread to approximately one thousand chapters in more than forty countries. Its influence was also manifest in political organizations, trade unions, welfare associations, immigration societies, churches, and millennial religious movements that did not maintain a formal association with the UNIA.
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CFP [Due – March 13]: Memory, Trauma, Truth, Engagement Project

Call for Presentations

The Testimony: Memory, Trauma, Truth, Engagement Project (2nd Global Meeting)

Saturday 11th July – Monday 13th July 2015
Mansfield College, Oxford, United Kingdom

The meeting seeks to examine, assess and explore the multiple uses and contexts in which testimony finds a voice. It takes for its theme Testimony: Memory, Trauma, Truth, and Engagement.  Why testimony? How is it defined? How is testimony used in contexts such as legal, restorative, pedagogical, artistic, clinical, to name a few? Why does it continue to thrive and evolve in the twenty-first century and does it, or does it not, differ from earlier modes, times, cultures?

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CFP [Due – May 15]: Canadian Woman Studies Special Issue

Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme

Call for Papers: Women in the Social and Environmental Justice

Winter/Spring 2015

This special issue of Canadian Woman Studies’ (CWS/cf) will focus on the social and environmental crises which threaten the preservation of life on our planet. It requires feminist attention to understand the dynamics of patriarchy and capitalism and to unmask ‘answers’ and ‘false solutions’ that obscure the current situation.

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CFP [Due – July 15]: Canadian Woman Studies Special Double Issue

Canadian Woman Studies/les cahiers de la femme

Call for Papers: Women’s Human Rights

Fall/Winter 2015

This special double issue of Canadian Woman Studies’ (CWS/cf) will focus on feminist women’s human rights theory and activism as a visionary framework for movement-building and social change, activism and education, considering both the historical trajectory of this movement, current efforts, challenges and debates, as well as possibilities for the future in troubled times. Since a locally-grounded, globally-engaged transnational women’s movement led to the international recognition in the 1990s that women’s rights are human rights, many women from all regions have organized under this shared banner while simultaneously shaping human rights discourse according to their unique and diverse needs, perspectives, and visions for a just world.

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CFP [Due – March 30]: Critical Pan-Americanisms (CALACS 2015)



CALACS 2015: Critical Pan-Americanisms — Solidarities, Resistances, Territories

To be held at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica from July 8 to 10, 2015.

The 2015 Congress will be organized collaboratively between FLACSO, represented by the General Secretariat and its headquarters in Costa Rica, by the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Costa Rica represented by Francisco Enríquez Solona, and by CALACS represented by Jessica Stites Mor.

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CFP [Due – May 31]: Toronto Youth Food Policy Journal

Submission Guidelines

Academic Journal

Are you a student, activist, independent writer or journalist who has written an in-depth research piece and want the chance to publish it in a legitimate peer-reviewed journal? We have come to answer your prayers.

We are looking for 1500 words on the following topics:

  • Food justice
  • Food literacy
  • Food waste
  • Urban agriculture
  • Current food policy in Toronto
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Food access
  • Innovative food projects

OR pitch us your own ideas.

Submission deadline: May 31, 2015

Please email all submissions to

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Call for participants: Celebrity activism

Are you interested in media coverage of social justice issues?

You are invited to participate in a focus group interview about media, activism, and celebrity for a research project that is currently being conducted in the Niagara Region. The purpose of this research is to gain greater insight into how people in Canada and the US engage in activism, what they think of media coverage of social engagement, and how they interpret celebrities who endorse causes or campaigns. Given the wide range of social issues and causes that celebrities become involved with, this study seeks to engage with audience members from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. No knowledge of celebrities is required to participate in this study.

Volunteers will take part in one interview in either Saint Catharines, ON, or Buffalo, NY, that lasts approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour. Interviews will take place during March and April 2015.

Each participant will be entered in a drawing for a $25 gift card.

This study is funded by Fulbright Canada and approved by the Brock University Research Ethics Board and the Institutional Review Board of Salem College.

Please contact Dr. Spring Duvall with questions or to volunteer.

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SJRI Sponsored CFP [Due – April 1]: Consuming Intimacies Symposium

The Social Justice Research Institute of Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, announces a call for papers and artistic contributions for an upcoming symposium (October 15–16, 2015)

Consuming Intimacies: Bodies, Labour, Care, and Social Justice

Intimacy, as a concept and as a set of practices, has a long-standing history in the study of families and kin relationships, friendships, sexualities, romantic partnerships, and the “sociology of personal life” (Gabb, 2008; Jamieson, 1998, Morgan, 2011; Smart, 2007). More recently, scholarly attention to intimacy has widened to embrace complex conceptual pairings with labour, economies, and social justice; these include, for example, studies on “intimate labours” (Boris & Parreñas, 2010), “intimate economies” (Wilson, 2012; Zelizer, 2005), “the commodification of intimate life” (Hochschild, 2013), and “body shopping” (Dickenson, 2008).

This two-day symposium aims to re-think concepts and practices of intimacy and social justice issues through a wide spectrum of twenty-first-century intimate labours and their associated economies. We envisage two interconnected streams for papers, artistic contributions, and discussions. While underpinned by diverse transdisciplinary approaches and problematics, these two streams share a focus on intimacies and embodiment; entanglements of care, work, consumption, and commodification; varied forms of “global-intimate pairings” (Wilson, 2012); gender, class, and racial inequalities; and attention to matters of epistemic justice and injustice.

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Pursuing Social Justice | Toni Pickard

Pursuing social justice in a BIG way: Basic income guarantees are transformative

by Toni Pickard, Co-founder Kingston Action Group for a Basic Income Guarantee

A Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) is a minimum income adequate to pay for life’s necessities: food, shelter, heat, clothing. It’s accessible to every individual when and if needed. Known by a variety of other names, most frequently Guaranteed Annual Income or Citizen’s Income, BIG creates a solid income floor for us all. It will both eliminate deep poverty and substantially alleviate the income insecurity afflicting ever more Canadians. In contrast to welfare programs, BIG is unconditional; most notably there are no work requirements. Nor are recipients required to liquidate all assets  (eg, homes, cars) or to submit to various bureaucratic rules about how they live and spend their money. BIG is simple and inexpensive to administer, respectful of the autonomy of recipients, free of the stigma and hassle of the current maze of programs and designed to avoid the work disincentives that plague them. It would displace some but not all income support programs; not, for example, EI or CPP, but certainly welfare.

Creating an effective complement of programs in our federal system is complex. It must ultimately be done by Governments which have access to the necessary data, expertise, and control of budget design. But so long as the basic income amount is adequate, there should be no more food insecurity and homelessness in Canada. BIG costs less than the consequences of poverty now cost us and it will bring about very substantial downstream savings. In addition, BIG, like universal health care, is there for any one facing a crisis – in this case a financial one.  Like health care, it both acknowledges and concretizes a commitment to collective interdependence. BIG is deliberately inclusive, proclaiming that everyone here is ‘one of us’ rather than ‘another of them’. It will help heal our wounded body politic, and bring the satisfaction of rebuilding a just and humane country.

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Co-sponsored Event [Feb 24]: Indigenous Treaty Rights

Indigenous Treaty Rights: Perspectives on Land, Environment, Human-Animal Relationships

Tuesday, February 24th from 5-7 pm in Sankey Chamber

Panel Speakers:

Rick Monture, Six Nations
Academic Director, Indigenous Studies, McMaster University
Chester Gibson, Six Nations
Haudenosaunee Wildlife and Habitat Authority
Darren Thomas, Six Nations
Six Nations Community Educator
Dylan Powell, Local Animal Liberation Activist

Presented by the CUPE 4207 Political Action International Solidarity Committee, the Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies, and the Tecumseh Centre for Aboriginal Research and Education with support from Aboriginal Student Services and the Social Justice Research Institute

Food provided by Food Not Bombs

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