New Book: Socialist Cowboy by Larry Savage

Socialist Cowboy is a political biography detailing the life and activism of longtime New Democrat MPP Peter Kormos, one of the most colourful and controversial political personalities in the history of Ontario politics. Throughout his illustrious twenty-three year career as a member of the Ontario legislature, Kormos’s unapologetic commitment to democratic socialism and his shoot-from-the-hip brand of small-town populism won him strong accolades back in his blue-collar hometown of Welland, while raising eyebrows at Queen’s Park and within his own party. From his days as a student strike leader, to his short-lived time in Bob Rae’s cabinet, to his run for the Ontario NDP leadership and his epic battles with the province’s political establishment, the book chronicles Kormos’s political trajectory, through interviews and archival research, with a view to unpacking the ideas and traits that have made him a New Democrat icon.

Watch this CHCH news segment and read this Welland Tribune article about the book.

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SJRI at the Peoples’ Social Forum

by your Projects Facilitator, Rachel Hirsch

Through this blog post, I share some of my experiences at the Peoples’ Social Forum (PSF) held in Ottawa from August 21-24, 2014. To me, the forum stood as an exemplar of a transdisciplinary space where knowledge can be mobilized for social change. The PSF provided an important professional development opportunity as well as a great fit with some of my own interests in local knowledge sharing, Indigenous rights, and better practices organizing for social change within/outside academia.

What I provide here is a brief summary of SJRI’s role at the PSF, key experiences that resonated deeply with me, and some resources that emerged from my time in Ottawa that may be of interest.

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Pow Wow [Sept 4]: Brock 3rd Annual Pow Wow Demonstration

When: September 4, 2014 – 12:00pm – 3:00pm
Location: Jubilee Court

The Student Justice CentreAboriginal Student Services, and the Aboriginal Student Organization are hosting the third annual Pow Wow Demonstration at Brock University. A Pow Wow is a gathering of Aboriginal people from across Turtle Island (North America) demonstrating song and dance. Come experience Aboriginal culture and food right here at Brock!

This event is part of O-Week 2014!

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SJRI Affiliates working with two Banting Postdoctoral Fellows | Brock News

The federal government has awarded prestigious Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships to two postdoctoral fellows to study at Brock University. The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships program supports cutting-edge research by top postdoctoral fellows from Canada and internationally.

Danila Sokolov will be working with Elizabeth Sauer to explore “Anglo-Russian Literary and Cultural Encounters in the Early Modern Period: A Study in the Poetics of Mutual Representation, 1553-1690,” which involves tracing the complex “textual history” between the two countries starting with Richard Chancellor’s mission to the court of Ivan IV in 1553 up to the Glorious Revolution.

Robyn Lee will be working Andrea Doucet to explore “Human Milk Exchange, Care Work, and Consumption.” She will examine how breast milk exchange affects practices of care work and consumption in Canadian families.

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CFP [Due – Oct 7]: Studies in Social Justice Double Issue

Special Double Issue of Studies in Social Justice | Scholarship and Activism

Guest Editors: Sandra Smeltzer (Western University, Canada) and Sara Cantillon (University College Dublin, Ireland)

As part of our mission to promote scholarship and mobilize knowledge related to pressing social justice issues, the Social Justice Research Institute has assumed management of the journal Studies in Social Justice.

The journal’s first (double) issue at its new home in SJRI will be devoted to the theme of “Scholarship and Activism.” Please see the Call for Papers below for further information about how to submit proposals.

For other information about the journal, please see the journal website or contact the managing editor, David Butz.

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Call for Transdisciplinary Social Justice Witnesses at the Peoples’ Social Forum

From Niagara to the Peoples’ Social Forum

Ottawa, August 21-24

Are you attending the People’s Social Forum from the Niagara Region?
Are you a current student, graduate or supporter of the MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies (SJES)?
Are you interested in documenting and sharing your experiences at the PSF through photography/video, Twitter, blogging and speaking?
Are you looking for financial support to attend the PSF?

The MA in SJES and the Social Justice Research Institute (SJRI) are offering financial support to five activist scholars from Niagara (including at least one from the Tecumseh Centre) to serve as Transdisciplinary Social Justice Witnesses.  If selected, you will receive a cheque for $100 ($50 from SJES and $50 from SJRI) upon return from the PSF.

While at the Peoples’ Social Forum, you will:

  • provide outreach for the MA in SJES and the Social Justice Research Institute (display a banner, distribute postcards and bookmarks, talk to people about the opportunities to do social justice research at Brock University)
  • be a social media presence by tweeting to @BrockSJRI or using the hashtag #BrockPSF2014
  • take photos or video and write notes about your experiences

Upon returning, you will:

  • write a 500 word blog article describing a key experience at the PSF
  • participate in  a “photo share” session to reflect and debrief with other participants
  • participate in a more formal panel to share your experiences with the Brock/Niagara community

If you are interested, please tell us why you wish to be one of the five Transdisciplinary Social Justice Witnesses at the PSF.

Send your expression of interest to:

Mary-Beth Raddon, Graduate Program Director, MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies,


Rachel Hirsch, Projects Facilitator, Social Justice Research Institute,

Deadline: August 18, 2014

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Partnership Development Grants form and instructions online | SSHRC News

The Partnership Development Grants application form and instructions are now available on the SSHRC website.

SSHRC also invites you to consult the following new information about PDG for the 2014 competition:

·        Priority areas are no longer described in program literature, and the related statements of alignment are no longer included in application forms.

·        Future challenge areas have been integrated into SSHRC’s website, including through a new Future Challenge Areas landing page, and a new section appearing in the Talent, Insight and Connection program and funding opportunities descriptions.

·        The definitions for aboriginal research, research administrator, eligible institution, emerging scholars, partner organization, and industry partner organization have been added or updated.  Please consult the definition of terms section of the website to view the current definitions.

·        Applicants from institutional eligibility must now initiate the institutional eligibility process five (5) (instead of the previous two) business days before the application deadline.

·        SSHRC’s new Guidelines for Effective Research Training were developed in response to consultations with the research community, and informed by a literature review; the guidelines present a common definition of effective research training across all SSHRC funding opportunities.

We would also like to take this opportunity to notify you that, in October, we will be hosting a series of webinars to provide information and answer questions about this funding opportunity.  More details will follow in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at or 613-943-1007.

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PSF Fundraiser [Aug 3]: People’s Social Forum Niagara Delegation

The Peoples’ Social Forum (PSF) is a critical public space aimed at fostering activist involvement of individuals and civil society organizations that want to transform Canada as it exists today. It is a space for social movements to meet and converge, for the free expression of alternative ideas and grassroots exchanges. The PSF is an inclusive space that must be occupied by all people and activist organizations convinced that another Canada is not only possible, but above all, necessary. (More info…)

The PSF Niagara Committee has come together to raise awareness and support local grassroots organizers. Nona Bader, who is coordinating the Niagara delegation, stresses that it is important to recognize the diverse experiences and realities of people living in different parts of Canada. It is, for example, Niagara residents who face the highest unemployment rates in Canada. She also supports solidarity across classes, races, and genders in order to address complex social problems such as poverty reduction and racism.

The Niagara committee welcomes the support of the community and will be holding a fundraiser this Sunday, August 3rd at 7pm (Rise Above, 120 St. Paul Street, St. Catharines) to help raise money to pay for buses, food, and lodging.

Pay what you can and bring any nonperishable food items to support the PSF Niagara delegation.

For more information please contact Nona Bader.

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Call for hosts: CFBU (Brock Radio) seeks environment and sustainability programming

What is the opportunity?

CFBU (Brock Radio) is recruiting hosts for shows on environment, sustainability, or possibly other topics (e.g., global justice, social and animal movements, labour studies). See the schedule for a taste of what Brock Radio has to offer.

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Call for community projects: Leadership Niagara seeks collaborators

What is the opportunity?

Are you involved with a Niagara-based non-profit organization or community group? Could this group benefit from additional support from a team of 4-6 skilled professionals? Does your group have an item in your strategic plan that needs development (or, perhaps, have goals to develop a strategic plan?) If so, consider leveraging Leadership Niagara community leaders!

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