Talk [Oct 31]: Benefits of a University-Community Partnership

MA Geography Speaker Series presents…
‘We Need More of This’: Benefits of a University-Community Rural Land Use Planning Partnership

Dr. Christopher Fullerton, Department of Geography, Brock University

Date: Oct 31, 2014
Time: 10 am to 12 Noon
Location:  MC C405

Abstract: Rural communities often do not have the financial or technical capacity to undertake major land use planning exercises. At the same time, university-based researchers have increasingly been called upon to engage with communities outside the academy in order both to demonstrate the practical relevance of their research activities and to provide their students with hands-on experience that might help them secure employment after graduating. Thus, there is an excellent opportunity for universities to partner with rural communities to address their respective needs. This presentation will document one such initiative, a seven-year project through which the author and a total of seventeen Brock University Geography students worked with the Township of South Algonquin to create its first ever land use plan. Among other benefits, this initiative provided a much-needed set of formal land use policies for the municipality, a rich body of rural development research data for the faculty member, and career-oriented community planning experience for the students.

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Talk [Nov 4]: Queer Youth Drama

The Social Justice and Equity Studies Program is pleased to provide a presentation/conversation with Dr. Anne Harris on “Queer Youth Drama”.

Date: November 4, 2014
Time:  5 to 6:15 pm
Location: TH – 141

Using collaborative performance ethnography in community-and school-based settings, sex education has the potential to challenge at-risk narratives for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) youth. This presentation problematizes the youth-led drama project Epic Queer to test the ‘queer’ potential of youth-driven initiatives at the school and community level, and to reject the singularity of victimized and ‘at-risk’ narratives so pervasive in sex education internationally about queer youth. By drawing on the It Gets Better Project as an example of widespread but narrowing social media texts encouraging normativity, deferred pleasure and a happiness narrative, this paper argues for the potential of performance-based arts engagement for re-expanding queer youth subjectivities.

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Understanding Social Justice | Sadhna Jayatunge

Social Justice: Success in Organizing for a Living Wage

The concept of “Social Justice” maintains roots in the religious sphere and the phrase was coined by Jesuit Luigi Taparelli d’Azeglio in the 1840s based on the teachings of Thomas Aquinas.

Throughout my adult life, I have been keenly involved in the community and have contributed to sustainable initiatives for social justice through work and volunteer positions. In the past 14 years, I have been especially involved in the Hamilton community, assisting job seekers find meaningful and sustainable work. I have served job seekers from all walks of life: internationally trained professionals, persons with disabilities, and recipients of social assistance. I recently completed a Masters in Professional Communication, and my master’s thesis was entitled “Promoting Living Wage in Hamilton: A Comparative Case Study of Faith-Based Activism,” which received the Diana Beeson Memorial Award for Excellence in Scholarship.

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Call to Organize [Due – Nov 17]: Niagara Social Justice Forum 2015

Niagara Social Justice Forum 2015

“Putting the Act in Activism”

Do you want to connect with student, activist or community groups committed to social justice?

Do you have a great idea for a workshop, performance, exhibit or other activity?

We want to hear from you!


Hosted by the Social Justice and Equity Studies Graduate Program at Brock University, the 8th Niagara Social Justice Forum will include a day-long program of concurrent activities, such as workshops, performances, exhibits and information tables in a fair-like atmosphere. This event typically attracts over 150 people from both campus and the community and explores a wide range of issues. All activities are proposed and organized through an open call to campus and community-based individuals and groups committed to social justice.

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Talk [Nov 12]: Pay and Working Conditions by Dr. Brendan Burchell

“Pay and Working Conditions: When Being a Man or a Woman is Less Important than the Sex of Your Co-workers”

A talk by Dr. Brendan Burchell, University of Cambridge

Wednesday November 12 at 1 pm in Welch Hall 207

This presentation uses data visualisation to pick apart the effects of an employee’s own sex, social class and the gendering of the occupation to get a detailed understanding of their impact on pay, hours of work and working conditions. In many cases being female has less impact on job quality than working in a feminized environment.  Hidden and complex patterns in the data are discovered through careful graphing of the data.

Dr Brendan Burchell is a Reader in the Social Sciences in the Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Magdalene College.  His research interests include gender differences in working conditions, and aspects of labour markets that impinge upon individual wellbeing such as job insecurity and work intensity, zero hours contracts and unemployment.

This talk is sponsored by the Centre for Labour Studies at Brock University.

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Now Open | SJRI Grants Competition [Deadline – Nov 17]

SJRI Grants Program

The Fall 2014 competition for the SJRI Grants program is now open! This includes both the Seed Grants ($7000) and Local Engagement Grants ($2000). The submission deadline for both is November 17, 2014. The SJRI Grants program is open to all Affiliated Members.

Rachel Hirsch, SJRI Projects Facilitator, is available to work with you on your SJRI grant application.  She works at arms-length from the adjudication process. Consulting with Rachel will increase your chances of success.

Completed grant applications should be emailed to Maria Callaghan, SJRI Administrative Coordinator, by the November 17th deadline. Please address any questions regarding applications or adjudication to Maria.

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Call for NOI [Due – Nov 15]: Opportunity to organize SJRI symposium

Opportunity to organize SJRI symposium

Call for Notice of Interest
Due: November 15, 2014


The Faculty Steering Committee of the SJRI, in collaboration with the editors of Studies in Social Justice,  invites Notices of Interest from affiliated SJRI members in mounting a funded symposium in Fall 2015 around an intellectually-significant thematic/problematic, that is transdisciplinary in nature and relevant to social justice.

SJRI offers: a core budget of up to $25,000; financial administration of the project; logistical support; knowledge mobilization know-how and infrastructure; and assistance with supplementary grant-writing if needed.

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Updates from SJRI’s Director | Janet Conway

Dear SJRI Members:

As the new Director of the SJRI, a belated welcome to the new academic year! I am writing to update you about recent and upcoming initiatives. More details to follow.

Coming this Fall:

SJRI Partnership Grant? An educational workshop

We are initiating a long-term planning process toward a 2017 SJRI-sponsored SSHRC Partnership Grant application with multiple sub-projects involving several SJRI researchers. As a first step in this process, we are planning an intensive educational in mid-November that will involve presentations by PIs on Partnership Grants from other universities that will help fire our imaginations about what is possible at Brock. Smaller projects and funding applications will be essential building blocks. If you’re interested in learning about Partnership Grants for yourself and or in helping us think through implications and possibilities for the SJRI, we hope you will attend.

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Witnessing the PSF | Blaire Hinsperger-Fox

Peoples’ Social Forum: Ottawa 2014

by Blaire Hinsperger- Fox

I was very lucky to have the chance to attend the Peoples’ Social Forum in Ottawa August 21-24. We were lucky to have a school bus that was very affordable coming from St. Catharines, and I really want to thank Nona Bader and everyone that helped her for making this possible! I also want to thank Rachel Hirsch for all her work and being a great forum companion and the SJRI for making it possible for me to attend.

This blog article offers a summary of the activities I attended throughout the forum.

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Witnessing the PSF | Vanessa Sloan Morgan

A paradox of hope? Looking back on the Peoples’ Social Forum

by Vanessa Sloan Morgan
September 24, 2014

Image Caption: A patch from the Beehive Collective, one of the fabulous activist arts collectives on site at the PSF.

The Peoples’ Social Forum promised to be an interesting event, at the very least. Packed with hundreds of workshops, dozens of interesting information booths and equally as interesting NGO and collectives, and complete with film screenings around the clock, one of the main issues leading up to the events was: will there be a cloning machine on site?

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