Category Archives: Events

CFP [Due – Dec 15]: Critical Ethnic Studies Gathering

SOVEREIGNTIES AND COLONIALISMS: RESISTING RACISM, EXTRACTION AND DISPOSSESSION Call for Contributions for the Critical Ethnic Studies Gathering April 30 to May 3, 2015, York University, Toronto Deadline for proposals: December 15, 2014 Submit a proposal here: The 2015 conference … Continue reading

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CFP [Due – Jan 31]: Canadian Indigenous/Native Studies Association Conference 2015

CINSA 2015: Survivance & Reconciliation: 7 Forward / 7 Back Date: 11-13 June 2015 at Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Description: The Canadian Indigenous/Native Studies Association (CINSA) Conference 2015 will be hosted by the First Peoples Studies Program (FPST) at … Continue reading

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CFP [Due – Nov 28]: Community-University Expo

CU Expo is a Canadian-led international conference designed to: showcase the best practices in community-campus partnerships worldwide; create a space for collaboration around key issues; and foster ideas, connections, and frameworks with the purpose of strengthening our communities

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Talk [Oct 31]: Benefits of a University-Community Partnership

MA Geography Speaker Series presents… ‘We Need More of This’: Benefits of a University-Community Rural Land Use Planning Partnership Dr. Christopher Fullerton, Department of Geography, Brock University Date: Oct 31, 2014 Time: 10 am to 12 Noon Location:  MC C405 … Continue reading

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Talk [Nov 4]: Queer Youth Drama

The Social Justice and Equity Studies Program is pleased to provide a presentation/conversation with Dr. Anne Harris on “Queer Youth Drama”. Date: November 4, 2014 Time:  5 to 6:15 pm Location: TH – 141 Using collaborative performance ethnography in community-and … Continue reading

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Call to Organize [Due – Nov 17]: Niagara Social Justice Forum 2015

Niagara Social Justice Forum 2015 “Putting the Act in Activism” Do you want to connect with student, activist or community groups committed to social justice? Do you have a great idea for a workshop, performance, exhibit or other activity? We … Continue reading

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Talk [Nov 12]: Pay and Working Conditions by Dr. Brendan Burchell

“Pay and Working Conditions: When Being a Man or a Woman is Less Important than the Sex of Your Co-workers” A talk by Dr. Brendan Burchell, University of Cambridge Wednesday November 12 at 1 pm in Welch Hall 207 Description: … Continue reading

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Call for NOI [Due – Nov 15]: Opportunity to organize SJRI symposium

Opportunity to organize SJRI symposium Call for Notice of Interest Due: November 15, 2014 Preamble: The Faculty Steering Committee of the SJRI, in collaboration with the editors of Studies in Social Justice,  invites Notices of Interest from affiliated SJRI members in mounting a … Continue reading

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Updates from SJRI’s Director | Janet Conway

Dear SJRI Members: As the new Director of the SJRI, a belated welcome to the new academic year! I am writing to update you about recent and upcoming initiatives. More details to follow. Coming this Fall: SJRI Partnership Grant? An … Continue reading

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Witnessing the PSF | Blaire Hinsperger-Fox

Peoples’ Social Forum: Ottawa 2014 by Blaire Hinsperger- Fox I was very lucky to have the chance to attend the Peoples’ Social Forum in Ottawa August 21-24. We were lucky to have a school bus that was very affordable coming … Continue reading

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