Call for Committee Nominations

The University Senate is seeking nominations for the committees outlined in the table below.

If you are interested in contributing to the development of academic policies, have insights to share on academic programs, processes, or standards, this is your opportunity to be part of discussions within Senate committees and to shape what recommendations go forward to Senate.

What does Senate Committee service involve?

Most committees meet monthly, with some exceptions, though additional meetings may be called when necessary. Members are expected to review meeting materials, attend meetings, contribute to discussions, vote on recommendations to Senate, and occasionally assist with special working groups or subcommittees established by the Committee.

Why volunteer?

Collegial governance is at the core of how universities operate. By contributing your expertise and insights, you can help guide policy development, generate new ideas, support informed decision-making, and play a role in advancing the University’s strategic priorities to offer a transformational and accessible academic experience and further research capacity across the University.

How to volunteer

Individuals may nominate themselves or be nominated by someone else within their constituency.

All applications to Senate Standing Committees will be provided to the Senate Governance Committee which recommends standing committee members to Senate. The Governance Committee is authorized to fill mid-term vacancies, subject to Senate’s review.

PLEASE NOTE that only faculty and professional librarian nominations to Advisory Committees are accepted by the University Secretariat. Pursuant to the Policy for the Appointment of Academic Administrators, effective November 2021, student and staff representatives should contact their student association or the Provost’s office, respectively, to express their interest in serving on an Advisory Committee.

Applications are accepted on an on-going basis until vacancies are filled or until otherwise noted.

Submit a Standing Committee Nomination

Submit an Advisory Committee Nomination

Senate Standing Committee# VacanciesConstituency to be RepresentedLength of TermApply
Teaching and Learning Policy Committee2 membersFull-time teaching staff from Education, Goodman or Math & Sciences1-year term ending 2025Apply
Undergraduate Student Affairs CommitteeVice-ChairElected Senator Member2-year term ending 2026Apply
Research and Scholarship Policy CommitteeChairElected Senator Member2-year term ending 2026Apply
Two Row Council2 members1 Indigenous full-time faculty Member, 1 Non-Indigenous full-time faculty member1-year term ending 2025Apply

Advisory Committee Vacancies

Committee# VacanciesConstituency to be RepresentedApply
No vacancies at this time.