Board of Trustees

In accordance with the Brock University Act, the Board of Trustees is responsible for the government, conduct, management and control of the University and of its property, revenues, expenditures, business and affairs.

Board of Trustees meeting schedule 2024-2025

Board Membership 2024-2025

Board Committee Membership 2024-2025

Board Biographies 2024-2025

The Board of Trustees consists of 26 trustees. There are 17 community trustees elected by the Board, as well as two Brock student trustees, three faculty trustees and two staff trustees elected by their respective constituencies. The Chancellor, and the President and Vice-Chancellor, are ex officio trustees of the Board.

The full Board generally meets five times per year to conduct business and also meets for an annual orientation and a strategic issues session.

The Board has a structure of seven standing Committees and one subcommittee. They include:

  • Executive Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Capital Infrastructure Committee
  • Financial Planning and Investment Committee
    • Pension Committee (Sub-Committee)
  • Governance/Nominating Committee
  • Human Resources Committee
  • University and Community Experience Committee

The Board is governed by The Brock University Act, its General Bylaws and the Faculty Handbook. The Act is a provincial statute incorporating Brock University. The bylaws prescribe the procedures, policies and operation of the Board, for example, powers of the Board, general rules of procedure at meetings, election of trustees, committee structure and composition, and the execution of documents. The Faculty Handbook is divided into three main sections including University Government, Senate Bylaws and Academic Regulations.