Collaboration & Collaborative Inquiry (CI)

Collaborative Teacher Inquiry

The Capacity Building Series (2010) explores the seven characteristics of a collaborative inquiry approach that are critical in creating opportunities for understanding and action. View research monograph

Collaborative Inquiry in Ontario: What we have Learned and Where We are Now

This research monograph, builds on the “seven characteristics” outlined in the “Collaborative Teacher Inquiry” monograph published in an early edition (resource linked above), and explores how professional learning communities (PLCs), school boards, and network inquiries have developed different structures and processes for meeting the needs of their local community (Capacity Building Series, 2014). This document explores CI and an organizational framework for the processes of CI, and how educators can navigate the inherent tensions that arise through CI. View research monograph

Learning with a Literacy Coach

Cordello (2015) discusses the bottom line – the takeaways – from their experience working alongside their students and a literacy coach, noting collaborative practices and a shift in focus as main themes of their experience. View blog

Leading Deep Conversations in Collaborative Inquiry Groups

Nelson et al. (2010) discusses how to foster collegial and deep conversations, and provides readers with a list of questions that can be used in teacher inquiry groups to frame these conversations. View Journal Article

Capacity Building Series. (2010). Collaborative teacher inquiry. Secretariat Special Edition #16. The Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat.

Capacity Building Series. (2014). Collaborative inquiry in Ontario: What we have learned and where we are now. Secretariat Special Edition #39. Student Achievement Division.

Cordello, D. (2015, February 24). Learning with a literacy coach. Literacy Now. International Literacy Association.

Nelson, T. H., Deuel, A., Slavit, D., & Kennedy, A. (2010). Leading deep conversations in collaborative inquiry groups. The Clearing House, 83, 175-179.