English Language Learners (ELL) Coaching

There was a focus in this project on documenting the process through which professional learning facilitators enhanced educators’ understandings of the importance of schools integrating literacy rich opportunities for ELL students.


  • 9 teacher participants
  • 3 coach participants: Roger, Katie, Jake
  • 1 provincial literacy lead: Natalie

Data Collection by Year of Study

Observation2016 - 2017
Meetings (Planning)5
Professional Development Sessions4


STEP Resource (MOE, 2015), Accommodations and Modifications – The STEP resource (MOE, 2015) was heavily referenced in the professional development plenary sessions. These secondary teachers expressed concerns about using the recommendations in the STEP document given their time constraints and content-heavy curriculum courses. Participants perceived that teachers other than the ESL teacher don’t see the value in implementing the STEP document and have challenges providing accommodations and modifications for ELL.

Collaborative Inquiry – Teachers were grappling with framing their collaborative inquiry and theory of action, which this project asked them to develop. Moving forward, teachers needed background information for collaborative inquiry and to re-develop theories of action for ELL marker students.

Teacher Engagement and Resistance – Coaches worked to keep teachers focused on the topic at hand. Teacher resistance was best addressed through redirection to positive, forward-thinking goals. Respect for teachers’ lived experiences was evident. Building trust and collegial connections was also obvious in these sessions.

Coaching Challenges – ELL teachers involved in this project expressed many tensions associated with their role. Teachers used the meetings as a venue to present their concerns about supporting ELL students in the system.

Differentiation for Teachers – Coaches were available for the teachers when they were doing group work and had questions. Specific references were offered for discipline-based instruction of ELL.

Ministry of Education Ontario (2015). Steps to English proficiency. http://www.edugains.ca/resourcesELL/Assessment/STEP/STEPUserGuide_November2015.pdf