Cross-District Coaching

“…this project was a unique inquiry into how coaches from different school districts can collaborate to support each others’ practice and enhance their professional learning”

District Collaboration

The California Collaborative on District Reform (n.d.), provides an example of cross-district collaboration and networking that aims to support the needs of each district, improve the progress each district makes, and foster the sharing of resources to enrich educators’ learning. This webpage includes reports and presentations from this California Collaborative, and outlines seven other cross-district collaborations within an American context. View webpage

Exploring Five Core Leadership Capacities – Promoting Collaborative Learning Cultures: Putting the Promise into Practice

The Ideas into Action for School and System Cultures (OME, Winter 2013-2014) research bulletin highlights the importance of deepening educators’ understanding of collaborative learning cultures, and ensuring a focus is placed on the intended outcome of improving the culture that improves student achievement and teaching capacity. The bulletin also outlines how the Ontario Leadership Framework (OLF) is intertwined with the promotion of PLCs. View research bulletin

Building Literacy Partnerships Across District and Institutional Boundaries

Ronan et al. (2018), explore the peer coaching and collaboration among teacher leaders from a small, K-8 school district; literacy coaches from a suburban district; and university-based teacher educators in California. Within the Comprehensive Literacy Instruction Partnership (CLIP), two main goals were outlined: increasing teachers’ confidence and independence with the readers’/writer’s workshop model, and building a community for teachers to collaborate across districts. View research article

California Collaborative on District Reform. (n.d.). District Collaboration.

Ontario Ministry of Education (OME). (Winter 2013-2014). Promoting collaborative learning cultures: Putting the promise into practice. Ideas into Action for School and System Leaders, Bulletin 3. Queen’s Printer for Ontario.

Ronan, B., Bauer, J., Iunker, L., Sanford, J., & Berry, M. (2018). Building literacy partnerships across district and institutional boundaries. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 61(5), 577-580.