Student Research

Completed Theses and Major Research Papers

Brushett, Cameron (2024) Bolivia and Canada, The Politics of Recognition and Differing Approaches to Indigenous Self-Determination (MRP) Dr. Pascal Lupien (Supervisor), Dr. Liam Midzain-Gobin (Second Reader)

Crosby, Morgan (2024) Canadian Mining in Guatemala: Framing Analysis and
Indigenous Testimony (MRP) Dr. Liam Midzain-Gobin (Supervisor), Dr. Pascal Lupien (Second Reader)

Guiho, Maria (2024) Bias, Barriers, and Discrimination: Treatment of Indigenous Peoples in Wellness Courts (MRP) Dr. Shannon Moore (Supervisor), Dr. Lauren Corman (Second Reader)

Paetkau, James (2024) Picture this: Representing Local Discourses of Poverty Reduction through Graphic Notetaking (MRP) Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon (Supervisor), Dr. Shannon Moore (Second Reader)

Salifu, Laadi (2024) Inclusive Education in Ghana, Challenges and Lessons from Canada (MRP) Dr. Ifeanyi Ezeonu (Supervisor), Dr. Maureen Connolly (Second Reader)

Singh, Gurkirat (2024) Inside “Community Prison”: Halfway houses in crisis (MRP) Dr. Maureen Connolly (Supervisor), John Biancin (Second Reader)

Taggart, Kathleen (2024) Together for a Cause: Considerations of Social Justice Orientations of the BTS ARMY on Twitter (MRP) Dr. Liz Clarke (Supervisor), Dr. Karen Louise Smith (Second Reader)

Bagshaw, Emily (2023) The Commodification of Indigeneity as a Tool for Ongoing Settler Colonization in Canada:  A Métis Case Study of the The Heritage Property Act (1979-80)  (Thesis) Dr. Robyn Bourgeois (Supervisor), Dr. Jonah Butovsky (Thesis Supervisor), Dr. Liam Midzain-Gobin (Committee Member), Dr. Gina Starblanket (External Examiner) University of Victoria

Bastien, Kennedy (2023) Learning from the Land:  A Comparative Analysis Between Indigenous Protected Conservation Areas and Traditional Protected Areas in Canada (MRP) Dr. Robyn Bourgeois (Supervisor) Dr. Lauren Corman (Second Reader)

Boateng, Susana (2023) A Social Justice Enquiry into the Social Determinants of Mental Health Among Female Politicians in Ghana (MRP) Dr. Ebru Ustundag (Supervisor) Dr. Joanne Crawford (Second Reader)

Collins, Victoria (2023) Gender Equity in Ontario fire Department Policy, Agreements and Reports:  How Gender is Represented in a Masculinized Workplace (MRP).  Dr. Nancy Taber (Supervisor), Dr. Gale Coskan-Johnson (Second Reader)

Dell’Angelo, Meaghan (2023) Yt Supremacy: An Analysis of “Platformed Racism” on TikTok during the Freedom Convoy (MRP) Dr. Robyn Bourgeois (Supervisor) Dr. Margot Francis (Second Reader)

Docouto, Sarah (2023) Immigration Workplace Inequality – why Inequity Still Exists(MRP).  Dr. Joanne Crawford (Supervisor), Dr. Livianna Tossutti (Second Reader)

Freeman, Nicole (2023) Who Do You Turn to When the Police Are the Perpetrators?  The RCMP and Indigenous Women in the Sex Trade:  How Colonialism, Racism and the Heteropatriarchy Impact Police Response to Gender-Based Violence (MRP) Dr. Robyn Bourgeois (Supervisor) Dr. Susan Spearey (Second Reader)

Gomez, Noemi (2023) The abuela’s unpaid carework during the COVID-19 pandemic.  An autoethnography about taken for granted realities (MRP).  Dr. Andrea Doucet (Supervisor), Dr. Simon Black (Committee Member)

Guiho, Maria (2023) Bias, Barriers, and Discrimination:  Treatment of Indigenous Peoples in Wellness Courts (MRP) Dr. Shannon Moore (Supervisor), Dr. Lauren Corman (Committee Member)

McCubbin, Helen (2023) Women and Trade Unions:  Challenging the Status Quo, Looking Back to the Future (MRP) Dr. Alison Braley-Rattai (Supervisor) Dr. Nancy Taber (Second Reader)

Weber, Felicity (2023) The Impact of Legislation on the Criminal Justice Handling of Sexual Violence:  How Bill C-127 Has Shifted the Feminist Agenda (MRP) Dr. Margot Francis (Supervisor) Dr. Andrea Doucet (Second Reader)

Zowmi, Raadhiyah (2023) Adequate Mental Healthcare in South Asian Diaspora:  Barriers and Futurities (MRP) Dr. Susan Spearey (Supervisor), Dr. Gale Coskan-Johnson (Committee Member)

Carlsson, Rebekah (2022) Raising the Bar and Closing the Gap?  Investigating Learning for All’s Capacity to Support Marginalized Students in Ontario (Major Research Paper) Dr. Diane Collier (Supervisor) Dr. Leanne Taylor (Committee Member)

Downton, Zabrina (2022) Representing Recovery:  A discourse analysis of the television shows You, AJ and the Queen, and Mom (Thesis) Dr. Robyn Bourgeois (Supervisor) Dr. Trent Newmeyer (Committee Member) Dr. Liz Clarke (Committee Member), Dr. Sarah Matheson (External Examiner) Brock University, St. Catharines

Jarvis, Julia (2022) Dramatizing the Traumatizing:  Narratives of Sexual Violence on TikTok (Major Research Paper) Dr. Shauna Pomerantz (Supervisor) Dr. Rebecca Raby (Second Reader)

Kiers-Vander Veen, Sierra (2022) Education as Reconciliation?:  Unpacking the Relationship between Non-Indigenous Canadian/Indigenous Reconciliation and Ontario Secondary School Canadian History Textbooks (Major Research Paper) Dr. Andrea Doucet (Supervisor)

Lopez Nava, Elvia (2022) Deadly Wounds in the US-Mexico Borderlands: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Anti-Illegal-Immigration News Media Coverage of the El Paso Shooting and the Viral Video of the United Constitutional Patriots (MRP) Dr. Gale Cosksan-Johnson (Supervisor) Dr. Robyn Bourgeois (Committee Member) Dr. Andrew Pendakis (Committee Member), Dr. Johah Butovksy (External Examiner) Brock University, St. Catharines

Yilma, Elshaday (2022) The Criminal Justice Domino Effect:  A Comparative Study of Plea-bargaining and Bail Bond Systems of Canada and the United States (Major Research Paper) Dr. Voula Marinos (Supervisor) Dr. Matthew Hennigar (Committee Member)

Chaudhary, Hunza (2021) Islamophobia at the Border and Beyond: The Experiences of North American Muslims (Major Research Paper). Dr. Jane Helleiner (Supervisor) and Dr. Jijin Park (Second Reader)

Falk, Jessica (2021) Don Cherry’s Final Rant: Illuminating Canadian Nationalism, Racial Xenophobia and Toxic Masculinity (Thesis) Dr. Francis Margot (Supervisor) Committee Members – Dr. Dawn Trussell and Dr. Andrea Doucet. External Examiner – Dr. Kirsti Allain, St. Thomas University.

Forde, Onika (2021) Anti-Black Racism, Policing, and the Criminal Justice System:  A Critical Analysis of Racial Profiling in Ontario (Major Research Paper) Dr. Curtis Fogel (Supervisor) Dr. Hijin Park (Second Reader)

Keays, Katie (2021) Disqualification by design: Strategic inefficiencies in Canada’s legal response to sexual assault (Thesis) Dr. Margot Francis (Supervisor) Committee members – Dr. Susan Spearey and Dr. Nancy Cook. External Examiner – Dr. Rebecca Godderis, Wilfried Laurier University.

Manzella, Elli (2021) Whose Voice Matters? —News Framing and Content Analysis of Cuts to Legal Aid Ontario (Major Research Paper) Dr. Rob Alexander (Supervisor) and Dr. Jennifer Good (Second Reader)

Mehta, Jasmine (2021) A Secular India: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Tweets Regarding the 2019 Citizenship (Amendment) Act of India (Major Research Paper) Dr. Jennifer Good (Supervisor) and Dr. Jason Black (Second Reader)

Morningstar, Sarah (2021) Working Conditions of Front-Line Poverty-Reduction Staff at Non-profit Agencies (Major Research Paper) Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon (Supervisor) and Dr. Kate Bezanson (Second Reader)

Samuelson, Phoebe (2021) Toxification: A Study of Environmental Racism and Indigenous Resistance in Canada’s Chemical Valley (Major Research Paper) Dr. Margot Francis (Supervisor) and Dr. Spy Dénommé-Welch (Second Reader)

Shah, Sana (2021) Twenty years later: Family’s Continued Battle for Media Coverage of their Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (Thesis) Robyn Bourgeois (Supervisor) Committee members – Dr. Margot Francis and Dr. Andrea Doucet. External Examiner – Dr. Jennifer Brant, University of Toronto.

Shannon, Tayler (2021) The Lack of Justice in Restorative Justice: A Critical Literature Review of the Role of White Settlers in Decolonizing RESTORATIVE JUSTICE (Major Research Paper) Dr. Shannon Moore (Supervisor) and Dr. Robyn Bourgeois (Second Reader)

Smikle, Teshawn (2021) The Implications of Racism:  A Critical Analysis Of Black Student-Athletes Experience ON and Off The Football Field in a Canadian University (MRP) Dr. Dawn Trussel (Supervisor), Dr. Cathy van Ingen (Second Reader)

Bassingthwaighte, Andrew (2020) The Social Construction of the DSM-5 & its Impact on Patient Dignity (Major Research Paper) Dr. Richard Mitchell (Supervisor) and Dr. Michael Savage (Second Reader).

Brower, Jonathan (2020) That Power: Performing Power, Trauma, and Queer Religious Futurity (Thesis) Dr. Margot Francis (Supervisor); Committee Members – Dr. Susan Spearey and Dr. Brenda Anderson (University of Regina). External Examiner – Dr. Beau Coleman, University of Alberta.

Grossman, Keely (2020) “We had More eyes On Us Than The Boys”: Recollections of Girlhood At Residential Schools for the Blind (Thesis) Dr. Jane Helleiner (Supervisor); Committee Members – Dr. Shannon Moore and Dr. Lauren Corman. External Examiner – Dr. Michelle Owen, University of Winnipeg.

Guise, Kali (2020) Breeding Hierarchy: An Intersectional Analysis of Pekingese Fancy (Major Research Paper) Dr. Stefan Dolgert (Supervisor) and Dr. Lauren Corman (Second Reader).

Hurtig, Meara (2020) Spaces for Resistance: Exploring the Potential for Agonism within a Climate Change Denial Blog (Major Research Paper) Dr. Karen Louise Smith (Supervisor) and Dr. Jennifer Good (Second Reader).

Marquette, Dominique (2020) The Construction of Racialized Criminality in Film: A Critical Analysis of The Shawshank Redemption (1994) and Just Mercy (2019) (Major Research Paper) Dr. Jennifer Good (Supervisor) and Dr. Keri Cronin (Second Reader).

Moss, Carole (2020) “Gender is Over”: A Critical Literature Review of Trans and Gender Expansive Kids and their Families (Major Research Paper) Dr. Shannon Moore (Supervisor) and Dr. June Corman (Second Reader).

Shrigley, Samantha (2020) #MeToo movement: A critical exploration of the benefits, limitations, and legal deficiencies impacting Canada’s sexual assault survivors (Major Research Paper) Dr. Hannah Dyer (Supervisor), and Dr. Robyn Bourgeois (Second Reader).

Arnold, Tim (2019) Unlikely Friendships and Outdated Theory: A Commentary on Intergroup Contact Theory and an Inquiry into Unlikely Friendships (Major Research Paper) Dr. Mary Breunig (Supervisor), Dr. Trish Ruebottom (Co-Supervisor) and Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon (Second Reader).

Bieteru, Anella (2019) Gendered Power Relations and Household Decision-Making in Rural Ghana: The Case of Zambo Community in the Lawra District of the Upper West Region of Ghana. (Thesis) Dr. Ifeanyi Ezeonu (Supervisor); Committee members- Dr. Andrea Doucet and Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon.

Cabot, Jennifer (2019) Is the Glass Half-Empty or Half-Full? An Exploratory Study of Defence Lawyers’ Constructions of Plea Negotiations and Accused Persons’ Rights within the Ontario Criminal Justice System. (Thesis) Dr. Voula Marinos (Supervisor); Committee members- Dr. Shannon Moore, Dr. Richard Weisman and Hon. David Cole.

Campbell, Brittany (2019) Protecting Animals and People: The Role of the Public Sector in Improving Animal Cruelty Investigation Work (Thesis) Dr.Kendra Coulter; Committee members – Dr. Kate Bezanson and Dr. Lauren Corman

Cummings, Robin (2019) The Role of Masculinities in the Existence, Persistence, and Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women. (MRP) Dr. Andrea Doucet (Supervisor) and Dr. June Corman (Second Reader)

Grover, Ash (2019) An autoethnographic examination of 1990s film as a site of critical public pedagogy: Images of the Willful Subject in popular culture characters (Major Research Paper) Dr. Nancy Taber (Supervisor) and Dr. Susan Spearey (Second Reader).

Hobbs, Kevin (2019) To Know Their Stories: Using Playbuilding to Develop a Training/Orientation Video on Person-Centred Care (Thesis) Dr. Joe Norris (Supervisor); Committee members- Dr. Madelyn Law and Dr. Spy Dénommé-Welch.

Hurme, Sarah (2019) Humans, Non-human Primates, and the Struggle for Coexistence: Applying an Ecofeminist and Intersectional Perspective to Research on Great Ape Conservation in Central Africa (Major Research Paper) Dr. Kendra Coulter (Supervisor) and Dr. Lauren Corman (Second Reader).

Kelly, Kailey (2019) Wearing Yourself or Dressing the Part: Navigating Workplace Dress Codes as Queer, Androgynous Women (Thesis) Dr. Rebecca Raby (Supervisor); Committee members- Dr. Margot Francis and Dr. Andrea Doucet.

Kitchings, Shannon (2019) Inside Voices- Witnessing Oral Disclosures of Trauma (Thesis) Dr. Susan Spearey (Supervisor); Committee members – Dr. David Butz and Dr. Spy Dénommé-Welch.

MacLean, Brittany (2019) Benefits of Extracurricular Activities in Secondary Schools: A Canadian Study – Dr. June Corman and Dr. Shannon Moore (Second Reader).

Marshall, Jermaine (2019) Queering the Screen, Screening the Nation: Homonormative Media and the Homo-nation – Dr. Hannah Dyer (Supervisor); and Dr. Shauna Pomerantz (Second Reader).

McBride, James (2019) Staying with the Trouble of Unruly Creatures: Restorying Invasive Species with Material Feminisms – Dr. Lauren Corman (Supervisor); and Dr. Stefan Dolgert (Second Reader).

Nicholls, Bridget (2019) Animal Cruelty Officers and the Intersections of Daily Labour and the Law Dr.Kendra Coulter (Supervisor); Committee members – Dr. June Corman and Dr. Kate Bezanson

Szczepanowski, Caitlin (2019) Digital Get Down:  Intersectional, Online Sex Education Resources for Youth – An Analysis of (Major Research Paper) Dr. Margot Francis (Supervisor) Dr. June Corman (Second Reader)

Thompson, Cheryl (2019) The Challenges of Putting Theory into Practice: Critical Literature Review of Pedagogical Practices and Student Experiences in Ontario (Major Research paper) Dr. Leanne Taylor (Supervisor) and Dr. Susan Tilley (Second Reader).

Zowmi, Aniqah (2019) A Feminist and Anti-Colonialist Perspective on Social Enterprise (Major Research Paper) Dr. Trish Ruebottom (Supervisor) and Dr. Kate Bezanson (Second Reader).

Azadah, Kushan (2018) If you can’t let me live Aboriginal, why preach democracy?: the Occupy Movement and its Anti-colonial and Anti-racist Critiques (Major Research Paper)(Supervisor- Dr. Janet Conway) and Dr. Ifeanyi Ezeonu (Second Reader).

Deschamps, Marguerite-Jeanne (2018) Care amidst the condos? Understanding gentrification’s unjust impact on social and health service delivery to vulnerable populations in Ottawa, ON (thesis)( Supervisor- Dr. Ebru, Ustundag); Committee Members – Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon and Dr. Mike Ripmeester.

Gain, Klaire Elyse (2018) An Ecofeminist Analysis of Canadian Gold Mining within the Dominican Republic (Major Research Paper)(Supervisor- Dr. Ana Isla) and Dr. Jennifer Good (Second Reader).

Hone, Jillien (2018)  Responding to Social Injustice on Queenston: A Case Study of the Politics of Poverty at Start Me Up Niagara (SMUN). (Major Research Paper) Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon (Supervisor) and Dr. Susan Spearey (Second Reader).

Khokhar, Elishma Noel (2018) Pakistani Christian Emigration to Canada: A Study on Race, Religion and Identity(Major Research Paper)(Supervisor- Dr. Tamari Kittosa) and Dr. Jane Helleiner (Second Reader).

Kovac, Laura Dawn (2018) Girlie Girls Aren’t “Real” Athletes: A Critical Examination of Girls’ Experiences of Aesthetic Sports within a Post-Feminist Masquerade (thesis) (Supervisor- Dr. Dawn Trussell); Committee Members – Dr. Trent Newmeyer and Dr. Shauna Pomerantz.

MacAndrew, Samantha Ann (2018) Mishandled: Turnhill University’s Approach to Sexual Violence (thesis) (Supervisor- Dr. Margot Francis); Committee Members – Dr. Nancy Cook and Dr. Rebecca Raby.

Parry, Jennifer (2018) Discourses and Discomfort: An Exploration of Men Who Experience Sexual Violence (Major Research Paper)(Supervisor- Dr. Mary Breunig) and Dr. Murray Knuttila (Second Reader).

Ruscitti, Susan Victoria (2018) A Non-traditional Path to Post-Secondary Education: Gendered Challenges and Inequalities (Major Research Paper)(Supervisor- Dr. Ann Duffy) and Dr. Margot Francis (Second Reader).

Sanche, Charissa (2018) (Play)Building Sexuality Education: Using participatory drama as queer pedagogy to explore youth experiences of sexuality education (thesis)( Supervisor- Dr. Joe Norris); Committee Members – Dr. Rebecca Raby and Dr. Hilary Brown

Yuya, Kumsa (2018) Blackness and the Chain of Destruction in Canada (Major Research Paper)(Supervisor- Dr. Tamari Kittosa) and Dr. June Corman (Second Reader)

  • Ruscitti, Sue (2017) A Non-Traditional Path to Post-Secondary Education: Gendered Challenges and Inequalities (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Ann Duffy, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Margot Francis)
  • Seon, Tara (2017) Colonization and Intergenerational Legacy: Indigenous First Nations in North America and Indentured Indians from India (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Wendee Kubik, Supervisory Committee, Dr. Andrea Doucet)
  • Taylor, Carissa (2017) Activism in NeoLiberal Universities (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon, Supervisory Committee, Dr. Michelle Weber)
  • Alam, Firoz (2016) “Linguistic/Cultural Imperialism in Neocolonial Assimilative Literacy Practices in Bangladesh (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Jennifer Rowsell, Supervisory Committee: Dr Diane Collier, Dr. John Sorrenson)
  • Ankomah, William Sarfo (2016) “Neoliberal Policies and Ghanaian Youth – A Marxist Critique” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Ifeanyi Ezeonu, Supervisory Committee: Dr. June Corman)
  • Couillard, Ashley N., (2016) “Dear Child Welfare, Your White Privilege is Showing: Adopting Anti-Racist Policy” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Richard Mitchell, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Shannon Moore)
  • MacDonald, Kate (2016) “Back to the Garten: Inquiry-Based Learning in an Outdoor Kindergarten Classroom” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Mary Breunig, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Jennifer Good, Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon)
  • Nightingale, Cara (2016) “‘It was Easy to Look for a Place, but Hard to Actually Get One’: Students’ Experiences of Racial Discrimination in Off-Campus Housing” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Jane Helleiner, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Kate Bezanson, Dr. Leanne Taylor)
  • Quinn, Lauren (2016) ” “It’s just inappropriate”: The normalization of sexual harassment in Ontario schools as revealed through teachers’ stories” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Rebecca Raby, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Nancy Taber, Dr. Leanne Taylor)
  • Robinson, Cassandra (2016) “Reel Animal Rights: Examining Documentary Films as a Platform for Nonhuman Social Justice Issues” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Keri Cronin, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Lauren Corman)
  • Sarioglu, Ezgi (2016) ” ‘Where are you, Darling?’ – ‘Here I am, darling!’: Call and Response as LGBTI Resistance Formation Before, During and After the Gezi Park Protests in Turkey” (thesis) (Supervisor: Gale Coskan-Johnson, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Margot Francis, Dr. Ebru Ustundag)
  • Stephenson, Zipparah (2016) “Designer Vagina’s: The Representation of Female Genitals on Canadian Cosmetic Surgeon’s Websites” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Margot Francis, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Trent Newmeyer, Dr. Nancy Cook)
  • Gallant, Dan (2015) “Caring More for Less: Neoliberalization within Social Service Nonprofits in Ontario” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Kate Bezanson, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Kendra Coulter)
  • Hinsperger-Fox, Blaire (2015) “Harm Reduction and Social Justice: Examination of Discourse Surrounding Safe Injection Sites in Toronto” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Ebru Ustundag, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Trent Newmeyer)
  • Knight, Judith (2015) “Healing in Selected Works by Indigenous Women of Turtle Island: Searching for Social Justice” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Janet Conway, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Margot Francis)
  • Lucking, Jennifer (2015) “Getting Into ‘The Game’: Domestic sex trafficking in Canada, male pimps and the social construction of their female victims” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Ann Duffy, Supervisory Committee: June Corman)
  • Mojadidi, Mash (2015) “Local Print Media Coverage of Toronto’s Africentric School: 2005-2012” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Jennifer Good, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Kevin Gosine)
  • Mooney, Elizabeth (2015) “Could We Start Again Pease: (Re)Viewing Anti-Oppressive Education for the Teacher Educator)” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Wendee Kubik, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Thomas Dunk)
  • Paterson, Kathryn (2015) “‘They’re trying to trick us!’: Making sense of anti-oppressive children’s literature in the elementary school classroom” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Shauna Pomerantz, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Nancy Taber, Dr. Andrea Doucet)
  • Trumble-Pauze, Lisa (2015) “The Politics of Canadian Media Representation and Public Preconceptions of the Expanding Foreign Temporary Worker Program” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Jane Helleiner, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Hijin Park)
  • Kaikai, John-Bosco (2014) “Deconstructing Newspaper Depictions of Refugees and Detentions (2008-2013): Xeno-Racism and the Criminalization of Refugee Claimants” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Hijin Park, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Kate Bezanson)
  • Karapanceva, Renata (2014) “Envisioning an Equitable and Inclusive Education for Marginalized Students” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Leanne Taylor, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Shannon A. Moore)
  • Murano, Cristina (2014) “Dykes Do Toronto: 1980s Lesbian-Feminist Anti-Racist Activism” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Margot Francis/Dr. Rebecca Raby, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Janet Conway, Dr. Jane Helleiner)
  • Penner, Joyce (2014) “An Autoethnographic Account of Recovery through Volunteerism” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Mary Breunig, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Joe Norris, Dr. Tim O’Connell)
  • Seshie, Abigail Zita (2014) “Institutional Arrangements and Small-Scale Gold Mining in Ghana” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Hevina Dashwood, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Janet Conway)
  • Sey, David Maxwell (2014) “A Focus on Continental African Immigrants and Multiculturalism: An Exploration of Three Primary Texts” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Tamari Kitossa, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Hijin Park)
  • Sherry-Kirk, Laurie (2014) “Indigenous Language Recovery: The Learner’s Prespective” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. June Corman, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Margot Francis, Dr. Jennifer Rowsell)
  • Vitti, Maria Luisa (2014) “Contrasting the Killings of Tommy Barnett and Edmond Yu, and the Historicality and Situational Hierarchy of Racial Otherness: How Race, Masculinity, and ‘Mental Illness’ Converge in the Context of Policing in Toronto” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Tamari Kitossa, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Hijin Park)
  • Decaro, Lynn (2013): “Helping the Other: Canadian Youth-Drive NGOs” (thesis) (Supevisor: Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon, Supervisory Committee: Dr. June Corman, Dr. Rebecca Raby)
  • Dietrich, Rachel (2013) “Risky Business: Offering Care to Young People” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. June Corman, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon)
  • Freeman, Susie (2013) “Sustainability: Juxtaposition of Indigenous and Western Knowledge” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Jennifer Good, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Richard Mitchell)
  • Girma, Menelik (2013) “‘A Crusade Worthy of this Century of Progress’? The Trial of Africa at the International Criminal Court” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Tamari Kitossa, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Jonah Butovsky)
  • Haanstra, Janice (2013) “Complicating Our Representations and Understandings of Young Girls’ Involvement in the Sex Industry in Thailand” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Rebecca Raby, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Ebru Ustundag)
  • Peters, Kaitlin (2013) “An Investigation of how the Gendered Division of Labour in the Home and in the Workplace Contributes Towards the Gender Pay Gap in Hamilton, Ontario” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. June Corman, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Ann Duffy)
  • Purdy, Ian (2013) “How were individuals galvanized and recruited to the Canadian animal rights movement of the 1970s and 1980s?” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. John Sorenson, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Keri Cronin)
  • Soloman, Mark (2013) “‘All these “monetary awards” are doing is increasing racism between all Canadians . . . they just want more cash.’: Othering Of Aboriginal Peoples on the news comment sections” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Jonah Butovsky, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Thomas Dunk)
  • Wallace, Jade (2013) “Are Ableist Discourses Necessary Components of Arguments In Favour of Decriminalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide?” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Ebru Ustundag, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Brian Lightbody)
  • Clarke, Douglas (2012) “Between the panels: How anti-Black racism has recycled myths of the Black body in comic books” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Tamari Kitossa, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Sheryl Vint, Dr. Susan Spearey)
  • Corman, David Andrew (2012) “Playing with Judith Butler in [Cyper] Space: Can cyberpunk undo gender, reveal discursive constructions and create a more liveable world?” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Nancy Cook, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Shauna Pomerantz)
  • Harrison, Jodie Lynn (2012) “At Home at School: Building Stronger Indigenous People through Cultural Resurgence in Ontario Public School Contexts” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Janet Conway, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Margot Francis, Dr. Melissa St. Germaine-Small)
  • Henhawk-Bomberry, Justine (2012) “‘Everybody’s watching’: Media Representations of Six Nations and the Caledonia Crisis” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Michael Ripmeester, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Susan Tilley)
  • Isekeije, Jumoke (2012) “Depopulating the Political Sidelines: CBC News Online forum and Public Sphere in Canada” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Dale Bradley, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Marian Bredin, Dr. Robert Alexander)
  • Maddeaux, Elizabeth (2012) “Management Material: Understanding the Contradictory Perspectives of Lower Level Managers in a Canadian Call Centre” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Ann Duffy, Supervisory Committee: Dr. June Corman, Dr. Jane Helleiner)
  • McGregor, Erin (2012) “Strombo Speak: Conversation Analysis, Canadian News Media and Democracy” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Robert Alexander, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Jennifer Good)
  • Sweiss, Jenna (2012) “Beseiged Bodies: Contemporary Palestinian Resistance Art” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Susan Spearey, Supervisory Committee: Dr. David Fancy)
  • Short, Jessie Ray (2011) “All of My Blood is Red: Contemporary Metis Visual Culture and Identity” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Margot Francis, Supervisory Committee: Dr. David Fancy, Dr. Keri Cronin)
  • Avarado, Carolina (2010) “Canadian Media discourse on Mexico, Mexican Agricultural Migrant Workers and H1N1” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Jane Helleiner, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Jonah Butovsky, Dr. Hijin Park)
  • Ayipio, Emelia (2010) China’s Involvement in Ghana: A Case Study of Chinese Manufactured Goods in Accra, Ghana.” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Ifeanyi Ezeonu, Supervisory Committee: Kate Bezanson)
  • Baxter, Malaika (2010) “Student Apathy and Activism in Neoliberal Times: A Case for Contextualizing Political Behaviours” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Dennis Soron, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon)
  • Bowman, Meagan (2010) “Sexual Harassment is “a big deal”: A Theoretical Exploration of links between Interpretations of and Resistance to Discourses of Gender and Boys’ Sexual Harassment of Girls” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Rebecca Raby, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Shauna Pomerantz)
  • Cox, Nikita (2010) ‘The normalization of Speciesism: An analysis of the Food Network” (major research paper) (Supervisor: John Sorenson, Supervisory Committee: June Corman)

  • Martens, Megan (2010) “Perennial Negotiations/Elemental Encounters: Autoethnographic Perspectives on Approaching Food Sovereignty” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Adam Dickinson, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Susan Spearey, Dr. Margot Francis)
  • McKinley, Renee (2010) “Childcare by Choice or by Default? Examining the Experience of Unregulated Home-Based Childcare for Women in Paid Work” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Kate Bezanson, Supervisory Committee: Dr. June Corman, Dr. Ann Duffy)
  • Nkrumah, Amos (2010) “Gender Relations and Microcredit in Rural Southern Ghana” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Kate Bezanson, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Ifeanyi Ezeonu)
  • Richards, Alison (2010) “The Role that Privilege can play in Informing Experiences for Participants in International Service-learning Initiatives” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Shannon Moore, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Rob Alexander)
  • Sukul, Nadia (2010) “Constructing Racial Identities in Hollywood Film: An Application of Racial Triangulation to Rush Hour (1998)” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Susan Spearey, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Hijin Park)
  • Tahiru, Rahaina (2010) “Women’s Experiences and Ethnic Conflict: The Case of Northern Ghana” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Susan Spearey, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Bonny Ibhawoh)
  • Toetenel, Jody (2010) “Fitness to Stand Trial: How Discourses of Rationality, Reasonableness and Culpability Inform the Law and Psychiatry to Create Standards of Normal” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Voula Marinos, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Shannon Moore, Dr. Jane Helleiner)
  • Trowbridge, Terry (2010) “The Clemente Course in the Humanities and Critical Pedagogy: A Comparative Analysis of Earl Shorris and bell hooks on Poverty, Racism, Imperialism and Patriarchy” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Michael Driegder, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Dennis Soron, Dr. Jane Helleiner)
  • Adams, Lindsay (2009) “The Shifting Terrain of Feminist Theory and Activism: University-Based Women’s Centres and Third Wave Feminism” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Nancy Cook, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Margot Francis)
  • Miladinovic, Nana (2009) “From Socialism to Capitalism? Critically Evaluating Competing Discourses on the Causes of Dissolution of Former Yugoslavia, 1981 – 1991” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Murray Smith, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Tamari Kitossa)
  • Narain, Suzanne (2009) “The Re-branding Project: The Genealogy of Creating a Neoliberal Jane and Finch” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Tamari Kitossa, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Ebru Ustandag)
  • Shafi, Arusa (2009) “Constructed Spaces of Vulnerability and Disaster: The Case of Kashechewan” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Mike Ripmeester, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Ana Isla)
  • Saliba, Kaysia (2009) “Analyzing Postfeminism in the Media: The Consumption of a Young Star” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Jane Helleiner, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Michelle Webber)
  • Williams, Kate (2009) “Medicalization and Women: O, The Oprah Magazine Diagnosed through Critical Discourse Analysis (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Dan Malleck, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Jeff Boggs, Dr. Margot Francis)
  • DiClemente, Theresa (2008) “A Dialectical Social Analysis of Hamburgers: The complex and multifaceted interplay of exploitations” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. John Sorenson, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Dennis Soron)
  • Domanski, Anna Lise (2008) “Righteous Sounds and Reproductive Justice: The Influence of Ani DiFranco’s Music for Reproductive Rights Activists” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. David Butz, Supervisory Committee: Dr. David Fancy)
  • Franks, Aaron (2008) “A Minor Theory of the Transit of Materiality into Discourse via Campesina ” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. David Butz, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Mary Beth Raddon)
  • Khika, Maureen (2008) “A Critique of the United Nations Millennium Development Goal – ‘To Combat, Reduce and Halt the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Kenya by 2015′” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Hevina Dashwood, Supervisory Committee: Dr. David Butz)
  • Lara, Nelson (2008) “The Legacy of the Cuban Revolution: Blueprint for Socialism?” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Jonah Butovsky, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Dennis Soron)
  • Lefebvre, Priscillia (2008) “Antidepressants, the new opiate of the people: Resisting the medicalization of alienation with the biopsychosocial model” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Dan Malleck, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Shannon Moore, Dr. Andrew Dane)
  • MacDonald, Betsy (2008) “Imagining Alter-narratives: Discourse, “Atlantica” and Globalization” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Chaput, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Janet Conway)
  • Maguire, Heather (2008) “Citizen Jane: Exploring The Relationship Between Gender and Cellular Phones in Societies of Control” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Catherine Nash, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Dale Bradley, Dr. David Butz)
  • McLean, Sara McLean (2008) “The Compassionate ‘Terrorists’: Terrorism Rhetoric, Anti-Terror Legislation, and the Implications for Animal Advocacy Movements” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. John Sorenson, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Janet Conway)
  • Reimer, Matthew (2008) “Gender Inequality in Academia: Exploring Women’s Experiences with the Tenure and Promotion Application Process” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Michelle Webber, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Ann Duffy)
  • Soul, Jessica (2008) “Interconnections and Contradictions: An Eco-feminist Perspective on PETA” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Ana Isla, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Dennis Soron)
  • Whitten, Jennifer (2008) “Post-Monogamy” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Mary Beth Raddon, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Nancy Cook)
  • Athersych, Cheryl (2007) “Women’s Social Networks in Niagara: The Experience of Homelessness and Poverty” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Kate Bezanson, Supervisory Committee: Dr. June Corman)
  • Bawa, Sylvia (2007) “Advocating Recognition and Redistribution in Poverty Alleviation Programs in Ghana: An Examination of State and NGO Programs and Policies” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Bonny Ibhawoh, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Kate Bezanson)
  • Gregory, Julie (2007) “Dancing Politics: Connecting Women’s Experience of Rave in Toronto to Ageism and Patriarchy” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. David Butz, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Rebecca Raby)
  • Kaipainen, Erin (2007) “Graffiti, Memory and Contested Space: Mnemonic Initiatives following Trauma and/or Repression in Buenos Aires, Argentina” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Mike Ripmeester, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Ana Isla)
  • Byrne, Stacey (2006) “Benefits, Challenges, and Limitation of Fair Trade as a Social Justice Movement” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. John Sorenson, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Ann Duffy)
  • Ditillio, Jillian (2006) “What’s So Special about the Special Diet Allowance? A Critical Discourse Analysis” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Jonah Butovsky, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon)
  • Hoffman, Karen (2006) “Production Under Glass: Working Conditions and Class-consciousness of Niagara Greenhouse Workers” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. June Corman, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Murray Smith)
  • Jensen, Allison (2006) “Romancing Orientalism: Reading Racialised Masculinities in Suzanne Brockmann’s Troubleshooter Series” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Amanda Glasbeek, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Rob Alexander)
  • Pannett, Lorraine (2006) “Finding a Liveable Life in Translation: Doing Justice to Migrant Life History and Identity” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. David Butz, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon)
  • Pilling, Meredith (2006) “Queer Encounters: Exploring Experiences of (Gender)Queers in Women’s Public Washroom Spaces” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Jane Helleiner, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Catherine Nash)
  • Tomee Sojourner, Elizabeth (2006) “From Periphery to Centre: An Exploratory Study of One Black Lesbian’s Intersecting Identities and Experiences of Discrimination in the Workplace” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Jane Helleiner, Supervisory Committee: Dr. David Butz, Dr. Catherine Nash)
  • Burgess, Allison (2005) “Disrupting Heterosexual Space? The Implementation of a Campus Positive Space Campaign” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Jane Helleiner, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon, Dr. Catherine Nash)
  • Cumming, Sara (2005) “’Welcome to my Life’: The Experiences of Single Mothers who are the Recipients of Multiple State Provided Benefits” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Kate Bezanson, Supervisory Committee: Dr. June Corman)
  • Fuller, Sarah (2005) “Theology, Social Struggle, Economic Justice and Churches in Canada” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Mary-Beth Raddon, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Susan Spearey)
  • Kelly, Erica (2005) “Poetries of Community: Africville Recollected” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Mike Ripmeester, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Marilyn Rose)
  • Kozlova, Elizaveta (2005) “Representations of Russian Immigrants in Canadian Newspaper Discourse” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Susan Spearey, Supervisory Committee: Dr. John Sorenson)
  • Louter, Lysanne (2005) “Free Speech and Reporting on Rights: Canadian Newspaper Treatment of Bill C-250” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Rob Alexander, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Susan Spearey)
  • Sabra, Samah (2005) “(Re)Writing the Other/Self: Autoethnography in the Transcultural Arena of Representation” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. David Butz, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Susan Spearey)
  • Sharik, Lisa (2005) “WaterCan: One Man’s Vision, Millions of Lives Saved” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. June Corman, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Ann Duffy)
  • St. Germaine-Small, Melissa (2005) “Native Women, Theory and Research: Contexts and Contestations” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Ann Duffy, Supervisory Committee: Dr. David Butz)
  • Cecckin, Brigitte (2004) “The Impact of Social Welfare Reform and Workfare on Lone-Parent Female Headed Households in the Niagara Region” (thesis) (Supervisor: Dr. Ann Duffy, Supervisory Committee: Dr. June Corman)
  • Eaton, Emily (2004) “Niagara Alternative Food Systems: Networks, Discourses and Nature” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Karen Krug, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Deborah Leslie)
  • Jansen, Rebecca (2004) “Power, Resistance and Spanish Residential School.” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Mike Ripmeester, Supervisory Committee: Carmela Patrias)
  • Nyarko, Cynthia (2004) “Canada/US Border Crossing Facilitation and Constraint” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. Jane Helleiner, Supervisory Committee: Dr. Anna Pratt)
  • Zavitz, Katherine (2004) “International Volunteers at a Costa Rican Organic Farm: Sheepish Volunteers, Proud Tourists and Unwitting Developers” (major research paper) (Supervisor: Dr. David Butz, Supervisory Committee: Dr. June Corman)