Thesis Defence: External Examiner Request

This form is to be submitted by the GPD.

This form will be submitted to the Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research to notify her of potential external examiners for all thesis defences in the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Please provide a list of at least three (up to five) potential external examiners in order of preference.

  • FOSS thesis defences are now to be held in person, but we will accommodate requests through this section. Please only indicate the requests of the internal committee. The External Examiner will usually attend online and is managed differently then student and committee in different spaces.
  • Max. file size: 29 MB.
  • External Examiners

    Note on All External Examiners Arm's Length Requirements: Proposed external examiners must be considered arms-length from the project, student, and other members of the thesis committee. They should not be anyone who has previously collaborated with the student or any members of the thesis committee; anyone who has or has had a personal relationship with the student or any members of the thesis committee; or anyone who has been a supervisor or mentor or been supervised or mentored by student or any members of the thesis committee. Please indicate if there has been any personal or professional contact with the each of the proposed external examiners. If there has been any contact, please use the additional text box to describe that contact (e.g. meet occasionally at conferences and discuss research but no active or past collaborations; have served on SSHRC adjudication committees together but no active or past collaborations; participated in the same session two years ago at a national conference; we were both student authors on a paper 15 years ago as we were in the same research lab in graduate school but have no other personal or professional relationship and have not published together since that time)
  • Example: Professor, Department of Psychology, Brock University
  • Example: Professor, Department of Psychology, Brock University
  • Example: Professor, Department of Psychology, Brock University
  • Example: Professor, Department of Psychology, Brock University
  • Example: Professor, Department of Psychology, Brock University
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.