Michelle Chen

Assistant Professor

Michelle Chen

Ph.D., University of Minnesota
MA, University of Minnesota
BA, National University of Singapore


Michelle Chen (Ph.D. University of Minnesota) research interest focuses on the impact of social media technologies on social movements, civic engagement and political participation in support of a social issue or cause. Michelle teaches courses related to social media, business communication, and new media literacy.

I’m interested in supervising projects in the areas of:

  • social media research
  • digitally enabled social movements
  • civic engagement and participation
  • social issue advocacy and promotion
  • Chen, S.M. (2019) Women’s March Minnesota on Facebook: Effects of social connection on different types of collective action. New Media & Society, 1-23. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/1461444819882694
  • Chen, S.M., & Zhang (2016). Framing corruption in the Chinese government: A comparison of frames between media, government and netizens. International Journal of Communication, 10(20), 5494-5513.
  • Watson, B., & Chen, S.M. (2015) @todayin1963: Commemorative journalism, digital collective remembering, and the March on Washington. Journalism Studies. doi:10.1080/1461670X.2015.1019549 
  • New media literacy
  • Business communication