CPCF Abroad

This summer, CPCF Professor Dr. Marian Bredin presented original research at international conferences in the Netherlands and New Zealand.

At Erasmus University in Rotterdam, she presented the paper ‘Popular Indigenous Television and Narratives of Colonial Violence in Canada’ to the conference on Representation of Diversity in Mediated Popular Culture. This project analyzed two recent TV drama series — Bones of Crows (2023) and Little Bird (2023) — created by Indigenous directors, producers and actors to tell the stories of the residential schools and the Sixties Scoop.

In Christchurch, Dr. Bredin presented the paper ‘Indigenizing Media Policy and Practice, Decolonizing Media Spaces’ to the 2024 meeting of the International Association for Media and Communication Research. This project focused on the political economy of Indigenous media and analyzed how Indigenous peoples’ interventions in Canadian media policy and production have fostered the decolonization of media spaces.

Dr. Bredin is photographed here with CPCF colleague Derek Foster and CPCF graduate Sydney Forde who is currently completing her PhD at the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications, Pennsylvania State University.