Social Justice and Equity Studies

The innovative interdisciplinary MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies responds to the increasing need for individuals trained in the expanding field of Social Justice and Equity scholarship. Social Justice Studies is a growing field of study in Canadian universities and it is interdisciplinary, diverse and pluralistic in its theoretical traditions, substantive problematics, methods and approaches.

The Social Justice and Equity Studies program offers highly individualized academic mentoring and advanced coursework to prepare students to conduct research on issues of social justice and equity.

Social Justice and Equity Studies is interdisciplinary, diverse and pluralistic in its theoretical traditions, substantive problematics, methods and approaches. Our program seeks to enact an emancipatory politics of knowledge in favouring voices and perspectives that have been historically marginalized and who are actively resisting domination.

Our field of study is linked to ethicopolitical movements for progressive social change, and also reflects recognition of the links between power and knowledge in the university. These legacies and commitments inform our teaching and research, as well as the criteria for affiliation and admission to the program.

We number over 50 faculty members from 16 academic departments at Brock University. We admit 10 to 12 new domestic students and one to two international students a year. 

Crowded Toronto street during Pride Parade

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Are you interested in learning more about the M.A Social Justice and Equity Studies Program? Register now for the upcoming information session!

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