Mathematics and Statistics

This exciting mathematics program is flexible, innovative and provides opportunities for students to work with leading researchers to gain academic and employment experience.

Choose from a broad range of courses or concentrations in pure mathematics (development of mathematical ideas and concepts for their own sake), applied mathematics (mathematics for applications in science, engineering, economics or business), statistics (experimental design, sampling methods and data analysis techniques), MICA (mathematics coupled with modern computer software applications) or mathematics education.

For exceptional students, there is also an Accelerated Mathematics Studies stream where you can complete a four-year honours degree in any concentration in as little as three years.

  • BSc in Mathematics and Statistics
  • Minors in Mathematics, Elementary Teaching Mathematics, or Secondary Teaching Mathematics

Expected cut-off: mid 70s

Not an Ontario Secondary School applicant? Find your admissions criteria here.

Career outcomes

  • Mathematics/statistics teacher, professor or researcher
  • Operations research analyst, quantitative financial market analyst
  • Governmental statistics consultant
  • Actuary, insurance underwriter
  • Inventory control specialist

Prerequisite requirements

  • Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min. 75%)
  • Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U) (min. 75%)

Math and Stats – Accelerated Mathematics Studies

  • Advanced Functions (MHF4U) (min. 90%)
  • Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U) (min. 90%)
  • A written personal statement and Mathematics Activities Portfolio. Entrance examination and interview. Visit the Accelerated Mathematics website to learn more.

Recommended subjects

  • English (ENG4U)