
  • Interactive Arts and Science students’ video game AWAKEN wins Best Game at Level Up gaming showcase

    The winning Brock U IASC team at Level Up

    The winning Brock U IASC team at Level Up

    The Interactive Arts and Science program is proud to announce that Brock University’s 4th year IASC students showcased their video game AWAKEN at Toronto’s gaming showcase, Level Up…. and won BEST GAME!! Congratulations to the team!

    Level Up was held at Design Exchange in Toronto on Wednesday, April 3rd. It showcases the work of the most talented students in design, animation and computer science programs from colleges and universities across Ontario.

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  • 4th year IASC students to showcase video game at major Toronto event

    4th year Interactive Arts and Science students are going to be taking their AWAKEN video game to major gaming showcase, Level Up happening in Toronto April 3rd. Level Up is the first event of its kind that showcases the most talented students in design, animation and computer science programs from colleges and universities across Ontario. We are proud to have our 4th year IASC students representing Brock University at this event.

    The students in the Interactive Arts and Science program who have created Awaken are participating in the program’s capstone game development course. This course challenges students to propose, conceive, develop and produce a polished, critically-engaged interactive media or game prototype. The Awaken team, which makes up the fourth cohort to graduate from the program, has devised a first person game with surprising plot twists and challenging gameplay. This work demonstrates the group’s depth and breadth of knowledge in a wide range of topics and skills – from game theory to game engines. The team brings together a diverse range of talent that has enabled them to create a complex narrative and characters; build 3D models, audio and spatial environments; design and implement puzzles and other interactions between player and game system; and produce and integrate cinematic enhancements for the game.

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  • Brock graduate wins national art award

    Sarah Beattie's winning painting of a woman sneezing

    Sarah Beattie’s winning painting of a woman sneezing.

    Sarah Beattie grabs her camera and tries to capture the moment – at least a re-enactment of it – and use it as a muse for her next painting.

    She seems to have found the perfect inspiration. Beattie has been chosen as the regional winner in the BMO 1st Art! Awards for her painting of a young woman sneezing.

    “It’s pretty unreal,” Beattie said. “I didn’t think I had that good a chance of winning because the competition could have been any form of art.”

    Now in the 10th year, the BMO 1st Art! Awards is a national competition for artists graduating from university. Entrants are chosen by Deans and instructors based on student skill and imagination.

    In the end, one national winner and 12 regional winners – one from each province or territory – are selected by a panel of judges.

    The award comes with a $5,000-cash prize. The winners’ work will also be on display at the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art in Toronto from Oct. 3 to 28 and be published in Canadian Art magazine.

    It’s critical exposure for a young artist embarking on a professional career and trying to make a name for themselves, said Beattie, who graduated with her bachelor of arts this past spring.

    Her winning painting is one of a series of six called Say Sneeze that Beattie painted during her honours studio class earlier this year at Rodman Hall. Each work captures someone on the verge of sneezing that she photographed up to 100 times first.

    “A photograph is an instantaneous thing, just like a sneeze,” she explained.

    The series is a work in progress and will eventually include a self-portrait of Beattie herself on the brink of eliciting a ‘Bless you.’ Beattie hopes to eventually do a solo exhibition of her work.

    “I’d like to have 10 different ones, like a big simultaneous sneeze,” Beattie said.

    Prof. Donna Szoke, who taught Beattie during her honours studio class, called her a gifted painter who stands her ground when it comes to how she creates.

    “She’s very insightful in her own process and she trusts her process implicitly. That’s unusual for a young artist,” Szoke said. “She’s very determined.”

    Keri Cronin, chair of the Department of Visual Arts, said the award is well-deserved.

    “Sarah is a hard-working, innovative young artist who excelled in her classes at Brock,” Cronin said.

    Cronin predicts there will be more accolades for students, particularly once the new Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts moves to its new space in downtown St. Catharines in 2014.

    “We have excellent instructors in the Department of Visual Arts and our small class sizes allow for students to receive a lot of one-on-one instruction and mentorship. This kind of environment plays an important role in allowing students to grow as artists and to achieve their full potential,” she said. “This dynamic coupled with the state-of-the-art facilities we will have in our new downtown building will lead to more of these sorts of awards and honours for our students.”

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    Categories: Alumni, Current Students, News

  • Copyright resource videos for faculty.

    The slides and a 5 minute video recap are now available for the most recent workshop on copyright and Isaak/Sakai for those who couldn’t make it.

    Both are available HERE.

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    Categories: Faculty & Instructors, News

  • Industrial Fabric2: Festival of the Arts

    Brock University
    Media Release
    St. Catharines, ON
    March 1, 2012

    Industrial Fabric2: Festival of the Arts
    Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts
    March to April 2012

    The second Festival of the Arts showcasing the remarkable talents of students enrolled in the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts will be held March to April 2012. Industrial Fabric2 signals that time of year when students who have been preparing individually and collectively will bring their in-class, independent or studio projects to fruition. In the spirit of openness and mutual generosity, we invite you to celebrate their achievements on stage, in studios and galleries, and at regional venues.

    As part of the culminating activities that signal the end of the academic year Industrial Fabric2 offers a dynamic range of creative events open to the University and community at large from theatre to musical performances to art exhibitions. Enjoy original student-written and performed plays produced as part of the Department of Dramatic Arts’ Gimme 3 or One Acts Festival, and a production written and produced by fourth-year students called Shadows of a Toymaker; a rich selection of concerts from the Department of Music including its Tuesday Music@Noon series, Student Recitals, the ENCORE! Professional Concert Series, the VIVA VOCE! Choral Series, and the University Wind Ensemble; exhibitions from the students of the Department of Visual Arts reflecting their achievements in photography, drawing, book making, and intermedia as well as the annual juried show, and a fourth-year honours exhibition hosted by Rodman Hall Art Centre. This year we are honoured by the participation of Donna Szoke, Visiting Artist, whose video installation and all watched over by machines of loving grace will be installed at CRAM Gallery.

    “Industrial Fabric2 represents the creative thread that binds students in common effort, to perfect and bring their creativity to audiences both large and small, on and off campus. It promises to deliver over the course of two months a rich plethora of collective and individual talent mentored under the guise of our tremendous faculty and staff. This continues to be a testimony to the strength of our academic programs – where else can one find such brilliant vitality and collaboration that manifests itself from year to year with such vision, energy and dedication?” states Derek Knight, Director of the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts.

    The Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts, part of the Faculty of Humanities at Brock University, is comprised of the Departments of Dramatic Arts (DART), Music (MUSI), and Visual Arts (VISA), and the Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture (cSTAC).

    All are welcome.  Click here for a calendar of events.

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  • Visual Arts professor holding exhibition in Toronto

    (Source: The Brock Press, Thursday, December 22, 2011)

    Jean Bridge, associate professor of Visual Arts, is having an exhibit of her work in Toronto on Jan. 4 to 28.

    The exhibition Around the Block uses multi-channel video and audio. It distills a collection of images of a typical urban neighbourhood into a video continuum.

    The exhibit will be at the Red Head Gallery at 401 Richmond St. W suite 115.

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    Categories: Announcements, Faculty & Instructors, News

  • A new program from cSTAC and the Faculty of Business in 2011: Concentration in Cultural Management

    The Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture (cSTAC) will be offering a new program that brings together learning opportunities from two leading Faculties at Brock University – the Faculty of Business and the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts of the Faculty of Humanities.

    The Concentration in Cultural Management, a new collaboration with the highly-regarded Faculty of Business, will begin in the autumn of 2011.  This is the ideal program for students who seek to graduate with employable skills as Cultural Managers in diverse fields of arts and culture, including music, the visual arts and dramatic arts.  Together with their interdisciplinary or single-discipline studies in arts and culture students may pursue service-learning or practicum experiences with professionals and organizations in the Niagara Region.  Required upper-level courses taken at the Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture include Arts Management; Arts, Heritage and Culture: Public Policy and Governance; Producing a Performance Event, or Creating social value from material culture. Courses taken within the Faculty of Business include: Introduction to Business, Marketing Management, Organizational Behaviour and Design, Human Resources Management, Entrepreneurship, Personal Financial Planning and others related business topics.

    Read the information sheet for this exciting new Concentration for 2011.

    contact the Director of the Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture, David Vivian, for more information:
    or the Academic Advisor for the Faculty of Humanities, Alisa Cunnington:

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    Categories: Current Students, Future Students, News

  • Exhibitions featuring Visual Arts Professor Duncan MacDonald

    (Source: The Brock News, Wednesday, May 18, 2011)

    Duncan MacDonald, assistant professor, has been busy with artworks featured in several shows in the month of April: Small Feats (the Niagara Artist Centre), The Main Event (Rodman Hall Arts Centre), Musicbox Revolving Door (Metro Hall, Toronto), Natural Frequencies (CRAM Art Gallery) and a video entitled “Work, Work” (In The Soil 2011).

    To listen to a CBC radio interview regarding the Musicbox Revolving Door project, please see

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    Categories: Faculty & Instructors, In the Media, News

  • Exhibitions and essays by Visual Arts Instructor Judy Graham

    (Source: , Thursday, April 21, 2011)

    Visual Arts instructor Judy Graham is part of the Preservation/Migration exhibit at the ZGM FineArts Gallery in Buffalo, NY, showing until April 23. She was also part of Garden Views and Artists’ Pots at the ZGM gallery in 2010, and presented surfacingsurfacing: A Poetry Performance.

    She also exhibited at Small Feats, a group exhibit and sale at the Niagara Artists Centre, and will be part of the upcoming Social Rejections exhibit at Toronto’s GalleryWest.

    Judy Graham published an exhibition essay at ZGM FineArts Gallery in Buffalo, NY in 2011. She also published “Uncomfortable Boys, Cornelius and George” in the Brock Review: Journal for the Humanities in 2010.

    She also curated the National Women’s Exhibit at the Impact Gallery in Buffalo this year and has received an Ontario Arts Council Exhibition Assistance Grant.

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    Categories: Faculty & Instructors, In the Media, News

  • Interacting with Immersive Worlds Conference Organizers Announce Newly Reduced Registration Fees

    Interacting with Immersive Worlds: Third Brock University Conference on the Interactive Arts & Sciences


    Thanks to a combination of generous support from the City of St.Catharines and corporate sponsorship we are delighted to announce that we are able to reduce our conference registration fees to:

    Regular: $150.00
    Student: $75.00

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