Media releases

  • Brock women researchers share perceptions for International Women’s Day

    MEDIA RELEASE: 7 March 2022 – R0028

    When Brock University faculty member Shawna Chen first began her career as a business researcher, she wanted her work to empower women.

    As the Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship in Brock’s Goodman School of Business examined the dynamics of business ventures, and particularly through her studies of fledgling women entrepreneurs, she says it hit her that women are already strong, but society frequently fails to perceive or honour their strength.

    Chen is among a dozen women faculty at Brock who are sharing perceptions they gained through their research to mark International Women’s Day on Tuesday, March 8.

    “Brock is home to a phenomenal group of women researchers across all disciplines and at all career stages,” says Brock Associate Vice-President, Research Michelle McGinn. “I am impressed and inspired by the contributions they make to their respective fields, to the research culture at our institution, and to communities far beyond this institution.”

    Following are the thoughts of 12 faculty members at Brock, most of whose research directly or indirectly touches upon women:

    Shawna Chen, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, studies entrepreneurial cognition and behaviour across cultures. One of her studies explores how interaction of thoughts, actions and emotions influence early-stage entrepreneurs, particularly women and members of underrepresented groups.

    “I discovered that women don’t need to be empowered: I stop telling women how to lean in like men and start engineering the systems to embrace different paths.”

    Jessica Clark, Associate Professor of History, studies modern British cultural and social history, focusing on how consumption, labour and gender shaped lived experiences in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In her writings, she explores perceptions of women’s beauty and the history of smell.

    “The study of women’s history means asking important questions about women’s experiences across time and place, all while forging connections and community amongst women today.”

    Cathy van Ingen, Professor of Kinesiology, examines the relationship between sport, inequality, and social change with a focus on gender-based violence, trauma-informed physical activity, and sport for development and peace, among others. She is co-founder of ‘Shape Your Life,’ a free, non-contact, trauma-informed boxing program for women-identified survivors of violence.

    “Scholar and activist bell hooks wrote ‘The function of art is to do more than tell it like it is — it’s to imagine what is possible.’ I see research as having the same function.”

    Leah Knight, Associate Professor of English Language and Literature, studies early modern poetry and prose, especially in Renaissance England. Her recent work researches the work and life experiences of women authors and readers in 16th- and 17th-century Britain.

    “In early modern England, girls and women weren’t allowed to study at university, let alone teach or conduct research; I’m grateful for the stories of the many smart and interesting women of the past who, despite resistance, left their mark in history.”

    Deborah McPhee, Professor of Human Resource Management researches vulnerable employees pertaining to the career transitioning of aging workers, the attraction and retention of Indigenous employees in mainstream business, young and older workers health and safety, and migrant workers in the cannabis industry. One of her current projects involves working with a team of researchers on violence against women and the promotion of pet friendly shelter policies.

    “In an era where women were not always valued, even my own father didn’t feel it necessary for women to pursue higher education, hence it took me 20 years to complete my undergraduate degree part-time.”

    Dolana Mogadime, Professor of Educational Studies, is interested in how women teachers are making history in everyday acts that work toward improving the lives of other women and girls across races, genders, classes, and geographical boundaries. She researches how teachers can use intergenerational examples through oral histories or ‘herstories’ and narrative study.

    “Amplifying the voices of women who have and are making a difference to society is a singular most meaningful dedication of my life as a researcher.”

    Joyce Mgombelo, Associate Professor of Mathematics Education, researches how the mind understands, processes and uses mathematics in everyday life, and how teachers can best teach mathematics to their students. One of her projects, improving mathematical literacy among children in Tanzania, involves making mathematics teaching and learning more gender sensitive.

    “It is imperative that mathematics education researchers and stakeholders move to a more equitable and informed view of mathematics learning that sees girls and women as being fully capable of understanding and applying mathematics in their everyday lives and in their work.”

    Sheila O’Keefe-McCarthy, Associate Professor of Nursing researches cardiac health focusing on women and men’s heart health and gendered approaches to symptom management and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Through arts-based research creations-with the use of poetry, paintings and other art forms, she raises awareness of women’s symptoms and experience of heart disease, which can often be very different compared to men.

    “Courageous and honourable women in my life have taught me that no matter how you choose to bring equality, justice, dignity and hope into the world, do it with your heart, mind, body and spirit-where all human flourishing is celebrated.”

    Beatrice Ombuki-Berman, Interim Chair of the New Department of Engineering and Professor of Computer Science Specializing in Artificial Intelligence (AI), researches the efficient design, development and application of computational intelligence algorithms for large-scale optimization problems. She is also interested in the Ethics of AI, with a special focus on algorithmic bias and inequality.

    “Women are vastly underrepresented in the Artificial Intelligence field. It’s my passion to close that gap, especially given the exponential growth of AI everywhere.”

    Shauna Pomerantz, Associate Professor of Child and Youth Studies, has research interests that include media, youth, girlhood, popular culture, gender and education, and feminist theories. She and her 13-year-old daughter Miriam explore the importance of TikTok and other social media in the lives of children and youth.

    “When I asked Miriam why feminism matters to her, she said ‘I think it’s the right thing to believe in and sometimes girls don’t have a lot of power and feminism gives us a sense of power, that we can do something together to make it better.’”

    Rebecca Raby, Professor of Child and Youth Studies, is interested in how we view childhood and youth, particularly their voice, agency and being participants in their families, peer groups, schools, online and in their first jobs. She also focuses on inequalities in young lives, especially in relation to age, gender, sexuality, race and class.

    “We need to be attentive to the diversity of girlhoods and the role of inequality especially in shaping girls’ lives; we must balance between recognizing hardships and injustice in girls’ lives while always recognizing their strengths and their related interconnections with others.”

    Gaynor Spencer, Professor of Biological Sciences and Director of Neuroscience, researches how cells of the nervous system (neurons) form their connections with each other during development, and how changes in these neuronal connections play a role in learning and memory.

    “As women scientists, we can occasionally be our own worst critic, so when difficulties arise, and they do for everyone, don’t stop believing in yourself, stay confident and most importantly, have some fun along the way.”

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases

  • Brock, YWCA working together to improve the lives of Niagara women and families

    MEDIA RELEASE: 4 March 2022 – R0027

    After years of collaboration, Brock University and the YWCA Niagara Region are moving forward with a common goal: empowering local women and improving the lives of their families.

    The two organizations formalized their partnership by introducing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) during a virtual event on Friday, March 4.

    The YWCA, which provides emergency shelter, food and assistance to women and their families living in poverty, offers transitional housing and skills development programs to help women regain their independence and break the cycle of poverty.

    In addition to its emergency housing services, the YWCA also operates a Safer House for survivors of human trafficking and a 15-unit Home for Good program, which provides long-term supportive housing to Niagara’s most vulnerable.

    Brock Interim President Lynn Wells says the YWCA’s work is “critically important to our community” and will be further strengthened through the ongoing partnership with the University.

    “By sharing our expertise and resources, Brock and the YWCA will continue working collaboratively in support of the social and economic well-being of women and children in Niagara,” she says. “This MOU is an important example of Brock’s ongoing commitment to contributing to the well-being and vitality of our community and beyond.”

    In addition to providing experiential learning opportunities for students, the MOU will facilitate collaborative research on the impacts of the affordable housing crisis on women in Niagara, improving safe and affordable housing for women during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, and equity, diversity and inclusion best practices for inclusive governance in Niagara.

    The partnership will also see the organizations explore new opportunities for professional and continuing development and mentorship programs for women.

    “This partnership has been years in the making and we are so pleased to have this formally recognized through this MOU,” said Elisabeth Zimmermann, YWCA Niagara Region Executive Director. “Working with Brock has supported our ability to tell our story to the broader community in a way that has had impact and influence.”

    Researchers in Brock’s Departments of Sociology, Women’s and Gender Studies and Political Science are among many who have worked and will continue to work with their counterparts at the YWCA on issues around poverty, gender discrimination, and equity, diversity and inclusion.

    In particular, their work has focused on the lack of affordable housing and the impact on women in Niagara, and how existing and growing challenges are exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, says Ingrid Makus, Dean of Brock’s Faculty of Social Sciences.

    “In formalizing our agreement with the YWCA Niagara Region, we are thrilled to further enable researchers and students across the University to connect with such an esteemed organization that is making a recognizable difference in the lives of women and families in Niagara,” she says. “We’re delighted that our students at all levels of study will have the opportunity to engage with the YWCA and learn through experiences, placements and research about what it takes to successfully support some of the most vulnerable members of our community.”

    As part of the MOU, Brock will also host the annual Niagara Leadership Summit for Women, building on its ongoing relationship with the popular event.

    “Brock has been home to the Niagara Leadership Summit for Women since it began in 2014 and has been a critical partner in its success, as it grew to become the YWCA’s signature event,” says Julie Rorison, President of the YWCA Board of Directors. “For thousands of the Summit’s attendees, it has been their annual trip to see what’s happening at Brock, and for many others it is the first time they have ever set foot on a university campus — opening a whole new world of learning and opportunity.”

    The YWCA Niagara Region MOU is the latest in a series of commitments by Brock University to work with community partners, such as Tools of Empowerment for Success Niagara, HOPA Ports, Niagara Workforce Planning Board, Niagara Health, Pathstone Mental Health, Community Care of St. Catharines and Thorold and Niagara Folk Arts Multicultural Centre.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Manager Communications and Media Relations, Brock University or 905-347-1970

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    Categories: Media releases