Campus Safety Grant

Purpose of the Grant

The Campus Safety Grant (CSG) is provided through the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities to help institutions address safety and security needs on campus, including those related to addressing sexual violence and harassment. Applications are encouraged from university departments, committees, and student organizations and from individual Brock faculty, staff, and/or students. 


  1. Students are the focus for campus safety and should be included in the process of making campuses safer, including how funds can best be allocated. 
  2. Universities and colleges, as direct providers of postsecondary education programs and services, are responsible for providing a secure, safe learning and work environment. The ministry provides this grant to assist institutions in education and informing students about sexual violence prevention and campus safe

Application Review Process

The Gender and Sexual Violence Funding Allocation Committee (GSVFAC) was established to accept, review, and approve funding applications for the CSG. The GSVFAC is a diverse group of university stakeholders who use an intersectional, anti-oppressive, trauma-informed, and harm-reduction approach to review funding submissions for the CSG.  Applications are assessed trimesterly.

The Ministry’s grant year is April 1 to March 31. All initiatives funded under this grant must be completed annually, and invoices paid, by March 31st (or the previous business day, if March 31st falls on a weekend). Funding must be cleared by Finance no later than March 15th. Projects that are not completed in the required time will forfeit the funding.  

Eligible and Ineligible Expenses

Eligible expenses:

Funds allocated under the CSG must benefit students and may be used for the following expenditures related to sexual violence prevention as well as general safety:  

Awareness/education, examples include

  • Campus safety websites and resource centres including the production of flyers, videos and digital products for online distribution;  
  • Supplies and promotional materials for specific campus awareness campaigns and social media campaigns on safety issues such as combatting sexual violence and building consent awareness;  
  • Hosting or co-hosting awareness programs, safety and/or sexual violence conferences, courses and speaker honoraria. 

Student services/supports, examples include

  • Campus programs (e.g., Campus “Walk Safe” programs); 
  • Campus workshops (e.g., sexual assault prevention training, including self-defence workshops, peer support worker training, violence prevention training, student volunteer training, and welcome week safety training);  
  • Computer software, including safety mobile apps; 
  • Employee salaries and benefits related to the provision of services or supports directly to students; 
  • Contracts with community agencies that provide direct counselling or support services to students; 
  • Training for staff or student volunteers, including welcome week safety training; and 
  • Equipment related to making campuses safer, examples include lighting, phone systems and security cameras 

 Ineligible expenses:

The CSG cannot be used to cover expenses related to: 

  • Research projects/safety audits 
  • Travel/hospitality 
  • Employee salaries and benefits 
  • Consultant fees

Submit an Application

Submissions should include the following:  

  • A completed online Campus Safety Grant Application  
  • A budget/cost list of foreseeable expenses  
  • Proof of approval from appropriate campus organizations (Facilities Management, Campus Security Services), if required.

Required Documentation for reimbursement: 

  • A Campus Safety Grant Project Completion Form 
  • *All receipts, paid invoices, and/or proof of payment to support actual costs (see below for an exception to this for student applicants)

These must be submitted within 15 days of completion of the initiative and no later than April 15.  If initiative is completed sooner, e.g., by January 31, 2023, submit Project Completion Form sooner, e.g., by February 15, 2023. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to