Give Support

Receiving a disclosure can be hard and tricky to navigate. It’s okay not to have all the answers, we are here to help! Here are resources to help you support your loved ones effectively.


Our team uses the acronym B.E.S.T to help navigate receiving disclosures.

  • Try: “This sounds overwhelming”.
  • Don’t question their story! Your job is to guide and to support, not to investigate nor judge.
  • Give them your full attention.
  • Be sure to make time and create a welcoming space.
  • Let the individual be in control of the conversation
  • Ask: “Are you okay?” “Are you safe?”
  • Let the individual determine their needs.
  • Reporting is only one option of many – allow the individual to choose.
  • Only call emergency services if someone is in direct or immediate danger to themselves or others.
  • Ask: “What can I do to help?”; “Can I provide you with information on services and supports?”
  • Offer to connect the individual with Human Rights and Equity for further support and services.
  • Let them decide how to proceed.
  • Try: “Thank you for trusting me.” – It takes bravery and strength to make a disclosure.
  • Acknowledge the effort and thank the person for reaching out and trusting you.
  • Make sure to take care of yourself after this difficult conversation!

Download and Print our B.E.S.T pamphlet below.

Get Support from HRE

We understand that hearing someone disclose can be challenging. If you need support after receiving a disclosure, please reach out to the Gender and Sexual Violence Intake team at

At any point during the process of receiving a disclosure. You can reach out to us for resources, services, guidance, accommodations or after-care.

We also have plenty of resources available for you to consult for support below:

More Resources from Us:

Individuals may process and respond to traumatic events, such as incidents of sexual violence, in various ways. Their reactions can be influenced by factors such as age, gender identity, race, religion, socioeconomic status, ability, and other social contexts.

For more information on how sexual violence impacts individuals, please refer to the following resources:

If you have a loved one who has experienced sexual violence, it can feel overwhelming to figure out how to provide them care. Please look at our resources below for information on how to support your loved one.

You can also contact, if you need advice or support.

We developed an email template for you to use when receiving a disclosure and on how to present their options to them. This template is trauma-informed and allows the survivor to make their own decisions based on the options available here at Brock.

Email Template for responding to disclosures.docx