
Before disclosing, you have the right to know the level of confidentiality you can expect from us, and what policy guides the decisions we make surrounding confidentiality.

Sign that reads private against a concrete wall

We take your privacy seriously!

Anything that is disclosed to us at any stage of the process will not be disclosed to any third parties without your consent. Anything said to a Human Rights and Equity team member, or a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Assistant is confidential and will not be expressed to anyone without your explicit consent. The Human Rights and Equity Office uses a client centered approach, meaning our role as an office is to support you through the healing process, as you decide how you want to proceed.

The only instances when we must share your information is if:

  • There are reasonable grounds to believe you are at risk of serious self-harm;
  • An individual is at risk of harming another;
  • There is a serious risk to the safety of Brock Community Members;
  • It is necessary as part of a disclosure, Restorative Justice Process, formal report, or investigation;
  • There are legal obligations.

For more information and details, please consult Brock’s Sexual Violence Policy, Section 2.1., or ask a Human Rights and Equity team member for guidance through the policy.

Brock University has a Safe Disclosure Policy in place to protect all its employees, students, volunteers, contractors, and suppliers. It provides a mechanism for university community members to safely disclose concerns about suspected improper activity. It also protects community members making a Good Faith Disclosure from Reprisal.

If you have any questions, please reach out to