Apply to be a Don

Don roles are open to full-time upper year students. Preference is given to those who have lived in a post-secondary residence.

Don applications are closed for the 2024/25 academic year.

Residence Dons are a one-stop shop for all things residence, providing support to students and directing them to relevant resources. Residence Dons are responsible for maintaining the safety and security of residence through performing rounds and responding in an on-call capacity. Residence Dons facilitate the Residence Curriculum to assist students in building independence, resilience, and emotional intelligence. Residence Dons also facilitate the social aspects of their communities, hosting events for students to get to know each other.

Dons of Activities (DAs) are placed throughout the residence community. In addition to their general Residence Life Staff responsibilities, DAs are dedicated to running energetic social programs in residence. DAs work as a team to plan inclusive, all-ages events for residence students, and serve as a liaison with the Residence Action Council to maximize the quality, quantity, and variety of event opportunities for residence students.

Residence Education Dons are experienced Residence Life Staff members who assist in the implementation of the Residence Curriculum. They support the curriculum by hosting office hours for Residence Dons to discuss the facilitation of House/Hall/Court/Block Meetings and Intentional Conversations. Residence Education Dons are also responsible for hosting and/or facilitating a variety of Campus Partner Workshops for all residence students. Residence Education Dons work collectively with Residence Dons and the Residence Life Management Team to integrate feedback into the continued development of the Residence Curriculum.

Please note: Successful applicants must be full-time Brock students who have an academic average of 65 per cent or more in their top four credits at the end of the 2023 Winter term. If selected, you will be required to have Standard First Aid and CPR-C certification, More Feet on the Ground training, the University’s AODA training tutorial and any other mandated Brock University training prior to assuming RLS responsibilities.

The final number of available positions will be determined when information on occupancy becomes available.

If you have any questions, please e-mail us at

Why join the team?

“I love being a part of the RLS team because it offers so many opportunities for development, exploration, and growth. I’ve had the chance to take on new roles and push myself to try new opportunities that were outside of my comfort zone, ending up with new skills and fun memories. It has also given me many new friends and the chance to help others by doing something I love. Through RLS I was able to grow my confidence, find my voice, and make a positive impact in the lives of others.”

– Don of Activities. 3rd year of Child and Youth Studies with a minor in Dramatic Arts and a minor in Psychology.

“The reason I enjoy being an RLS member is the opportunity to be able to grow and be challenged. Through this platform, I’ve been able to get out of my comfort zone as well as gain experience in a professional setting.”

– Residence Don. 3rd year Business Communications.

“RLS is honestly like a family to me. Whether it be within your staff team, or with your community of students, you make so many great friends and have an abundance of people there to support you. I’ve had so many great leadership opportunities through being a don, and am now back for a second year in a new role I love even more!”

– Residence Education Don. 3rd year of Speech and Language Sciences.

“I enjoy being an RLS member because over the last 2 years I have been able to become a leader on campus, connect with and collaborate with campus resources, and develop career defining skills such as active listening, time management, and problem solving. During my time on RLS I have been able to make a difference in the Brock community, impact the lives of students transitioning to University life, and develop lifelong friendships and connections while having a once in a lifetime career opportunity.”

-Residence Education Don. 3rd year Concurrent Education (Junior/Intermediate)

“Joining RLS is an amazing experience that will allow you to grow as a person and broaden your perspectives. I’ve had the opportunity to interact with members of my community and have been more involved on campus, all with the goal of assisting students and making a positive difference.”

Don of Activities. 2nd year BBA Double Degree – Ireland track.