Winter break closure

Residence move-in is from August 31-September 2, 2024 (the University will notify you of your move-in date at least 4 weeks prior to move-in) to either no later than noon on the day following the student’s last examination, or no later than noon on December 20, 2024, whichever occurs first; and from noon on January 5, 2025 to conclude either no later than noon the day following the student’s last examination, or no later than noon on April 25, 2025, whichever occurs first or as otherwise determined in accordance with the 2024-25 Residence Agreement.

The University plans to close the residences the day after the last December exam and will not provide accommodation, services, or associated support staff until reopening the residences the day before the start of classes in January. The University may grant an extension of this agreement during Winter Break and/or beyond the expiry date for students whose circumstances, in the opinion of the University, require them to remain in residence. The University will collect a fee for each week (or part thereof) that the student remains in residence during the Winter Break.

Please note that although students are not allowed to stay in residence over the Winter Break that does not mean students have to move their belongings out of residence. Students are welcome to leave them locked safely in their room while away for the break. However, please note that the University is not responsible for personal property.

There are very limited circumstances under which a student may stay in residence during the Winter Break. Please note the following statement, which was in the residence online application:

”Students are not allowed to stay in residence during the Winter Break. The last night in residence is Friday, December 20, 2024. Students will be allowed to return to residence after the Winter Break at noon on Sunday, January 5, 2025. The only exceptions will be limited to students who satisfy the specific criteria noted below:

  • International students with no means of getting home or securing alternate accommodation (D2 Exchange students are NOT eligible for Winter Break Stay);
  • Varsity team athletes who are often required to be in residence for a team event such as a game or tournament. If you hope to be on a varsity team, you should seriously consider applying for Winter Break stay. If you don’t, you will not be able to stay in residence over the Winter Break.
  • Students who have an academic requirement that requires them to stay; for example, pre-service education or graduate students.

Indicating that you require accommodation in residence during part or all of the Winter Break will result in an assignment to a Townhouse Style Residence. There will be an additional fee of $250 per week (or any part thereof) for those staying over the Winter Break. Housing Services will consider all requests in line with this Winter Break Policy. Housing Services reserves the right to deny an application to stay over the Winter Break.

Only students who indicated their need to stay over the break in their online application for residence will be eligible to stay during the Winter Break period, and will be contacted in November 2024. Those who are granted permission to stay will be required to sign the Winter Break Agreement. The fee of $250 for the week (or part thereof) for their stay will be placed on their student account in January.

It is highly unlikely that any student who did not indicate the need to stay over the break on their online residence application form will be permitted to stay in residence over the Winter Break. Anyone wishing to appeal this decision should email Jeff Marques, Facilities Supervisor, Operations,  by no later than Saturday, November 30, 2024.