Cleaning charges for smoking in residence

All Brock University residences are smoke-free environments. When a student is found to have been smoking in residence or there is evidence of smoking occurring within a space, extra cleaning must be done to bring the environment back to a smoke-free state.

Students being documented may expect the following consequences

When it is suspected a student[s] may be smoking within residence, whether through physical evidence or smoke odour, it will be documented in a report and the student[s] will be required to have a conduct meeting with their Head Resident. At which time they will receive education and will receive one [1] disciplinary point, along with a warning in regard to no smoking in residence.

When it is evident that smoking has occurred in a room and/or unit OR it is suspected for a 2nd time, it will be documented in a report and the student[s] will be required to meet with their Residence Life Coordinator. At which time they will be subject to a $50 administration charge [to be assessed to each occupant of the space, if an individual occupant is not found responsible] and each will receive two [2] disciplinary points as their sanction.

If concerns are documented a 3rd time [whether suspected or there is evidence that smoking continues to occur in a room and/or or unit], it will be documented in a report and the student[s] will be required to meet with their Residence Life Coordinator. At which time they will be subject to a $150 administration charge [to be assessed to each occupant of the space, if an individual occupant is not found responsible] and each will receive three [3] disciplinary points as their sanction.They will also be suspended from residence for an amount of time not to exceed one week.

If concerns are documented a 4th time [whether suspected or there is evidence that smoking continues to occur in a room and/or or unit], it will be documented in a report and the student[s] will be required to meet with the Manager, Residence Life. At which time, charges will be assessed [equally to each occupant of the space, if an individual occupant is not found responsible] and each will receive three [3] disciplinary points as their sanction, resulting in an eviction from residence. The charges will be based on all cleaning costs incurred by Brock University to return the space back a smoke free state [full clean and/or paint of all surfaces (with the possibility of a thermal fogging or ozone treatment)]. The costs to return the space to a smoke free condition are variable and based on the cleaning required. An estimated range of the cost is $300-$2,500 for a single room to an entire townhouse depending on the level of damage from smoke.