Residence community standards

Welcome to your new home in residence at Brock University.

Housing Services works hard to facilitate the successful “sleep, study, and social life” for all residence students. To do this, we must balance residents’ needs to ensure we reach the goals of high quality of life and academic success by the end of students’ time in residence. By knowing and adhering to our Residence Community Standards, residents make a significant contribution to these goals. The privilege of living in residence comes with the responsibility of abiding by Federal, Provincial, Regional and Municipal laws, following residence rules, and upholding community standards.

Please note: When you submitted your online application and when you collected your keys you confirmed that you have read, understood and agreed to abide by these standards.

Read about the Residence Community Standards

Learn more about the community standards in this comprehensive publication.

The residence community is a unique environment and these standards have been created to benefit both students and staff by clearly outlining behavioural expectations for residence students. The standards define unacceptable behaviour, outlines the levels and types of infractions, and describes both the manner in which infractions are enforced and the sanctions applied. Residents are expected to have read and be aware of the information contained in the standards.

The goals of the community standards are:

  • To provide students with clear information about what is expected of them while living in residence.
  • To provide Housing Services and Residence Life Staff with a resource that outlines specifically the course of disciplinary action for any unacceptable behaviour.
  • To illustrate to students the importance of co-operation while living in the residence community.

Under the terms of the Residence Agreement (which all students must electronically sign when applying to residence), students are to be familiar with the content of and abide by the following set of documents. The Residence Community Standards, the Residence Agreement, Residence policies and procedures, the Brock University Code of Student Conduct and any other applicable Brock University policy. Students are also expected to respect and abide by all Municipal, Regional, Provincial and Federal Laws.

“Unacceptable behaviour” is defined as any behaviour that contravenes these documents. Ignorance, anger, alcohol or substance abuse will not be accepted as an excuse, reason, or rationale for unacceptable behaviour. It is expected that if a student is having a problem with anger or substance abuse, they will seek help from an appropriate resource (e.g. personal counselling services) before the situation intensifies. Unacceptable behaviour can be identified and addressed by anyone in the residence community. Students are reminded that unacceptable behaviour may come to the University’s attention in a variety of ways. Methods can include observation by Residence, Campus Safety Services, Facilities Management, Food Services staff or other students, or through photo, internet, social media, mobile device or video evidence. While the University does not actively search for evidence of violations online, anything posted online that comes to our attention (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) can be used as evidence in an investigation. Unacceptable behaviour within residence can be documented formally by: Residence Life Staff, Housing Services Staff, Facilities Management or any other University staff, including contractors, Campus Safety Services, and Niagara Regional Police.

As expressed in the Brock University mission statement, we are a diverse and inclusive community. Our diversity makes us stronger and is something we welcome and celebrate within residence. Any behaviour that attacks the integrity or dignity of another individual will not be tolerated.

Please note: Public areas on campus, including residences, are video monitored for safety and security purposes.

Personal information is collected under the authority of the Brock University Act. Questions may be directed to Brock University Campus Safety Services, 905.688.5550 x4300 or visit Campus Safety Services online.

The Residence Life Staff (RLS) and Residence Action Council (RAC) will do their part to orient you to this environment through a variety of social, educational and recreational activities. You, in turn, will be expected to do your part as a member of the community. Being a student in residence means that you are given both privileges and responsibilities to uphold. The information in the Residence Community Standards (RCS) will orient you to the residence structure and to the regulations that help to ensure the rights of each community member. You are responsible for knowing this information and meeting the standards of behaviour necessary for the development of the residence community. While you have a responsibility, you will certainly reap the benefits. Welcome to the challenge, the opportunity and the fun. We look forward to your arrival and an exciting year in residence!

Student rights

  1. The right to sleep, study and socialize in a clean and safe environment.
  2. The right to have any residence incidents, issues or concerns addressed in a timely and respectful fashion.
  3. The right to privacy and/or confidentiality from Housing Services with regards to all personal information. Housing Services will not contact emergency contacts without consent except in an emergency situation.
  4. The right to appropriate and timely notification from Housing Services for all matters that have an impact on their living environment (e.g. repair work, fire alarm testing).
  5. The right to expect Housing Services will abide by the terms and conditions outlined in the Residence Agreement and follow departmental policies and procedures.

Student responsibilities

As members of the residence community, students have the following responsibilities:

  1. To treat other people with respect and consideration and to guarantee them their individual rights.
  2. To behave in a responsible manner and accept responsibility for inappropriate behaviour and the consequences related to that behaviour.
  3. To respect and accept responsibility for residence and university property and facilities, treating them like you would your home.
  4. To accept responsibility for personal and community safety. (i.e. to lock windows and doors, to refrain from misusing life safety equipment, damaging property, propping fire doors, losing or sharing keys / swipe cards, etc.)
  5. To contribute positively to the community through participation in programs.
  6. To regularly check their email account, Financial Account, and residence mailbox. All of these modes of communication will be used by Housing Services to communicate with residence students.
  7. To report damages and safety concerns or any other issues or concerns in a timely manner to the Service Desks (refer to the section on Facilities).
  8. To abide by the terms and conditions outlined in the Residence Agreement and follow departmental policies and procedures.