Registration open for digital pedagogy conference

Educators from across North America will be on campus next month to learn more about weaving technology into teaching.

Registration is now open for the fifth annual Digital Pedagogy Institute Conference, to be held at Brock Aug. 9 and 10.

The two-day conference includes presentations, workshops and digital tool training that focuses on innovative uses of digital technology to enhance and transform undergraduate and graduate teaching in the humanities and social sciences.

Topics explored during the conference include best practices, case studies, the state of digital pedagogy in higher education and digital pedagogy collaborations between faculty, educational developers, librarians and students.

“Hosting for the second year, Brock is proud to be able to bring together international educators and practitioners to share their knowledge and experience with technology in higher education,” says conference co-ordinator Justin Howe from Brock’s Centre for Digital Humanities.

“Being able to bring together people from diverse fields with a common focus of interest and interesting applications has proven a very rewarding opportunity for the Centre for Digital Humanities, building new partnerships and collaborations for institution and participants alike.”

Nearly 100 educators from across North America are expected to attend this year’s conference, which will feature 30 presenters on a wide variety of digital pedagogy topics.

The conference also features three keynote speakers. They include:

  • Claire Battershill, a Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at Simon Fraser University, is an author and co-creator of a number of digital pedagogy resources. She will be speaking about digital resource development and collaborative pedagogy.
  • Jennifer Jenson, the Director of the Institute for Research on Digital Learning and a professor at York University, is an internationally-recognized scholar on digital games and gender as well as technology and education. Her talk will explore pedagogy through the animated series South Park.
  • Ray Siemens is a Distinguished Professor in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Victoria and directs the Digital Humanities Summer Institute and the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab. His keynote talk will be “Making Open Social Scholarship Work.”

The conference program and registration information are available on the Faculty of Humanities website. Deadline for registration is Aug. 6.

The annual conference is a partnership between Brock University, the University of Guelph, the University of Toronto Scarborough and the University of Waterloo.

Brock’s organizing committee includes the Centre for Digital Humanities, the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation and the James A. Gibson Library.

Read more stories in: Education, Humanities, News, Teaching & Learning
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