
Siteimprove is a website auditing, monitoring and governance tool that removes the manual task of identifying common website errors like broken links and misspellings, as well as accessibility issues.

Getting started with Siteimprove

All departments and offices who maintain a WordPress website are encouraged to use Siteimprove to help keep content on the Brock website up-to-date, accurate and free of errors.

Siteimprove is segmented by website. For instance, if you manage content for the Library website, you will only see reports and issues for pages within the Library website, allowing you to focus on the section of the Brock website that is relevant to you.

To request access, please complete our Request for Digital Services form.


Siteimprove includes a comprehensive help and resource centre, available to all users of the platform.

Please note that Siteimprove is not available for internal Brock websites (SharePoint),
or websites hosted on other platforms at Brock.

Siteimprove features

Quality Assurance

The Quality Assurance tool crawls the Brock website every 5 days to provide an up-to-date overview of quality issues across the website. This allows you to work proactively to eliminate typical mistakes like broken links, misspellings, and consistency issues.


This tool allows you to define content policies and monitor whether or not these are followed on your website. Policies can cover content, media files, style and branding. Several policies created by Siteimprove and Marketing and Communications are available to all users by default, but you can create new policies that are specific to your content.


The accessibility tool checks your website against the most current WCAG accessibility guidelines. This tool provides a complete overview of potential accessibility issues found on your pages, and clear explanations of how they may affect users, as well as specific recommendations on how to fix them.

Some accessibility issues require developer access and will be monitored and addressed as needed by Marketing and Communications.


QA, policy and accessibility insights are organized in easy to use reports that can help you save time, streamline content management, and identify opportunities for optimization. For instance, Siteimprove can be configured to send you monthly broken links, misspellings or policy-based reports via email.

Request access to Siteimprove for your WordPress site.