CFP [Due – Sept 30]: Cultural Geographies without Hierarchy

Disability Studies: Cultural Geographies without Hierarchy

The College English Association—Caribbean Chapter, a gathering of scholar-teachers in English, welcomes proposals for presentations (20-minute papers) for our 2015 annual conference which will be held at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez  on 12-13 March 2015. The topic is Disability Studies. We welcome papers that investigate the cultural, social and political interactions of the humanities (arts, language and literature) and technology, as they relate to the conceptualizing Dis/Ability.

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CFP [Due – Nov 1]: Movement practice(s)

Interface journal call for papers: Movement practice(s)

Issue 7/1 (May 2015), deadline November 1 2014

Theme editors: Cal Andrews, Laurence Cox, Lesley Wood

The May 2015 issue of the open-access, online, copyleft academic/activist journal Interface: a journal for and about social movements invites contributions from activists and scholars on the theme of “how we do activism”. We are particularly seeking scholarly articles, biographies, self-portraits, and practice notes that address one or more of the following: Continue reading

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Call for Peer Reviewers: Feral Feminisms

Feral Feminisms needs Peer Reviewers! We are looking for reviewers in all areas but are especially in need of reviewers with knowledge in the following areas: feminist pedagogy, methodologies, the body, affect, and sexualities. We also require reviewers who can review art-based and poetry submissions as well as submissions in French.

Feral Feminisms welcomes involvement from individuals at various career stages within academia and beyond and particularly encourages graduate student participation. No previous experience is required.

If you are interested in acting as a peer reviewer, please contact the Managing Editor(s) with a 100-word bio indicating your areas of specialization and interest.

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CFP [Due – Nov 10]: Voices from the Margins

Call for Chapter Proposals

Voices from the Margins: Conversations About Schooling, Social Justice and Diversity

Editors: Sonya Singer and Mary Jane Harkins, Faculty of Education, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, NS, B3L 1R9

Proposal Format: Chapter proposals should be 400 words and detail author affiliation and contact information. Please submit proposals as Microsoft Word attachments in Times New Roman, 12 Font.

Proposals are due by November 10, 2014.

Book Overview: Today there is a critical need for educators to be prepared to teach an increasingly diverse student population.  Social justice is an umbrella term that is used in a multiplicity of ways and defined by a range of perspectives.  Studies of, and interactions with, issues of social justice deepen our understanding of our sense of place within the communities and the worlds in which we live.  We invite researchers, educators, graduate students, as well as community and global activists to share their voices in this ever-evolving conversation around schooling, social justice and diversity.

Completed chapters should be between 4,500 and 6,000 words (excluding references).  Thank you in advance for considering this invitation.  We hope to hear from you soon.

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CFP [Due – Nov 28]: Monsters, monstrosity and blood

Monsters and the Monstrous Journal | In The Blood

The Call

This themed issue on the Monsters and Monstrosity Journal focuses on the connections between monsters, monstrosity and blood. In terms of the nature and physicality of blood itself, as a carrier of disease and contagion but also a conduit of genetic, ideological and memorial encoding.

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CFP [Due – Jan 15]: Journal of Industrial Ecology

The Journal of Industrial Ecology is pleased to announce a call for papers for a special issue on Linking Local Consumption to Global Impacts. (Details)

Guest Editors: Klaus Hubacek, University of Maryland College Park; Kuishuang Feng, University of Maryland College Park; Bin Chen, Beijing Normal University; Shigemi Kagawa, Kyushu University

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CFP [Due – Oct 31]: Rethinking Prefigurative Politics

Journal of Social and Political Psychology

Special Thematic Section: Rethinking Prefigurative Politics
Guest Editors: Jan Haaken, Flora Cornish, Catherine Campbell, Sharon Jackson, Liora Moskovitz
Full details…

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Witnessing the PSF | Sherri Vansickle


I would like to thank Dr. Raddon and Dr. Hirsch for selecting me to be one of the Transdisciplinary Witnesses to the Peoples’ Social Forum in Ottawa.  It was quite a journey.

I immediately decided that I wanted to take this opportunity to expand my vocabulary and worldview around a variety of social justice issues.  A plethora of activities, movies, and speakers provided me with an almost overwhelming wealth of opportunities to grow in my knowledge and understanding of how social justice looks, tastes, sounds, smells and feels.  Because I was there for the whole experience I tried things that I would normally not try.  I also did my best to learn about and support our First Nations brothers and sisters in their struggles from coast to coast to coast.

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Talk [Oct 27]: The Beyond Bullying Project

The Beyond Bullying Project: Stories of Youth, Sexuality, and Schooling

Drs. Jessica Fields (San Francisco State University) and Jen Gilbert (York University)

Location: Sankey Chamber
Date: Oct. 27, 2014 from 10:30-12 noon

Conversations about LGBTQ youth in the United States and Canada tend to focus on preventing anti-LGBTQ bullying. The Beyond Bullying Project provokes new ways of inviting, understanding, and imagining sexualities to flourish in schools. Storytelling booths were set up in three racially diverse, American high schools. Students, teachers, administrators and community members were asked to enter this private space and to tell their stories about LGBTQ sexuality or gender, generating over 400 stories about friendship, family, love, culture and the ordinary trials of living your life in school. These stories push against the sole equation of LGBTQ sexuality and bullying and asking for these stories intervenes in the institutional and informal ways sexuality often resides in schools.

This talk is offered as part of the Child and Youth Studies Colloquium Series and co-sponsored by Social Justice and Equity StudiesWomen’s and Gender Studies, and the Social Justice Research Institute.

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SJRI Affiliates Elected to Royal Society of Canada | Brock News

English Language and Literature professor Elizabeth Sauer is among 90 fellows elected this year to the Royal Society of Canada. One of the country’s foremost scholars of John Milton and 17th-century literature, Sauer earlier this year published “Milton, Toleration and Nationhood“. Sauer’s definitive book arose from her 2009 Killam Research Fellowship, a prestigious award bestowed by the Canada Council for the Arts. Read full article…

Canada’s top academic body has elected Canada Research Chair in Multiliteracies Jennifer Rowsell to its inaugural College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. Rowsell will now be able to share her research and connect with others doing similar work on a national scale as one of the newest members of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC).

“This is an important moment in the history of the Royal Society of Canada,” said RSC President Graham Bell. “The College is Canada’s first national system of multidisciplinary recognition for the emerging generation of leaders.” Read full article…

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