Author Archives: Rachel Hirsch

CFP [Due – Jan 31]: Social Movements and Contentious Politics

Conference Announcement: Call for Papers and Workshop Participants The Comparative Politics Student Group presents: “Social Movements and Contentious Politics: Theories and Methods of Local Protest and Global Activism“ 7-8 March 2015, Multifaith Centre, University of Toronto Since the turn of … Continue reading

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Geography Talk [Jan 23]: Feminist-Intersectional Analysis of Urban Spaces in a Neoliberal Era

MA Geography Speaker Series A Feminist-Intersectional Analysis of Urban Spaces in a Neoliberal Era:  Emerging Subjects and Subjectivities Dr. Ebru Ustundag Department of Geography, Brock University Friday January 23, 2:00-4:00, MC C405 (light refreshments will be served) Abstract: Over the last … Continue reading

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Call for Applications [Closes Feb 4]: Young Workers and Youth Activist Training Program

Taking Charge of Change Applications are open for Winter 2015! Taking Charge of Change (TCC) is an intensive eight-week activist training program for young workers and youth activists (age 30 and under) who want to lead, build and organize for change. … Continue reading

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Witnessing Transdisciplinarity in St. Catharines | Rachel Hirsch

Art, Archives and Affinities: Exploring Social Justice across Disciplinary Boundaries A public event hosted by the Social Justice Research Institute (SJRI) “Art, Archives, and Affinities” was held at the Mahtay Café Thursday, December 4, 2014 in downtown St. Catharines to celebrate … Continue reading

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Student Funding Opportunity [$4500+] | Office of Research Services

Brock Research Ventures The Opportunity Introduction ‘Research Ventures’ is a stream within the new Brock ‘match of minds’ program, the latter being a co-curricular program available to all Brock students, with the aim of providing them with research experiences at … Continue reading

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SJRI Co-Sponsored Talk [Jan 20]: Indian Policies and the Anishinaabeg Borderlands

White Facing: Indian Policies, State Growth, and the Anishinaabeg in the Upper Great Lakes’ Borderlands Guest Presentation by Karl Hele Director, First People’s Studies, Concordia University Member of the Garden River First Nation of Anishinaabeg Date | January 20, 2015 … Continue reading

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CFP [Submissions Open – Jan 19]: Visible Evidence

Visible Evidence, the international conference on documentary film and media, now in its 22nd year, will convene August 19-23rd, 2015 in Toronto, Canada. Hosted by the Cinema Studies Institute, University of Toronto; the School of Image Arts, Ryerson University; and … Continue reading

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CFP [Due – Jan 12]: What comes after extinction?

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s Center for 21st Century Studies (C21) presents… C21’s Spring Conference: After Extinction What comes after extinction? In ongoing debates about the anthropocene, the question of extinction is very much present, in relation both to the anthropogenic Sixth Extinction … Continue reading

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CFP [Due – Jan 12]: OPIRG-Toronto Winter Conference

OPIRG-Toronto is hosting a winter conference, where students and community members can present research, campaigns and/or papers on work related to social and environmental justice. Check out the callout for proposals below! DEADLINE FOR PROPOSALS EXTENDED TO JANUARY 12, 2015! … Continue reading

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CFP [Due – Jan 31]: 2015 Society for Socialist Studies Conference

Society for Socialist Studies Conference at Congress 2015 The theme of the 2015 CFHSS Congress is ‘Capital Ideas.’ The theme of the 2015 Society for Socialist Studies Conference is Kapital Ideas: analysis, critique, praxis.  Join us for four days of wide … Continue reading

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