Brian Power

Vice-Provost, and Associate Vice-President, Academic and Deputy Provost

Brian E. Power became Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Academic in July 2018 and reports to the Provost and Vice-President, Academic. He is a member of Brock’s Senior Administrative Council and the Strategic Academic Leadership Team and serves on the Council of Academic Deans and numerous Senate and administrative committees and working groups, representing the Provost when required. He was granted the additional designation of Deputy Provost in 2023.

As an advisor to the Provost, the position of Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President, Academic focuses primarily on academic program quality assurance (including all cyclical reviews, new program proposals, program discontinuations and major modifications). It provides vision, leadership, and support to the University in all aspects of Brock’s Institutional Quality Assurance Processes (IQAP), serving as the University’s key contact for quality assurance both internally and externally (with the Ontario Universities Council on Quality Assurance and the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.)

The position also administratively supports annual Faculty processes such as tenure and promotion, faculty member annual reports, and academic leaves, as well as the Academic Integrity Advisory Committee (AIAC) which oversees the administration of Brock’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Power has also served Brock as Associate Dean (Student Affairs & Curriculum) of the Faculty of Humanities (2012-2018), and as Chair of the Department of Music (2005-2011). He first joined Brock in 1995 as an Instructor in the Department of Music, completed his PhD in Musicology at the University of Toronto in 1999, and was appointed Associate Professor with tenure in 2003 and Professor in 2017. He is an early music scholar, choral and solo tenor, and violinist. Outside of Brock, he is a member of the editorial board of Intersections: Canadian Journal of Music/Revue Canadienne de Musique and is past Chair of the Standing Committee of Institutional Members of the Canadian University Music Society/Société de musique des universités canadiennes.